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in #busy6 years ago

Are we at the beginnings of a revolution?

We often hear this term thrown around yet do we really look at how things unfold?

To start, a revolution is not a singular event. They can take a long time, sometimes going on for a century. It is usually a back and forth between two sides.


For a revolution to be successful, one needs to think in terms of survival. It is only from that viewpoint that success can be achieved. Many revolutions took place only to fail. When there is complacency, the will to give up is present.

The threat of survival means that people will band together. If they have the means to rebel, they will. No matter how much the "resistance" is put down, it will always rise up again. Having the means is vital. There are many instances where rebellion was stamped out simply because the power was not there.

This is one of the reasons why the American revolution was a success. The means were present. We did not see a bunch of peasants trying to rise up. Instead, it was the aristocrats and landholders who were leading the way.

I feel humanity is rapidly moving towards the time when a major uprising is needed. The establishment is only getting more blatant with their actions. Technology companies are using the populous without regard for it's rights whatsoever. Data breaches are commonplace without nary a finger raised.

At the same time, the governments of the world are either enhancing the approach or completely impotent against it. Markets are manipulated with us living in a corporatocracy, especially in the West.

No matter where one goes, the one doing the enslaving might change but it is still the same; slavery.

This is the plight of humanity now.

Fortunately, the means do exist to change things. We have our own form of "landowners". These are the coders of the world. They have the power to change things if they band together. This is not such an outlandish concept looking at the response of the establishment. We see the SEC and the U.S. Government starting to go after developers. Those entities understand the power these people wield.

Unfortunately, it is the freedom fighters that are attacked. Those who develop for Google, Apple, and Microsoft are left alone. The corporations of the world are equally as dangerous as the governments. Kim Jong-un and Mark Zuckerberg both stem from the same motivation. The only difference is the domains they operate upon and the methods used.

The world is moving towards the digital domain. Blockchain is getting a lot of attention for good reason. It is a pathway that can aid in the pursuit of freedom. This is something that people need to decide how determined are they. Cryptocurrency has the ability to reshape the entire global economic system. That means the elite will do all it can to ether control it or stamp it out. The later is not going to happen so they are going to pursue the former.

Does this sound to be a little over the top? If that is the case, you probably dwell in complacency. After all, things aren't really that bad in your area, are they?

Perhaps it might be best to chat with someone in Venezuela. Or Iran. Or most of Africa. These are areas where it is a question of survival.

I also have a secret for you. The establishment is doing all it can to hold on. The recent credit insanity is showing how their perpetual growth model is flawed. The elite sucked out all the economic activity they could. Thus, the only way to keep the music going was debt. And they spread it all over the place.

What this means is that things will get really bad at some point. History teaches us that credit driven situations such as we are in now always end up in massive pain. The "reset" causes a lot of carnage.



Here is the question: Are you tired of their boom/bust cycles?

They know that the money game is a mirage. It is made up. That is how they can continue to do what they do. It is not real. '

Cryptocurrency allows all of us to participate in the game. No longer is it just the elites who can play. As we are now aware, the blow back is harsh. This is where the dedication and the thirst for survival needs to come in. Are you will to persist in the movement that is started?

The illusion of the matrix is popping. Most who read these words realize the mainstream media is a con job. What they report is 90% fiction written by those implementing the agenda. The "science" they use to support their actions is equally as fabricated. All illusion of using the scientific method is tossed out. Instead of starting with a hypothesis, the outcome is pre-determined.

This is the world we live in. Wars are waged to enrich the few at the expense of the masses. Taxes are used to pay for the armaments while young people literally give up life and limb. None of this should come as a surprise to anyone on here.

Web 3.0 offers the opportunity for humanity to reverse what has been taking place. Through the use of blockchain, there is the ability to get the truth out there as compared to just propaganda. At present, we see an industry that is young and immature. We have a lot of work ahead of us before we see this become the game changer it can be.

It all starts with dedication and commitment. Each day we are building the foundation for radical change in the future. It is not going to be a single event that changes what is taking place. It is going to require the efforts of millions to turn this thing around. The elite build a strong system.

However, their tyranny will come to an end. We just have to be willing to keep advancing the technology that can spring us forward.

If we do this, we will see success.

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I was a young man during the late 60's in the US. We thought we would change the world. Our music, art, poetry, philosophers of the time were all about revolution. We combated racism and ushered in the woman's movement. They called us Hippies and attacked us, but we didn't care. Revolution was in the air and it was truly intoxicating. We were a part of something bigger than ourselves. A movement, if you will. Now I am old and what do we have to show for our efforts so long ago? A resurgence of white supremists, Nazis, and assorted fascist nut jobs. A repressive corrupt president who is an outright criminal. The same generation that rebelled in the 60’s is now responsible for our current nightmare. I hope the Millennials can avoid repeating my generations mistakes. Good luck, everyone, and keep the faith!

Society is in constant flux. This is the reason why there is that resurgence. People don't like change. It breaks things. Sometimes change breaks people. You change things slowly, imperceptibly. Too much change at once is met with resistance.

Well said. Human nature is not really a mystery. We just keep ignoring it and pay a huge price as a result.

One thing I remember reading about revolutions is that they often fail, not because they can't over throw the existing regime, but because when they do, they have nothing to replace it with.

I am not sure how well people know their English history, but for a very short time, it was a republic. But then the king was reinstated as their was no alternative model to move to that had enough support. I think it was Charles I that was on the throne at the time.

Coming back to the present. It is blockchain and cryptocurrency that give us an alternative model that is waiting in the wings.

However, we should not discard centuries of history. We should learn from it. We are social creatures and need protocols on how those interactions should be governed.

The next few decades will be fascinating!

Great thought provoking post as always @taskmaster4450


Perhaps it might be best to chat with someone in Venezuela. Or Iran. Or most of Africa.

France is in a full on physical revolt (street riots) right now over the Macron gas tax. Now it has spread beyond that single issue.

We are ripe for a lot of change. Everything is changing. Government schools are failing to a wide array of alternatives and actual education. I bet faith in government must be at an all-time low. Corporate media is breathing its last. Hell, even ambulances are being pushed out by Uber. Open source is displacing a large part of the data and blockchains are securing and adding trust.

These are truely signs that we are in a revolution. I suspect that we may be re-inventing the wheel, too.

While I believe it is a revolution due to the control of the powers that be in the world today, it should really be considered an evolution as this is what humanity is meant to do as a society or community. Unfortunately, this evolution will not come easy given the issues with greed in our economies.

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