Sunshine Smoothie - 6 Tips for the Perfect Creaminess

in #vegan5 years ago (edited)

For a smoothie to taste awesome, it needs the full creaminess. I've been there before, the ingredients sound so great together but the final product is clumpy or thin. After almost 6 years of smoothie experience the right texture is no longer a mystery for me but the result of a few simple guidelines. Let me share with you a few tips how to get a great smoothie texture without having to go through six years of smoothie making. 

6 Tips for Perfect Creaminess

BASE: Use really ripe bananas as a base. Alternatively, sweet mangos can also work very well as a creamy staple of your smoothie. 

FROZEN: By adding frozen fruits like berries, the smoothie gets a slight ice cream texture - sooo good. You can also freeze some bananas for your mixture and add fresh ones to keep the smoothie liquid or go all frozen and make some nice cream.

WATER: Add only as much water as needed to get the blender running. This way your smoothie will be thick and creamy and not too thin.

GREENS: Putting some greens (e.g. kale, spinach) in your smoothie is a great idea but make sure not to overdue it or the texture might suffer. Usually 1 cup greens on 4 bananas is a save ratio to keep your creaminess. I often add even more depending on the other ingredients as well as the softness of the greens. 

FRUITS: Some fruits create a more coarse texture like citrus fruits with the pith still on it, pineapple or apple. You don't want to use too much of these or juice them before adding to the smoothie. Softer fruits such as peaches, grapes or dragonfruit usually can’t hurt the creaminess itself but might thin out the smoothie due to their higher water content. You then just need to add less water to balance it. 

BLENDER: A high-speed blender definitely makes a difference. If you are still bond to a regular one, no worries. You might want to put extra effort into ripe produce then and leave out any fruits that are not as creamy, e.g. apples or pineapple as mentioned above.

Sunshine Smoothie Recipe

Of course, I won't send you on your way without some inspiration how such a creamy smoothie could look like: 

  • 4 frozen bananas 
  • 1 mango
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 hand full of mint

Since grapefruit adds a certain bitterness to the mixture, you might want to juice the oranges and grapefruit before adding them. This can take out some of the bitter taste since the white pith also carry some of it. If you have no gadget for juicing them, you can simply squeeze out the juice with your hands. And for those of you who like the bitter twist and don't want to miss out on the extra nutrients in the pith, just peel them and throw the oranges and grapefruit in the blender as a whole. 

By the way, when using a blender always put in the more juicy ingredients first (oranges, grapefruit) and then add denser ones (mango, bananas). 

Now, are you ready to create your own creamy creation?

🍎 This post is taking part in the wonderful Fruits and Veggies Monday competition from @lenasveganliving.

Stay curious and enjoy your day!  


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The smoothie really is at it's best when it's like ice cream!

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Oh yes, just had one with frozen bananas, frozen blackberries and spirulina - so good.

Delicious healthy treat for real food lovers - yumyumyum

That is perfectly creamy, just the way I like it! Really great advise my Dear Anais! Even something simple like a smoothie needs a trick or two, to make it irresistible 🥭🌿 🍊

Thank you, Lena! Through our travels we often came across restaurants offering smoothies with a bad texture so apparently some people can benefit from a few tips. 😉

Always a pleasure Anais. I guess it can be tricky when you travel, you never know what you gone get, lol. There is nothing like homemade smoothie 💚🌿💚

So true. But now we are staying in Australia for longer and bought a really good blender - so much fun creating new recipes with this one. 😄

Oh yes, good blender is the key! 😉

Wow looks really good, throw in a tiny bit of kefir for extra creaminess.

Posted using Partiko Android

I like to keep it plant-based and also leave out any fats from my smoothies. If we only consume fats for dinner time, our liver can detox and cleanse over the day which can be very powerful for natural healing and longterm health. 🙌🏻

Good thanks for share tips

Posted using Partiko Android

Always a pleasure to spread some healthy vibes!

Now I'm craving a banana mango smoothie. Sounds delicious! I have a tendency to overload my smoothie with greens, so my friends often make fun of my grassy smoothies, haha. I don't mind them, but a super creamy smoothie really hits the spot even more!

I also prefer green ones over just fruity smoothies - gives it a much more round taste in my opinion. But when I was just starting out with smoothies, any green leaf was too much for my taste buds. :D

Totally agree! I am still scarred by a particularly potent one where I accidentally put in a huge handful of spicy mustard greens. It was so spicy I couldn't drink it, haha!

Aii, this also happens to me if I try new greens and don't test them before throwing them in. :D

Fascinating to see how other people do it. LOL. WE used to run a juice and smoothie bar here in Thailand. Pro Tip? A tablespoon or two of extra virgin coconut oil adds an incredible smooth texture to everything, as well as a super nutrient hit. :)

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Oh yes, I bet it brings the texture to the next level!

Nevertheless, I like to keep any fats for dinner and leave them out of my smoothies. Fruits don't combine so well with fats making proper digestion and absorption of nutrients more difficult. Apart form that, eating fat-free meals during the day gives the liver a well-deserved rest which can be used for proper healing. A great little habit to detoxify without going on a more intense cleanse. ;)


Awesome, thank you so much!! 🙌🏻😄

Always a pleasure Dear Anais 🍊😍🥭

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