Steemit blows up my Twitter! More fun times for Sharon at fitinfun

in #twitter7 years ago

steemit working twitter together

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Steemit is a force on Twitter

Steemit has splashed into Twitter. My current twitter friends are most definitely noticing. I had over 5500 contacts before I got to steemit and twitter works well for me. I get about one third of my affiliate income from Twitter. I don't have no busters over there.

Exercise and dance break. We need it!

As you read this, my new steeming friends, remember how happy I am to have you, and look for tips that you feel able to do with engagement. What we bring in numbers, we lag in interaction.

It is not hard to improve, so let's work Twitter together and attract other people to this very cool yet steeming place. I have good content creating friends who are watching what is going on with this twitter explosion and I'm sure most of you do too.

My connections on twitter are 5500+ real people and businesses in about 20 categories on my twitlists. You can see these lists as they are public. My lists might be good leads for some of you maybe. I have a lot of active and engaged friends on twitter especially in travel, social media marketing, art, and health so you will see me rting them the same as I do you.

I'm not the only one. Lots of steemers are good on Twitter and we ALL have great looking content thanks to steemit's fantastic interface with twitter.

Whoa! All these steemers!

All of the sudden a few short weeks ago - Boom! My twitter went nuts thanks to you! I paid attention to adding steemers to my twitlist and started rting from it and what a snowball! My list grows every day as I grow my steemer feed. So do other steemers and then the outside world sees us too. It's fantastic! And will soon be so much better as you will learn below.

When I look at our feed, I see the cool kids. Crypto is hot. Everyone is happy and optimistic and being creative. Even old ladies like me in Thailand with no TV are doing it. People beyond tech-y crypto types are interested. And they are watching us burn up twitter right now so pretend you are on stage.

I'm really excited and here is a recap of 100+ steeming tweeps all blasting into my peaceful twittersphere recently. It hasn't even been a month and it has been thrilling. August is dead in social media but there you all are - working! Instead of 20 notifications I used to get each day - now I can have over 100! WooHoo! Steemers! You are way fun!

Listen up friends

I coach twitter and this is like a group coaching session with goals, results and tips. Get with your team and suit up!

My goal is to entice tweeps into joining us at steemit

please comment below if you think I should change my goal

Here are your tweeting steemit friends

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Over 100 of us!

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Click on each steeming twitlist member and follow them!

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Look! What an interesting feed we have!

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Use this feed to retweet from!

Click the links!

If you are on this steeming twitlist - please sub it and bookmark it and use it! I changed my Twitter landing page to the steemit feed. When I get to twitter now I:

  • land on the steeming tweeps feed
  • page down a few times
  • come back up and like what I like
  • review what I liked and rt some (live and scheduling with buffer, hootsuite, and viraltag)
  • review what I rt'd and click a couple of them - possibly upvote, resteem, promote, or comment

This takes all of 2 minutes
You can easily help your friends and promote steemit too :)

See huge hits on Steemit posts like me!

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Not too good on RT's for all this activity

80% of these rts are from my non-steeming friends

We can do better

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Not good on interaction

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Are we promoting steemit or not!

No link clicks! Link clicks are what gets notice on the internet and Twitter in particular. At least use a link to get back to steemit lol.

At least click in to one or two of these tweets. Get back to steemit and:
Maybe glance at them!
Maybe upvote them!
Maybe comment them!
Maybe follow them!
Maybe share them!

After all, these are steeming tweeps just like you. You might have other things in common too.

Look how easy it is to share from steemit!

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Share two posts a week by other cool steemians that suit your LinkedIn niche and profile. Promote your friends and be an influencer. Share your own posts if they go along with your niche. Do not share off topic in LinkedIn.


Share two posts a week to any of:

  • Your profile
  • Your fb business page
  • Any appropriate fb group - especially on promo day


Tweet the posts you upvote - at least the cool ones :)

I'm very sorry to tell you this but...

My highly prized Twitter engagement ranking is sinking

You big group of active steeming tweeps are changing my metrics!

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Steemit arrived and put me into the red! :(

No engagement....These numbers are very low for so much action

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I know you guys like to engage

Quick steps to engagement

Add a comment as your rt something. "Hey friends, look at this cool thing!"
Reply to replies with good questions or good comments
RT the people who rt you! Don't thank them - rt them

Lets take this huge traffic spike and use it well

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Stop the Likefest!

Like, Like Like, like, like, like, like...

Likes are worth even less on twitter than .01 upvotes on steemit

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My new steemer friends are fantastic on liking! The one option that does not really help!
For every 5 likes - rt! Please! Or I will come after you!

It's better if we work Twitter together

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Please put questions and comments below. I am on a mission with twitter. Please come along!

More Twitter Tips from fitinfun are coming soon but just get started with anything here, keep in touch and ask questions!

My Twitter Steemgig

If you are interested in one-on-one coaching for your Twitter account, I am offering it at steemgigs. I will help you for 4 weeks of delegated STEEM. You pick the amount. Currently @minnowbooster offers 150 delegated sp for 4 STEEM. I promise you will be doing much better on Twitter with 4 weeks of my help.

And remember how much we want steemit to grow and succeed. Don't be controversial on twitter where you are in possible jeopardy. Invite your tweeps to visit you at steemit where you tell the real story. Entice and invite by your actions out there.

Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if I was still bigger than an aircraft carrier.

fitinfun Sharon Fat lady in the navy.PNG

2007 US Navy Travel to Corpus Christi Texas to Inventory Floating Equipment for Port Operations. This was when I was The Fat Lady in the Navy

Anyone can lose weight If I did.

2011 - At my goal and feeling fit.

Arthritis Swim Class 2.jpg


This looks like it will be a really productive venture in time. Good luck to you!

p.s. I am aimstockwatcher on twitter - i will re-tweet the cool blogs you find when i spot them!

Hey there brother. I just posted a great walking tour featuring both the city and @fitinfun. Did you know she lives in Bangkok!? We had our second steemit meet-up!

Cool! And no i did not! I'll head over for a look now :D

Awesome - please connect with me over there if you have not already. I think it will just keep getting better

I have just connected! Lets see how we do!

I just published an updated twitter post - all about your profile over there :)

I've had a good luck but can't see it! Retweeted a few of yours, and need to update my profile a little! Thanks!

Thank you! All our tweets easy to see on the list feed. The profile stuff is easy. You need some kind of something on your head here too :)

Can you drop me a few useful direct links here? Thank you!

The feed of steemit tweets is here:

The list of steemers on the list is here:

Is this what you meant? Glad to send anything else.

Wonderful - see you there!

Now you have convinced me it is on my to do list for say next week. Lol. I have to get back on twitter.. resteemed. :)

Yay! It will definitely help you for not too much effort! Be sure to contact me when you get going :)

wish I had more to give lol.. I will figure it out but definitely hooking back up with you.

Aw! so sweet of you :)

I just published a new post about twitter in case you want to get inspired :)

Awesome! Keep it up @fitinfun! I don't use twitter but I will definitely use steemit ^_^

Keep posting and you never know :)

Resteemed and upvoted, of course. :D

Gotta get back to writing - currently riding a fierce ragemode and gettin' some stuff DOOOOONE.


Thank you! I've been out with a wifi interruption. now back to business!

Thanks for the stats and the resteem.

And thank you right back for your support I'm trying to post more and make them shorter but they do not get shorter :)

Great to see you make a splash! Almost 40 bucks on this post and more to come! Awesome. But more than that great post, and great info, and it's great for the steemit community. I think you need to stick to this kind of topic, not sure it needs to be so long, but don't take my advice. You're the one with the marketing experience :) Check out my post on my walking tour through Bangkok. You are one of the main attractions!

I just posted again about twitter. If your set yourself up - this is what you have to do. I know how much you want to go on another social media platform!

The street food post was fantastic. Very excellent pics. I need do that - less text...

Haha. No more social platforms for me. I can barely handle this one! Thanks for the compliment :)

lol - just do what you can :)

interesting post!

Are you on twitter? I just published another post about it :)

I am, but as I said I'm trying to keep my social media and steemit separate. I may create another account that I can tie into my existing social media profiles though now that I think of it.

What are you doing different on your social media? Get those people over here!

I don't really feel that confident about the steemit platform tbh

lol - I'm with you. This is why I'm trying to get my new steemit connections to join me elsewhere. I've been through this same thing with tsu and the patterns are eerily similar.

I am on twitter but never have really understood it well. Once I have some steem under my booty, I so am going to take you up on your coaching offer. But alas, not much there as of now. :(

You can get my twitter coaching for barter at simbi :) Just by signing up you get enough points to afford me. I would be glad to help you over there.

okay. That sounds good. I should do that when I have the time to really devote to the coaching. How much time a day do I need to schedule for the coaching and application?

It's just all up to you - I'll give you the tips and you do them or not. I coach, but I do not have control of you. About 10-20% actually take my advice.

At Simbi - I take a look at your account and give you input on how to improve. Then we go back and forth once or twice and that's it. It is a two week deal over there. It will be 4 weeks here.

Okay. I'll check it out. I am often trying to learn too much at the same time and it takes me longer that way - if that makes sense. But Twitter is an important platform and it is interesting to me that you make a part of your affiliate income from there. That is another thing I am trying to get figured out and then, there is Steemit to figure out.... :)

Step by step! There is so much to learn here. I've been at it for about ten weeks and my head hurts from learning!

I am on one month now and took a 2 week break when I was at a conference. Yup. Much to learn. But fun!

Fab post Sharon!!! Not only as of the boobs all the time - very well written, seems you enjoy it here more and more.

I do love it here! Thank you so much for the compliments and your upvote, Uwe. I see you promoting on fb. I'm about to do more of that now too. Those people out there need us!

Yes - agree, they need us! I need to promote more on her channels, e.g.. Pinterest or Instagram - just a time issue

No kidding! I'm about to turn off the wifi so I can do some work that has a deadline. this place definitely sucks time.

Yes, agree - have no time to post / chat a lot on weekends usually - pretty hard for me :-)

Well, you definitely get good posts up. That's my goal now. I've mostly been commenting but now I'm trying to post more. Got one coming up soon so I feel proud of myself. They take forever and I do not seem to be able to be brief :)

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