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RE: #walkwithme: A day in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Street art, trees, the ocean and chickens ;)

in #walkwithme6 years ago

That view is amazing from the pool!!!

Must say the chickens everywhere still gets me when you post. Shouldn't surprise me anymore, but in and out of a

And seriously the tree in the middle of the road is to funny. That would be a great way to keep people on their side of the street. Forget stripping the road, just plant a row of trees every 40 feet give or take.


The view is spectacular!! And trust me, he pays for it haha

Right!! The chickens lol I'm still not used to it. I am however used to cats and dogs running or being inside restaurants, or outside at restaurant patios. It's interesting because most people take terrible care of their pets here, but they seem to be allowed to roam wherever they want. I haven't quite figured it all out yet!

There are trees like that all over the place. The one at the end of our street, a car can barely get around. It is right smack in the middle, parallel with the stop sign. (I should do a post just on trees in the streets haha) I think the tree 'thing' is mostly due to the "good enough" attitude I see with construction here. I was at a new restaurant the other day, went to the washroom, and the tap fixtures were merely set in the pre-drilled holes in the sink, but there were no fittings securing it all. Good enough ;)

"Good Enough for government work" is always what I like to say when I see half ass work. Do part of the job and everyone should be happy that something got done.

You should do the post with the trees for sure. Know I'd like to see it.

The view is spectacular!! And trust me, he pays for it haha

I'm guessing he doesn't pay anything near what it would cost in the States to have a view like that. But costs are all relative. And at least you get to enjoy it! I have multiple friends with lake houses...we get to visit and enjoy them without having the expenses of the house, boats, wave runners and so forth. Sure we pitch in for gas and cover food & booze while we visit, but that is nothing compared to the overhead of a place like that.

haha "Good Enough for government work" is awesome!

I started taking more photos of the trees today; it's amazing to me just how many there are when I started looking!

So true..way easier just to pitch in, then move on...all the fun, none of the responsibility! :)

..all the fun, none of the responsibility! :)

That sounds like how Grandparents feel...lmao. My kids are staying over at "Grumpa's" tonight, that is my Wife's Father. Gave him the nickname Grumpa since he is the Grumpy Grandpa. But he is also the one that will let the kids get away with staying up way to late and run them ragged tomorrow to then return them exhausted and pissy. He got the fun and then dump the responsibility on us.

BTW, if you didn't see my most recent post I'm trying to move along the contest idea. Know we hadn't chatted, but wanted to get something out today and happened to hit 300 followers as I was logging in trying to think about what to post. Really leaning towards making this a weekly contest with 2 winners each week to give it a chance to grow over that time vs being a one and done. Anyways take a look at the ideas people have given so far when you get a chance.

Oh shoot! I just saw this and will make my way there now!

haha grumpy! Of course, they can do what they want...they've already gone through all the bs of parenting. I think it's a bit of payback ;)

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