Unschooling Growing In Popularity

Unschooling is an education model that cultivates independent thought by allowing the learner to choose what they learn about.

This way of learning caters to the individual and their unique interests rather than having that individual submit to some educational structure or set of imposed guidelines.

Unschooling is growing in popularity today in places like the United States and Denmark.

More parents are becoming interested in creating a learning experience and environment for their children that will fuel their unique interests and abilities.

Unschooling typically involves a rejection of traditional schooling methods, no strict education curriculum is imposed on the individual.

Children have the freedom to choose for themselves what they are interested in exploring and learning about. A growing number of parents might be turning to this method of schooling for a number of reasons, they might be unsatisfied with the current structure of education today at public institutions and other venues, they might want more flexibility for their lives. Some have also suggested that its' about freedom and voluntary living for them, that they want the child not to be forced to learn something but to choose for themselves.

Unschooling has also been referred to as free-range education and you can find many different unschooling websites, forums, and other channels available today, that are dedicated toward providing educational information about this way of life. They also provide a base for networking for those who might be interested in exploring unschooling for their own families.

When parents opt for unschooling they are choosing to let their child explore their own unique and inherent curiosity and this can provide for a much more beneficial and in-depth learning experience rather than sitting in a single classroom for several hours.

When children are allowed to explore their own interests through unschooling it can bring fun and delight back to the learning process.

It's a different approach than homeschooling, where children still might be held to some specific educational curriculum. Unschooling promotes more freedom for the child to decide what they want to learn about. They are free to explore without feeling pressured by having to meet any timeline for tests and other educational requirements.

There aren't any specific figures on exactly how many children are being homeschooled or unschooled in various regions, it's difficult to determine how big the group might be.

It's estimated that there are thousands of children being unschooled from the United States, Canada, Denmark, the U.K., and elsewhere today, with homeschooling and unschooling reportedly on the rise in a number of areas.

Despite concerns from critics who suggest that this type of educational model might hinder the child and prevent them from pursuing higher learning or certain career paths, parents who have unschooled their children want to put that myth to bed. Various parents of unschooled children have argued back against those assumptions, claiming that their own children have gone on to achieve a myriad of accomplishments including pursuing careers in engineering, technology, science, or math. The same is also seen for homeschooled children, many of them easily defy the old myth that a child cannot be “properly educated” unless the state is the one that has a hand in educating them.

In many circumstances these children have surpassed the results that we see from those kids who are educated in more traditional settings.


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I recently started this method in my childrens homeschooling. Thanks for the article. I started with free learning the last hour, where they can pick a subject of choice

Some of histories most brilliant minds were not schooled in school.

One definition of "School" is: a group of persons who hold a common doctrine

Another to consider: to swim or feed in a school (substitute Sheep as necessary).

My degree is in education, however when I graduated and began a student teacher role... I left after only one week,thinking "I can't spend 40 years with this agenda". Sorry too long a story for a reply... but we need to either change the education system or keep our children safe from it.

@michaelmcawesome works a lot in that area.
would find it great, if he gets more attention on steemit. I believe he deserves it :D.
older post, newer one.

I was just discussing education options with one of my fellow librarians and how to guide the education for high-schoolers who might want to chart their own courses instead of staying in jail school. What is your goal, and how do you want to get there? What do you want to learn along the way just because? That process does more to prepare for either college or a career than anything a standard education could.

howdy there doitvoluntarily! This is interesting. I know the homeschooled kids slaughter the public school system kids in achievement so this should be the same results, I just haven't heard of it. I like that term though, Free Range Education! lol.

it's a good one ain't it? bet there are a few in tx!

yes sir there's a big homeschool movement in Texas so I'm sure they have the Free Range Education in the form of the Unschooling also. Bunch of independent people here!

yeah great to see this talked about more, my girls are educating themselves, I use the term unschololing for myself as I have been the only one put through school and need to unschool my way of thinking, I do like the term free range education though xx

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