TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people

It is the start of another glorious week here on Steemit, is it just me or do the weeks seem to be going so fast of late. At times it is difficult to keep up with all the wonderful articles been posted on here. So that is why it is important to have people curating for the different communities and tribes. So each week I choose some of the best articles and podcasts that are written/created by members of @tribesteemup that really embody what the Tribe stands for. Of course there are always many more amazing articles, than what I promote here, so it is a really good idea to keep an eye on the #tribesteemup and #tribevibes pages. Tribevibes is a new exciting tag created by @elamental, @hempress and @flauwy, more details in the articles below.

TribeSteemUp was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

The following articles and podcasts that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives, to help us evolve and become more mindful in all that we do. To aid us in taking back control of our lives. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content. A big big welcome to @eaglespirit and @thelynx, two beautiful women that have joined the Tribe, who both have articles in this weeks curation.

Reality vs. Perception (Perception of Reality Pt.3) - DTube


How are we facing reality? Are we acknowledging the light and dark in ourselves and the world, or denying it?
Cognitive dissonance is a negotiation with reality required to maintain/sustain our illusory sense of self or worldview. The ego-personality-identity defenses protect our self-concept from dissolution. We can’t admit our wrong, and when confronted about it, it leads to embracing the wrong more. New information is rejected through the “backfire” effect, and the wrong belief is held onto more dearly. We condition ourselves to believe in, and love, the things we suffer for.

Obliterating Shame & Owning Your Body | Psy-Fi's Sacred Island Workshop on Sex Magic - Pt. 4/7 (feat. Dara & Simon)


So, what's your penis story?
The location of yesterday's workshop was were a good 100 women or so were already gathered when I arrived. The tent was open but the energy was clear when I walked towards it: This was the vagina dialogues and I really ought to let them do their thing and find the men's circle.
At first I didn't quite find it, letting myself walk where my intuition took me and trying not to obsess about it. People I asked didn't know where it was either, and finally I arrived at a large tipi tent where I recognized Simon's voice from inside. I peaked in with two other dudes who just arrived, the tent was packed with men and it was rather warm in there. Simon smiled at us and said "hi friends, if you want to participate come in and find a spot, we are really full but you would be the last ones we let in today, can't let you stand outside if you really want to participate. It's up to you."

Confidence and The Voice in My Head


The Voice in My Head
In my head there's a voice that tells me things insistently. And it feels kind of good you know - to have an opinion. Because these thoughts matter according to that voice in my head. These thoughts mean something to someone. It feels good to get those thoughts out and have someone hear them - even if it's just me. It feels good in some way, even if its just a fantasy image of a dialogue playing out - with this voice in my had in the imagined position of power and prestige.
It feels good to be right about things, even if that means someone has to be wrong. It's OK though, because they are wrong (and therefore they deserve to be wrong). It feels good to sound authoritative.

Improving Soil with Cover Crops


Growing high quality food requires healthy living soils.
Cover crops are great allies improving soil quality. In this video I show some examples of cover cropping on our homestead.
Cover crops are any plants grown for the purpose of soil building & ground coverage.
There are many mechanisms involved, but one major benefit is increased organic matter in the soil.
The biomass of cover crops contributes to organic matter in the soil and helps improve water retention, nutrient exchange and increases diversity in the soil food web.
Most crops take from the soil (except nitrogen fixers) and cover cropping is a low tech inexpensive way to feed the soil. What seeds are planted depends on what the desired result is. You may have need for more nitrogen, weed suppression, soil aeration or to destroy harmful nematodes. There are different cover crops that can help with these issues.

The Fake Government & Big Business Green Energy Revolution: Power To The People!


The Green Revolution?
Similar to how our governments bailed out the banks instead of the people during the 2008 financial crash, it’s my belief that the government sponsored faux big business/corporate green revolution is one of the biggest travesties and missed opportunities of our age. Don’t get me wrong, at the individual and grassroots level there is some amazing work being carried out under the banner of environmentalism. Equally, there are many big business and government interests that are using peoples concern to greenwash their products/narratives and future proof their control mechanisms.
This post is not intended as a debate on the validity or indeed invalidity of man-made climate change. Whichever side of the fence you sit, I believe the issues I will discuss relate to us all.

No, We Do NOT Need Government! - Here's WHY


In this video, I simply explain why government is entirely unnecessary and how it's not only immoral but illogical as well.
People have been indoctrinated over time to depend on the state for everything. Starry glazed eyes of statism, as if a religion to worship. It's been drilled into the brains of the populace through government schools and media for centuries. The fact of the matter is, good ideas do not require force. Individuals cannot claim a giant collective where 51% of the populace rules 49% of the populace is "consent" or "fair." Individuals may rule themselves. Voluntary actions are far greater than cartel enforcement. Everything the government does, the free market can do better. Governance if private and voluntary is fine, but enforced and coercive? No. That is not okay.

Matrix Soulutions Reloaded - The Spirit of Fungus


Today, I explore the esoteric and spiritual side of Fungi - the ancient organisms that are neither plant or animal and are intricately connected with all life!
Sam x

Vegan Anarchy: Are we 'natural' meat eaters or natural vegan anarchists?


One of the most common objections to the message of freedom is that we are 'natural' meat eaters and that, as a species, we naturally seek out 'leaders' to rule over us.
"You'll never change things! It is 'human nature' to enslave and murder billions of animals for taste pleasure. War, government, and politics is inextricably woven into the very fabric of society and we will always be a violent species."
The very same people who make this ill-thought-out and lazy argument will hypocritically make a fuss whenever they hear of random acts of 'terrorism', or other acts of political violence, on the news and will scold those who abuse domesticated animals such as dogs and cats.

But, if the seeds of violence are sewn within each one of us, surely there is no reason to be outraged by such news. It is perfectly 'natural' to violently abuse animals and inflict violence upon our fellow man, isn't it?

Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war... IP 105 - New Haven FreedomFest with Nathan Crabtree


It's important to keep asking ourselves the philosophical question of "Am I really free?" and to explore the ways in our lives that we can become less dependent on outside establishments and more responsible for our own well being. Nathan Crabtree returns to the show with Aubrey Molica, a pair who is putting on a new annual festival in Ava, MO called Freedom Fest. This event will be a free gathering focused on sharing skills and solutions for the many problems we face as a society. Empowerment through knowledge, truth, and love are the mission for this awesome duo and I'll be sure to bring InnerVerse to the event.

Unconditional Love at BoomFest


Unconditional love can be difficult; It's vulnerable, and it's deep... But it's also the best kind of love there is.
I went to Boom Festival recently as a masseuse, and (of course) I hung out in the hippy spiritual area.
There was all sorts of cool hippy sh*t going on: ecstatic dances, shamanic ceremonies, yoga.
They introduced that there was going to be an energy healing, and I was ready to take part. However, as I lay there I received a clear message: "Nahnahnah, get up. You're here to be one of the healers."
I moved around and started beaming unconditional love and healing energy towards the people that had gathered, really just letting go and giving it my all... and it was profound.
I experienced a deep feeling of beautiful energy, love, and unity that permeated into the following days.

Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war... IP 105 - New Haven FreedomFest with Nathan Crabtree


It's important to keep asking ourselves the philosophical question of "Am I really free?" and to explore the ways in our lives that we can become less dependent on outside establishments and more responsible for our own well being. Nathan Crabtree returns to the show with Aubrey Molica, a pair who is putting on a new annual festival in Ava, MO called Freedom Fest. This event will be a free gathering focused on sharing skills and solutions for the many problems we face as a society. Empowerment through knowledge, truth, and love are the mission for this awesome duo and I'll be sure to bring InnerVerse to the event.

Spring Equinox: A Plea to Connect to Seasonal Flux


Today marks the vernal or Spring equinox here in Australia. Officially, Australia’s Spring began on September 1st, but if you follow an astrological calender, Spring begins today, as the daylight hours grow longer and the darkness of Winter truly fades.
Cultural calendars change things somewhat – here, following the equinoxes and solstices is not as common unless you are tuned into those movements across the skies and consciously connecting on deep levels to these fluctuations. Although here in Victoria the four seasons are (almost) clearly demarcated, elsewhere in Australia there is argument for three or even two seasons – the hot and dry with the wet. Desert rains are so heralded that Uluru, our cultural and mythical and spiritual heart land, is resplendent national news awash with rain.

Autumnal Equinox 2018: Let's Bring Balance To This World


My Libra Connection
Astrology plays a big role in my life and has led me around the world to find my love and home in Costa Rica. I have shared that beautiful story on Steem, if you are interested. In fact, it is rather Astrotheology, as the philosophy and worldview is an important factor for many mystery teachings. And the sign of Libra is the one that dominates my world
As you can see in my above birth chart, my Sun, Moon, Saturn and Pluto are all in Libra, making this the most powerful sign in my chart. Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, harmony and connection with other people is what I strive for. My own balance is certainly my most difficult task and doesn't come easy.

Freedom Friday No. 5: "How Do I Feel About The Freedom To Bear Arms?"


Freedom Friday has taken off to an amazing start, I've received tremendous support from @freedomtribe and @tribesteemup. Many others have privately messaged me to encourage my efforts to bring forth truth and inspiration to those that believe in freedom in every fiber of their Being.
As you all know, I thought of bringing Freedom Friday to Steemit after I saw a young girl speak her truth and "disappear" for her brave action. When it comes to these topics of freedom, they are one's we must really consider in order break free from the tyranny humankind has been undergoing for hundreds of years.
This week I chose freedom to bear arms, the topic is serious in nature and sensitive to many people worldwide.


Today we are overwhelmed with dietary options and fads, and it is very hard to choose what will work for us. The media can't seem to make up their minds as to what is healthy and what is not. Our doctors are overworked and literally unable to provide adequate health care due to lack of time, knowledge, and pressure to prescribe medicines from companies that have only profit in mind. It is up to us to discover true health for ourselves through a healthy diet and lifestyle. You doctor may mention this, but knows very little about it and has no incentive to try to educate you! That is why we are here, and hope to inspire and help others who are ready to take their health into their own hands.

1UP-Date: Aligning with #TribeVibes & How the 1UP SMT Project Will Benefit Steemit & Everyone on the Platform


@flauwy has been diligently working on developing the 1UP Smart Media Token project, that is going to benefit everyone who becomes involved. There is a vast array of technical details associated with this project that I am only just beginning to understand, so I will not be outlining too many of them. The purpose of this article is to help spread the word about 1UP before its launch, so more Steemians can get their foot in the door early, and achieve greater benefits as a result.
@hempress and I met @flauwy at the #anarchapulco conference last year in Mexico, and when we did, this guy was bursting with positive energy, light, and great ideas he was enthusiastic about. The idea that struck me the most was his plans to create a platform or SMT that supports/connects esoteric medicines, rituals, and practitioners.

You're Draining Me....! (and what's really going on)


"They're draining me!" We hear it often. From all sorts of people, but particularly from massage therapists, yoga teachers, meditation 'masters', teachers, nurses and energy 'healers'. And it's obvious. Clearly the person in need and asking for "too much" is the problem. That's right, isn't it?
Energy is limitless. It is all around us, in our breath, the earth, the wind, the rain, in sunshine, in smiles, in us.
Energy can never be lost. It simply changes form. In fact, we ARE energy.
Where did this idea come from that energy is a finite limited resource? Because the very moment we judge and blame the other for supposedly draining us, we publicly & vocally subscribe to the belief that energy is limited, and that we don't have enough. Certainly not enough to share. We also start manifesting that which we believe.

The Day of Balance - Autumnal Equinox Gratitude List - Comment for a ~$0.50 Vote


Greetings beautiful Steemians!
Today is the Autumnal Equinox here in the northern hemisphere, and the Vernal Equinox in the southern. No matter which side of the planet you're on, the Equinox is a powerful day, when light & dark are in balance, and when things start moving powerfully in one direction or the other (towards Summer/light or towards Winter/darkness).
This weekend is not only the Equinox, there is also a Full Moon (Harvest Moon) on Monday, bringing just a little bit of extra juice to whatever intentions we set during this time.
Taking a look at the Astrology of this Equinox & Full Moon, some of the things that really seem to stand out are the balance between energy & focus moving inward with Autumn here and Winter coming, while the sun is moving into Libra, which is heavily focused on partnership and connection with others.

Intellectualism VS True Intelligence


I discuss my thoughts on the difference between intellectualism and true intelligence.
The ancient Romans believed that someone of true intelligence, a genius, was someone that had tapped into their muse; A creative force known as the Genii that expressed itself through an individual. We all have the capacity for genius. It merely lies dormant waiting for the right amount of courage, dedication and perseverance to be awoken within us.

Virtual Plant Walk part 1


I do in-person plant walks on occasion. Folks come and pay a sliding scale donation and I show them plants while we walk around seeing what we find.
I've done them in (all in the U.S.) California, New Hampshire (mostly via snowshoe in winter!) and also in Virginia and North Carolina.
Though I've traveled all over, the plants in these places I am most familiar. I thought I'd take a handful of plants from my photo library and talk about them the way I might on a plant walk. I'll do several of these in a series over time. It's fun for me to do this, and also helps spur my memory of what I know about plants from the top of my head.

Engaged Listening as a Paradigm Shift


Engaged listening is one of the most important and foundational skills that I return to again and again in learning about and teaching interpersonal relationship and conflict resolution skills. In co-leading Compassionate Listening groups and in teaching reflective listening skills in workshops, I'm always struck by how rare the experience is of being truly listened to, how quickly bonds can form when deep listening is present in a conversation, and how feeling heard and understood opens people up to being able to hear and understand the other.
There are various models for better listening, including the two I mentioned above, and many of us have encountered at least one. Many of these models include steps and some include formulas for restating and reframing ideas, which can certainly be helpful.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Please where is @wwf? Hope he is okay?

I just read his last post written 4 hours ago, you should read it yourself as he writes with a lot of passion and my interpretation would do it no justice xxx

I am still here, kicking and speaking my mind! My dear friend, thank you for your concern. I am still in command of my vessel and working on many protocols to heal it as fast as possible.

thank you so much for this curation! ive been lost in the rabbit hole of reading most of them or down the path of reading more from that individual. just loving these writings and its great to see the path many are on and where people are in their growth. so encouraging to see and be amongst my own. i feel so much love right now and feel like i got a personal healing this morning. thank you for your part in that.

eagle spirit

you are very welcome, I feel the same as you, it is really great to find a tribe that really resonates and believes in the same things as you and I do. Really excited that you are in Tribesteemup xx much love tribe sister xxxx

yes it's almost a sigh of relief, if only on steemit ... and opens so many doors for me as far as not feeling alone and seeking my people. thank you so much tribe sis. xoxo

big love, some really amazing work on here :)

there sure is @philllyc, big love right back at ya xx

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