TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people,welcome to another week here on Steemit and what better way to start that week then to read the weekly TribeSteemup Curation. Each of the articles that are presented here really embody what the Tribe stands for.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere and live by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 18 wonderful articles/videos to share with you all today, articles that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives . That are encouraging us to ask questions and look for the answers needed, in order for us to keep moving forward. For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

ELAmental's Live Set VIDEO (Part 1) Friday Night for the Constellations Tour Portland Show at the Geodesic Art Collective with the Star Tribe Alliance + Explanation of Conscious Revolutionary H.I.P.-H.O.P.


I present to you part 1 of my live set from Friday night at Geodesic. I opened for Quincy Jones, Von Gage, Mic Crenshaw, Gaia Experiment, and @AlaisClay. This event was an essential linking of tribes between Oregon and Colorado within the revolutionary conscious Hip-Hop movement.

Before I began my set, I explained what conscious revolutionary Hip-Hop meant to the crowd, as it occurred to me that many people had seen those words in the promo for the event, but did not actually understand their meaning. I then led into a spoken word piece I wrote that is called Life is a Dream. I then threw down my first track of the evening that was also a guided meditation called Breathe.

Monster Photoshoot- This Is What Moving Forward and Being Creative Looks Like For Me!


Tis the season to be jolly, tra la la la la, la la la la. Spend your money on presents and folly, tra la la la la, la la la la. All the plastic that will be purchased, just to keep those stockings full. Tra la la la la la la.

We do not celebrate Christmas in our house truck, and luckily where I live, there is not too much of a big deal made about it. I have however been spurred on with the idea to create something made from recycled products to sell at the Christmas market. Yes I know I don't celebrate it but here I am trying to make money from it. Bit of a hypocrite perhaps? But as things are I am seizing the day, I need to make an income, in such a way that allows me to stay at home with my girls.

Christ = Crystal! The Nature of Self - God, Chakras, Spirit, Truth & Enlightenment. Merry Mass Christ!


I've loved through a lot of unusual experiences in this life and some of them have helped me understand what I consider to be the true nature of Christ.. So here's my angle on the important issue of who we really are.
It's that time of year again, where flashing lights means sales of plastic objects go through the roof.. Wait? what? I have come across some insights about the nature of Christ and as far as I am aware, our own true nature. In this video I am sharing some important info that connects many aspects of life and our own soul/spirit/self together in a harmonious and non religious way. Injoy!

How To 'Treat' My Pet w/ CBD in 7 Easy Steps


#FarmsNotPharms vol. 1
By Brent ‘BURNTmd’ Kaufman of GuerillaHealer
You may be wondering how anyone in our right mind can give cannabis to an animal!? Well, in this special Cannacon edition of #FarmsNotPharms, we swan dive with a twist into the rabbit hole known as the wonderful world of cannabis, as it pertains to the application for some our favorite furry friends! Though, before I outline the 7 Easy Steps, let’s answer 3 frequently asked questions.
Whenever people wonder why cannabis is considered beneficial, my answer is always the same; we all have an Endocannabinoid system! This blessing of a discovery has proven to help our body regulate our immune system, neurological system, digestive system, and more!

Dtaling Pling (Bilimbi) - This Week's Surprise From Our Traditional Thai Natural Medicine Garden


They started falling from the tree before I even noticed them, it having been a crazy busy few weeks with almost no daylight garden time and they being incredibly well camouflaged.
Averrhoa bilimbi. Originates in Malaysia and Indonesia, but now so assimilated it's considered indigenous and proudly claimed as a Thai medicine food.
The best part about the first year living in a 100 year old Thai traditional kitchen-medicine garden is (despite everything needing hacking down with a machete cos it grows soooo fast) is that every week something unexpected happens. Like the bilimbi fruit. In Thai, called ตะลิงปลิง (dtaling pling). One day a few weeks ago it was just a raggedy, non-specific tree getting in the way (and needing pruning) every time I tried to hang out the laundry in between monsoonal deluges.

Want to win a free ticket to Anarchaforko? Come share your vision for the world of the future and you can!


As many of you already know, February brings with it a series of events in Acapulco, Mexico, bringing together anarchists from around the world. This year marks the 5th Anarchapulco, the 2nd Anarchaforko, and the first Anarchawakening... meaning a fun-filled couple of weeks in the "most dangerous city in the world" (it's not really)
I was blessed enough to attend the first Anarchapulco in 2015, and have since been back every winter, becoming more immersed in the community and more involved in the events there. Last year was the first @Anarchaforko, an open-source, DIY anarchist conference started by @lily-da-vine.

The Illusion of Progress


There is so much we all do that is meant to give us the pleasure of that delicious sense of progress.
At least, those of us who were raised to believe that productivity is a virtue, are always trying to accomplish something. It's as if we think we need to prove our worth, because we have no intrinsic value. And with no intrinsic value, we have no intrinsic safety.
As a child, we are so dependent on the adults around us that we really would die if they decided we weren't worth taking care of. And while I doubt there are many parents who would literally stop feeding and housing their 3 year olds because they don't pick up their toys, the 3 year old doesn't have that clarity. They just have a sense of impending danger when mommy or daddy is mad at them. This is a survival instinct.

Present Dreaming: Why I Hate Christmas, And Love Beryl the Orangutan


I'm a Christmas Grinch, right up until the Christmas Eve where I crank 'A Swinging Christmas', which has a fabulous sexy title but is just Frank Sinatra and crooning seasonal tunes, and panic about the meal I'm meant to make for our night before the 25th family dinner, find a pretty frock and race up the local supermarket for a bottle of prosecco to share with my Mum, Aunt and sister, who will likely drink too much of it.
Why I Hate Christmas - Mostly
One of the reasons I loathe Christmas is because of the dreadful gluttony, overspending and waste. I can hear the planet groan like a grandfather sliding back into his chair and loosening his belt after far too much rum soaked, ice cream laden pudding.

Unschooling Growing In Popularity


Unschooling is an education model that cultivates independent thought by allowing the learner to choose what they learn about.
This way of learning caters to the individual and their unique interests rather than having that individual submit to some educational structure or set of imposed guidelines.
Unschooling is growing in popularity today in places like the United States and Denmark.
More parents are becoming interested in creating a learning experience and environment for their children that will fuel their unique interests and abilities.

Lovely Witch Hazel - Day 230 - Haiku - For Natural Medicine, How to Make Your Own Far Better Witch Hazel Extract and Why


Our witch hazel bloomed this year for the first time, so I am very jazzed, though a but disappointed that the blooms don't have the remarkable and bewitching fragrance I'd been led to expect.
I suppose I was expecting something akin to the male papaya tree I had in my front yard in Largo, Florida, which had an exquisite and pungent fragrance, and in bloom it literally perfumed our whole street.
Far from perfuming the neighborhood, witch hazel's lovely flowers are only lightly fragrant, and only when very close. But then, their highly fragranced period may be early in the morning, as every time I smelled them this season it was later in the afternoon, so time will tell.

The Revolution And Success


Are we at the beginnings of a revolution?
We often hear this term thrown around yet do we really look at how things unfold?
To start, a revolution is not a singular event. They can take a long time, sometimes going on for a century. It is usually a back and forth between two sides.
For a revolution to be successful, one needs to think in terms of survival. It is only from that viewpoint that success can be achieved. Many revolutions took place only to fail. When there is complacency, the will to give up is present.

How Much Do You Love Steem?


The crypto-world is being tested like never before in the 18 months I have been in the scene. A price of 23 cents USD for one Steem is incredibly low and a true test for all of us. In times like these it is great to ask yourself: How much do you love Steem?
Is Steem for you just another tool to make money? A foot into the door of cryptocurrency? An alternative to censorship on centralized social media? A new form of networking through rewards?
To me, Steem is a revolution in human interaction, that brings us closer together. For the first time in our history, we are able to discover the beauty of the other in a way, that allows us to show our appriciation via a clever reward system.

The People vs. Paris


"Let them eat carbon!" said French President Emmanuel Macron this week, offering his peasants a six-month reprieve on their coming carbon sin tax. And, kicking his feet up on his desk at the Élysée Palace, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had bought himself some time to figure out how to deal with the rabble at the gates. But how much time?
Not much at all, it turns out. As of press time, the yellow jackets have announced their intention to proceed with "Act 4" of their protests this weekend, and the government has responded by announcing its decision to close the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and other tourism landmarks on Saturday. Meanwhile, Paris, for its part, is bracing for another weekend of violence and street battles.

Sagittarius -- the "renewal phase" of Scorpio ---> especially this year and especially regarding relationships


Release? Or revival?
It may be time to pick yourself up and start over -- especially regarding some important relationships you've been involved with for quite some time. The New Moon is a new roll of Life's Dice in the first place -- and while Sagittarius energy is less involved with other people and partners than Libra, Life has conspired to put this issue square on the table for you ... and me ... and all of us ... to reconsider and work on.
(Something that happened back in Libra -- September 21 - October 21 -- may have inspired this. If your memory goes back that far ... and I know ... sometimes it's a stretch to remember -- was there a particular incident then that brought "relationship issues" to your attention?)

Government Closes Down Leo Dicaprio's "The Beach" in Thailand and it's Devastating!😱


When the hit movie came out in 2000, being the Leo super-fan I was, I fell in love with the dreamy blues of the water and vowed one day I would visit Thailand to see it myself. Apparently I wasn't the only one!
Armed with a mission to get myself to that beach even if it meant swimming and making my way through the same dangerous path the trio did in the film, flash forward and to this day, I have been here twice. The problem with that is, so has every one and their dog. See, with the movie being so popular and the beach being so gorgeous, everyone wants to come here and whenever everyone comes, so does all their garbage and baggage (in every way possible.)

Why Not Ask Why?


"If digging deeper is a goal, how does asking 'why' not achieve that?"
Great question! I've actually never heard this one before. Digging deeper and knowing WHY is actually super important and a big part of what NVC is about. So when we are practicing empathy, we stay away from asking people why, I see why that seems like a contradiction.
When we say to someone, "Why did you do that?" it is not "violent" communication. It's just asking for information. If they choose to get butthurt because we asked them why, that is their issue, right?
OK so that's technically not a "bad" question to ask a person if they are complaining. It also isn't empathy.

The silent noise


The times that we live in are unique. Energy speeds up and changes happen rapidly in all areas of our lives. We walk, run, talk, think, eat, smile, shout, exercise – and many other physical acts – at a very quick pace. Life is moving around us in swirling motion. New sensual stimuli flood our perceptions every moment and demand that we give them our attention – reject or accept. Such times demand therefore a careful and sharp decision-making mechanism.
Making decisions in a chaotic world
Make your eye single – indeed, this proverb is truer today than it was 2000 years ago when it was coined. The focus of mind and thought are very crucial. First, focus your mind in the spacious now present. To be here and now and to return your awareness each time it has drifted away to the past or to the future.

DTubeQ: What Do You Feel About Internet Trolling / Bullying? // Join The DTube Revolution!


As a member of the DTube Fam 777 we are gathering quality content from like minded users that include engagement, original creativity, and participation. Only producing a video once every 24 hours, commenting on DTubers at least 3x a day and supporting one another. These are just the basics with more to follow.
This DTube is asking everyone the question about Trolling and bullying. Has this ever happened to you and how have you handled it? I would love to hear your thoughts since this behavior is prevalent even amongst very well thought of people in the community. Can anything be done or is this a behavior we should just expect and ignore?

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



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