~ 83 ~ Walk With Me to Spy on the Motherflockers

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

@SeaReader1 asked me today about her and @DaveDickeyYall's godchicken, Alfalfa...


I promised to get some new photos of Alfalfa today, and here she is, in all her one-tiny-single-afro-feathered glory!


145th bad hair day in a row...I'm in rough shape.

And did you see who was with Alfalfa? None other than The Punisher!

There she is, trying to look nonchalant while she plots taking over the world, and enslaving us all, she's pecking that grass but really she's imagining it's @hendrix22's scalp.


But Sometimes

The Punisher



Mr. Pendock...Nooooooooo!


Seriously Mr. Pendock?...Right on the front lawn where there could be children walking by? No shame I tell ya,
no shame.


And just look at Hercules, and the longing in his eyes! He hopes to grow up and be as much of a man as Mr. Pendock is one day, Punishing the Punisher in broad daylight out on the front lawn.


Dawn King's just glad it wasn't her turn this time.

Time to make myself invisible...



And Buddy is happy to be left out. She's small, has a hobbled walk, and a scissor beak, I've never seen her be mated yet by any of the roosters. She doesn't seem bothered in the least.

John Cena


Maybe if I hide in these brambles Mr. Pendock won't see me, it's a very violent and embarrassing three seconds.

Our Front Door Sign


#FoodIsFree #GrowFoodNotLawns still going strong. I'm happy for all the free fertilizer that the girls give us too. If you're not already following @foodisfree, they're here on the Steem Blockchain so get on it :) Tis the season of planning our #foodisfree gardens for this year!


Out to the Ocean

Briefly though, there is a very harsh and biting wind coming off that icy water today...the closer to the water I get,
the worse it gets.





Back Inside


Our boot room windows are getting some beautiful looking ice on them.



It May Be Cold Out There...

But fuck it.
Because I have cookies, that's why.


Thank you for coming on another #WalkWithMe, I hope you enjoyed today's shots! I'd like to go on a walk where you live too, so if you get out there for one, take a few pics, and post about your walk using the tag "walkwithme". I'll check the tag regularly to upvote and give encouragement. Let's earn Steem by getting fresh air and fitness together!

Here are a few of today's walks by Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them!

See life through their eyes.

Walk with Me in the Snow... A hike on private property in the Missouri Ozarks! By @melodyrussell

Felt like Spring is here. I'm so excited. My first walk this year on the running track. Come and join me. #Gratefulvibes #Walkwithme By @joalvarez

Walk with me in my little garden By @war-tp

The Virgin Forest and the River is Amazing By @azizpase

Walk with me - Kwazulu Natal Association of Arts By @artywink

An Incredible Famous "Re-Discovery" The largest in the ENTIRE WORLD! By @bluelightbandit

Walk With Me - A stroll through the woods with Jordanna - Portrait Photography By @domioanna

Walk With Me #5 - Activity In Traditional Markets That Never Deserted By @madamuhammad

Walk With Me as I introduce my village to STEEMIT... By @lidiasteem




What no Darth Layer! 😱
Hopefully off somewhere trying to put down the rebellion! 😂
That Mr Pendock looks like tough SOB, he wouldn't want to try that shit with Darth Layer or he'll feel the full weight of the Dark Side.
Thanks for the motherclucking update Lyndsay ❤️

Darth is always off somewhere suspicious when I'm out with my camera the little brat!! I'll have to go hunt her down today, she's most likely avoiding Pendock...

LOL! My favorite in the bunch is Buddy! The unlayable! Awww, bless her little chicken heart. Somehow I can relate to that, being unmatable and being totally cool with it! Life really doesn't have to be about procreating when you've got all these alpha jerks handling all of that for us (right on the front lawn!)

Hahahaha, what am I talking about? I'm recognizing my experience of life in your flock of chickens!

Is there an on/off or reset switch for my brain anywhere? I can't seem to find it but I think my brain is on the blue screen of death right now!

On a more serious note, I did not know that you were homesteading! Praise be unto you Lyndsay! This is also my dream someday!

As soon as I have a few hundred thousand dollars saved up I'll be purchasing land on an island and starting the commune! As much as I can't wait for that phase of my life, it's important to remind myself that the present is equally full of fun and opportunity!

Gotta remind myself not to grow up too fast! I just started my twenties and I already want to retire into Gaia's sweet bossom and become a hermit of mystical proportions lol! Chilllll Hae-Joo!

And keep up the good work spreading the "food not lawns" message! <3

Peace and love Lynds!!

Thank you for loving Buddy, d'awwww...she needs all the love and good vibes she can get xoxoxo She's a very special chicken <3 <3 <3

I hope your dreams of homesteading and building a sustainable community come true! I hope STEEM can play a big part in that. <3 <3 <3

I really enjoyed this post!! Your commentary about each chicken is so funny :) If I was Buddy, I don’t think I’d be bothered either!

Thanks so much for getting a kick out of this, Buddy is definitely alright with her lot in life :) Nice and peaceful, just how she likes it.

Seriously Mr. Pendock?...Right on the front lawn where there could be children walking by? No shame I tell ya,
no shame.

Hahaha....... Nature takes its full course and the cycle of life continues. Do they get to have chicks or you keep them for just their eggs?
The blue skies are a delight any time, anyday and I am gazing into one right now...... On your post.
Thank you ma for sharing

We do let them hatch babies, in the warmer weather. Lately we have to give the chicks away to neighbours though because we have too many chickens as it is :)

You have quite the flock, Lyndsay! Mr. Pendock has no shame! No manners at all. Frost on the windows is pretty. But those cookies look amazing! Time for coffee?

Thanks Ceci <3 <3 And yes, please, it's always time for coffee over here :)

I was checking my feed and couldn't believe I miss this walk. No wonder I feel stiff from lacking exercise. ;-)

I like your front door sign! I also like those beautiful looking ice on your boot room windows! Enjoy your sunny days and stay warm, my friend. xoxo <3

Man if you added some voice bubbles I think you could turn the lives of our feathered friends into a comic strip .. I'd buy a copy!! lol The drama, the intrigue, the affairs .. actually I may be getting carried away .. but in my defence I'm unwinding with a couple of glasses of wine! lol

But seriously as I always I'm loving life through your eyes, loving your little slice of heaven. And those cookies look so good I can almost taste them! Great post as always @lyndsaybowes

Please DO get carried away! HAHAA Yess, I love it <3 <3 <3 I will have to try a shot at #chickenbitches the dramatic comic book. Enjoy your Vino <3 <3 Bless!

You have quite a brood there.... Alfalfa, Mr pendock, the punisher, buddy , Dawn king, and it all makes me want to start a little of my own but living in a city does have its bad side.
Those cookies Hmmm....... I can smell them from afar... Looks crunchiest.
@foodisfree? Will definitely check them out.
Thank you so much for taking me on a walk

I wish that you could have a flock of your own one day, the city won't let you? Because of the noise, or the smell? It's too bad :(

@foodisfree is a project, where people give away to their neighbours, any extra food that they grow :) It is in 500 cities now I believe :) :) Anyone can start one in their community.

you are a great guy.......i am very happy that i have a friend like you


Oh no...??? But let them continue their offspring to let their families live. ha ha ha ...
So, do not be bothered @lyndsaybowes

I will try to live and let live haha! Thank you for writing me dear <3 xoxo

Looove this #walkwithme . Maybe start a #walkwithchickens tag, lol. That sweet little Buddy just melts my heart. You do such a great job conveying all of their wonderful personalities. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face....oh and thank the chickens too :)

I'm so glad I could make you smile @mle777 <3 Bless you for your sense of humour! xoxoxo

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