@utopian-io: Contribution/Score/Moderator/Vote Analysis - 6th - 12th April 2018

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

This is an analysis of the Contribution types, Scores, Moderators, and @utopian-io votes for the 6th - 12th April 2018 inclusive.


General / Assumptions

  1. Contributions Summary

  2. Categories in focus

  3. All contribution Types

  4. Contribution Scoring

  5. Moderator/Community Manager Statistics

  6. Summary Analysis

  7. Tools used to gather data and compile report



@utopian-io is the open source project for open source projects, housed on the Steem Blockchain.

Currently, @utopian.io holds 3.6 million Steem power through delegations from its kind sponsors.

To become a sponsor and view the current standings visit https://utopian.io/sponsors

This report is an analysis of the number and type of contributions sent for review, and the success/fail rate of each contribution type.

Recent reports of this type are listed here.

OCT 2017: October 2017

NOV 2017: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

DEC 2017: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

JAN 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5

FEB 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

MAR 2018: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4

APRIL 2018: Week 1

I will aim to provide this report on a weekly basis, with a look at the previous weeks data and more historical data to compare and contrast.

This will allow contributors and employees of utopian.io to keep in touch with how the platform is progressing with regards to approval percentages and number of Contribution Types being submitted.

1. Contributions Summary

For the week, 6th - 12th April 2018 inclusive, the SteemSQL DataBase holds a total of 763 potential contributions to utopian-io. This is 118 fewer contributions than the previous weeks' total which was 881.


293 of these contributions have been approved, 54 fewer than the previous weeks' total of 347.

1 contribution has been approved but has not received a vote.

The approval percentage of 38% is a 1% fall from the previous week.

The Contributions offered can be any one of the following types:


Note: 'Translation' contributions are currently on hold.

This weeks data, split into Contribution types is shown in the pie chart below:


The 'Bug-hunting' contributions category is the largest this week with 37% of all contributions.
This is a 9% increase on the previous week, in which 'Ideas/Suggestions' were the largest contributor. This week, 'Ideas/Suggestions' falls back to 2nd place with 31% of all contributions, down 4% from the previous week.

'Development' contributions are a new entry into 3rd spot this week, forming 11% of all contributions - gaining 1% of the share since last week.

These three largest categories account for over three-quarters (79%) of all contributions offered.

2 Categories in focus

In this section we take a look a few of the individual contribution types of interest.

A full list of contribution types is listed further below with associated figures and analysis.

'Bug-Hunting' - Approvals / Rejections

The 'Bug-Hunting' category is now the largest contribution category to utopian-io and contributions rose by 33 over the previous week.

As we can see from the chart below, the contribution totals for each week have remained fairly steady for the past 4 weeks, and the rise to the most popular category is likely due to the reduction of contributions in other categories.


'Ideas/Suggestions' which held the market share for the past month fell back into 2nd place as the number of contributions to the category fell 71 from the previous week

The approval percentage for 'Bug-Hunting' tells a different story to the solid contribution figures as this % has declined quite rapidly over the past 6 weeks.


This decline is picture in the chart above which, apart from the last week in March, a consistent decline in approval rates. 24% has been sliced of the approval % in this time period, which does look quite concerning for the category.

'Development' - Approvals / Rejections

A week rarely passes without the 'Development' category setting new records, and this week is no different at the category sees an approval percentage of 91%.


This is an excellent figure and one for the contributors to the 'Development' category to be proud of. As an added bonus, this week the recently declining submission count has risen by 3 to 87.

3. All contribution types

The following table shows all types and totals of contributions submitted, with their approval percentage in the end column.


In the same week as the 'Development' category bettered a 90% approval percentage, 'Video-Tutorials' scored an even higher figure which is just shy of 93%. However, only 14 contributions were submitted for this category, a new low in recent times.

'Ideas/Suggestions' only achieved a 22% approval percentage, an 8% fall on the previous week. As discussed earlier, this is on the back of 71 fewer contributions this time.

With an 80% approval percentage, 'Analysis' looks to be in a good position, but this week only 5 contributions were submitted for this category, a new low since the project began in earnest late last year.

4. Contribution Scoring

A new section this week following recent changes to the contribution review process.

From a recent @utopian-io update:

Adding a score to a contribution can be done by either a moderator and project owner. Scoring is not mandatory, thus not every contribution may get a score. All contributions are immediately rewardable by the community as they enter the feeds immediately without moderators having to accept.

The score is used internally by the system to filter contributions in order to have a cleaner database of contents, for the benefit of contributors, project owners and curators.

It is true that contributions which have no score won't ever get an Utopian upvote thus remarking the fact the Utopian upvote is never guaranteed.

This data will be collected starting this week, and in future 'Scores' will be analysed against previous results.

From the datasheet below, we can see that the Scores range from 1 - 100.


6 categories received the highest score, whilst submissions in 'Development' and 'Ideas' received the lowest score of 1.

'Ideas' averaged the lowest Scores of the more popular categories with 25.


It is worth mentioning that this week, every contribution with a positive score (and reviewed = 'true') received a @utopian-io vote.

5. Moderator/Community Manager Statistics

Another new section in this analysis is a look at how the Moderators and Community Managers are doing with regards to moderating and contributing to utopian-io. Again, this data will be compiled starting this week and summary analysis will take place once a more complete set of data is gathered.

Moderator Reviews



4 Moderators approved 100% of the contributions they reviewed this week, while 2 moderators passed fewer than 10% of the submissions they looked over. One of these moderators accepted 0 from 2 reviews, but perhaps the strictest reviewer was the one accepting only 8 from a total of 88.

Moderator Contributions



18 out of 21 contributions put forward by moderators were approved this week - 86%

Community Manager Reviews



2 Community Managers approved 100% of the submissions they reviewed within this data set.

The strictest Community Manager passed 0 from 7 contributions.

Community Manager Contributions


3 from 3 contributions submitted by Community Managers were approved this week.

6. Summary Analysis

This week, the number of contributions has fallen yet again. This marks another year low in totals, both submitted and approved.


The number of approved contributions this week is down almost 90% from the total accepted in the final week of January. From 2747 accepted contributions, down to 292 in 11 weeks - wow!


Over the past week there has been some hope that the price of the token is stabilizing, and if this is the case we could expect the contribution totals to level off at around 800 - 100 for the coming weeks.

The recent stabilization in STEEM price has not been enough to keep the contribution totals above 800, and this analyst continues to scratch his head and wonder when these numbers are going to stop falling.

This weeks' approval percentage is only slightly lower than the previous week, which gained 3.5% on the week prior to that.


The past 3 weeks' percentages have been closely tied, but on average, are 30% lower than those achieved at the beginning of March.


The contribution total, accepted contributions, and the approval percentage all fell this week.

'Development' performed excellently along with 'Video-Tutorials' which both gained approval percentages of over 90%.

7. Tools used to gather this data and compile report

The charts used to present the data were produced using MS Excel.

The data is sourced from SteemSQL - A publicly available SQL database with all the blockchain data held within.

The SQL queries to extra to the data have been produced in both SQL Server Personal Edition and LINQPAD 5. Some of the code used for these results is as follows:


-- TAGS and Authors
Declare @permlink Varchar(2000)
Declare @author Varchar(50)
Declare @contributionType Varchar(50)
Declare @moderator Varchar(50)
Declare @reviewed_approved Varchar(50)
Declare @flagged Varchar(50)
Declare @score int
Declare @influence int
Declare @staffpick Varchar(50)
Declare @utopian_vote Varchar(50)
Declare @sql_vote Varchar(50)
Declare @weight int
Declare @created datetime


SELECT [permlink]
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.type') as contribution_type
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.moderator.account') as moderator
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.moderator.reviewed') as reviewed_approved
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.moderator.flagged') as flagged
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.score') as score
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.total_influence') as influence
      ,JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.staff_pick') as staff_pick
      ,"Utopian_vote" = 
     WHEN JSON_QUERY([active_votes],'$') like '%utopian-io%' THEN 'Yes'
     ELSE 'No'
  , null as SQL_VOTE
  , null as [WEIGHT]
FROM [SQL.STEEMSQL.COM].[DBSteem].[dbo].[Comments] WITH (NOLOCK)
created BETWEEN '04/06/2018 00:00:00' AND '04/12/2018 23:59:59' 
and parent_author = '' and depth = 0 and category = 'utopian-io' and JSON_VALUE([json_metadata],'$.type') IS NOT NULL
order by contribution_type, [created] asc

INTO  @permlink, @author, @contributionType, @moderator, @reviewed_approved, @flagged, @score, @influence, @staffpick, @utopian_vote, @sql_vote, @weight, @created 


Insert into utopian_authors_april_2018_week2
SELECT @permlink, @author, @contributionType, @moderator, @reviewed_approved, @flagged, @score, @influence, @staffpick, @utopian_vote, NULL, NULL, @created

INTO @permlink, @author, @contributionType, @moderator, @reviewed_approved, @flagged, @score, @influence, @staffpick, @utopian_vote, @sql_vote, @weight, @created 





Declare @permlink Varchar(2000)
Declare @author varchar(50)
Declare @weight int

SELECT permlink, author, WEIGHT from utopian_authors_april_2018_week2 FOR UPDATE OF WEIGHT

INTO  @permlink, @author, @weight


UPDATE [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2]
SET WEIGHT = (select TOP 1 [weight] FROM [SQL.STEEMSQL.COM].[DBSteem].[dbo].[Txvotes] 
WHERE [voter] = 'utopian-io' 
and [permlink]+[author] = @permlink+@author 
ORDER BY [timestamp] desc)


INTO @permlink, @author, @weight




UPDATE  [SteemSQL].[dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2]

UPDATE  [SteemSQL].[dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2]


-- TO DO

select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] -- 763 (881)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] where SQL_VOTE = 'Yes' -- 293 (347)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] where SQL_VOTE = 'No' and reviewed_approved = 'false'  -- 469 (534)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] where SQL_VOTE = 'No' and reviewed_approved = 'true' -- 1 (Approved not voted)
select * from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] where SQL_VOTE = 'Yes' and reviewed_approved = 'false' -- 2! (Approved but later rejected)

select contribution_type as Category, reviewed_approved as Approved from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2]
where contribution_type is not NULL
order by [contribution_type] asc

select contribution_type, count(contribution_type) from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2]
where reviewed_approved = 'true'
group by [contribution_type]
order by [contribution_type] asc



select contribution_type, 
max(cast(score as INT)) as max_score,
min(cast(score as INT)) as min_score, 
avg(cast(score as INT)) as avg_score 
from [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2]
where reviewed_approved = 'true'
group by contribution_type



 SELECT author,
    --  count(author) as total,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1     
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1 
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto
  where author in (select name from [dbo].[mods])
  group by author


 SELECT moderator,
    --  count(moderator) as review_total,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto
  where moderator in (select name from [dbo].[mods])
  group by moderator



 SELECT author,
    --  count(author) as total,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1     
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(author) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1 
        WHERE uto1.author = uto.author and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto
  where author in (select name from [dbo].[cm])
  group by author


 SELECT moderator as Community_manager,
        approved = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved = 'true'),
        rejected = (SELECT COUNT(moderator) FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto1 WHERE uto1.moderator = uto.moderator and reviewed_approved <> 'true')
  FROM [dbo].[utopian_authors_april_2018_week2] uto
  where moderator in (select name from [dbo].[cm])
  group by moderator

This data was compiled on the 17th April 2018 at 10:30am (UCT)


Asher @abh12345

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Well adjusted to the new circumstances! Thanks for digging through the SQL JSON parsing of the meta data - that well also help others (and me, I admit it...) a lot! :D

Need help? Write a ticket on https://support.utopian.io.
Chat with us on Discord.



I didn't crack the active_votes side of things though - went the other way via txvotes.

If someone wants to show us how to pull an array entry out and it's individual items then I'm willing to pay a few STEEM.

e.g. select weight, rshares, etc from active_votes where voter = 'utopian-io'


Hey @crokkon, I just gave you a tip for your hard work on moderation. Upvote this comment to support the utopian moderators and increase your future rewards!

I sometimes only come by to see if you get approved or rejected on this one. Hmm I have yet to see an answer in comment sections unless that has been changed.

I do wonder what their overall target is for number approved each week. While I’m sure they want to keep a high standard if the bar is set to high they start to lose having content being produced. It’s hard to tell if they are simply weeding out the lower effort people who have stopped trying to contribute, or if the weeks of constant decline in the number submitted is an indicator of other things going on.

As always the numbers side of me loves to look at this data. That bug-hunting upswing is rather interesting. Are people simply finding where they can contribute in a meaningful way that gets them approved in this market or was this week just a bug filled week. Will be interesting to see what next week brings.

I always find it interesting with all the bloggers on steemit they have such low submission amount along with a very low approval rate.

It is nice to see something that can take a different kind of effort and skillset to do –video –tutorials. Had such a nice approval rating. While it’s a shame it’s a new low it makes you wonder for those that are active in that category have finally honed their skill to produce quality content.

Once in a while I’ll run into these analysis post and you can really tell that ones you expect to be accepted and the ones that get rejected. Some seem to understand what is being ask of them and others seem to still be struggling to find the kind of quality and effort that is being looked for.

Thanks for dropping by, I don't expect too much action on this one :)

It’s hard to tell if they are simply weeding out the lower effort people who have stopped trying to contribute, or if the weeks of constant decline in the number submitted is an indicator of other things going on.

I think it is a bit of both of the above. The standard does need to go up to gain credibility.

That bug-hunting upswing is rather interesting. Are people simply finding where they can contribute in a meaningful way that gets them approved in this market or was this week just a bug filled week.

The first one :) The 'easiest' most exploitable category at present, in my opinion :D

Video –tutorials. Had such a nice approval rating. While it’s a shame it’s a new low it makes you wonder for those that are active in that category have finally honed their skill to produce quality content.

In the past there were 100s of these submitted each week. Low quality, too much overlap. Rules were changed and now I assume that all of these are of a very good standard.

Once in a while I’ll run into these analysis post and you can really tell that ones you expect to be accepted and the ones that get rejected. Some seem to understand what is being ask of them and others seem to still be struggling to find the kind of quality and effort that is being looked for.

Very much so. It's becoming more of a niche contribution area, but personally I don't mind this. The quality has to be of a good level as the project moves forward, you never know who is looking in :)

Thanks for the comments - one of the best I've has on a utopian post!

look at that code, omg you need to write my queries for me. There does not seem to be many analysis reports anymore going through utopian. I do know there was a lot of rubbish for a while and controls were put in place, but I am disappointed to see only 5 submissions

Yeah I was beavering away all day - still
Not got it how I really want it (see reply to crokkon).

Analysis conts. are really low at present, bit of a shame in some ways, but also good that the standard is seemingly better.

It's gorgeous here today, I'm off out for a cycle 😎

@abh12345 This is a huge analysis about @utopian-io ! Thanks for sharing the progress on all contributions being made via Utopian. Very interesting to see its evolution.

Regards, @gold84

Thanks @gold84

I went all out on this one for sure, they have implemented more features to the moderation process so I thought I'd delve into that.


Great work!

that's pretty a deep analysis buddy !! i really enjoyed your post !! hope that my contribution on @utopian-io gets reviewed in order to start preparing my next contribution :) keep it up !! cheers

Thanks! Took me all day this one! :D

If i had to do it probably it would take me even more !! LOL !! :D

What is your utopian-io area of focus? I'll go see....

i am quite new to the whole ecosystem !! but i love do things DIY in the field of electronics and all kind of tech. I am currently contributing with some tutorials and some other stuff on the project of @techtek called Blinkit which i highly invite you to check. we will be implementing various things on it soon...cheers !!

on the big fall from a long hopefully will be up soon :)

I like it down here ;)

"Um, yeah, great post!", she said, with a glazed look and a big ol' smile :)

I'm sure many understand this Asher, but I won't pretend to be one of them. I can however imagine the time this took to put together, so for that, nice job buddy :) Hope you are getting out and enjoying some sunshine still; I'm proud to say I got a bit of a sunburn today haha

Hi 😁

Thank you, this one took around 9-10 hours as I had to re-do the scripts. But I did get to the beach for a few hours too 😎

Well done on catching some rays yourself!

Wow that long! Hopefully it pays off.

I'm glad you spent some time at the beach. I've reevaluated a bit this week and am spending more time outside and more time with Brian. Steemit will always be here, and I want it to remain fun and not feel like work or pressure. Having said that, I'm still on it daily, but am a bit more focused this week on helping people with my @newbieresteemday or @asapers hats on. We'll see how it all pans out on Sunday, but I feel good about what I'm doing, who I'm helping and the amount of time I'm spending doing it :)

And I'm getting a nice golden tan ;)

Hope you're week is going well Asher!

Hey @abh12345! Thank you for the great work you've done!

We're already looking forward to your next contribution!

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Great analysis and very wonderful
A very special article. I wish you all the best, my dear

This great analysis,i like your post.

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