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Finding my flow and enjoying to engage and support the NM tags and community. Much gratitude.

When you feel like someone is draining you, thank them. On your knees. For showing you YOUR disconnection from Source. For reminding you that there is ALWAYS energy here to draw on, to breathe in, to flow with, and to share.

Thanks so much for this, especially. Just a terrific post. I've been feeling drained lately and overwhelmed and this was just what I needed to read today. 🙏💯

Thank you. Blush Just writing from my heart and my experience. So pleased it spoke to you. :)

Thank you for stopping by and for your generous upvote! Wow. :) Noticed and appreciated. :)

You're welcome...your post was very timely. Cheers!

This was definitely something I needed to read. thank you so much!

My pleasure, @walkerland Grateful for your encouragement and ongoing support.

Thank you for resteem love and support @riverflows, @thetreeoflife and @phillyc Much appreciated. :)

This makes so much sense!

I see a bodiworker twice a month and she helps replenish my energy, often at a low ebb by the time I next see her. (I have 7 of the list I am dealing with daily...)

And I did notice that I sometimes relied on the energy of others to keep me going on some days. And that I avoid energy sink people, as I don't have any to spare. The Lyme disease makes sure of that.

But recently, events have changed around here and we're hoping in a couple years to be in a much better place on many levels.

Whenever someone is "being drained" it is a clear signal that something not so nice is going on and no one is to blame but that person. He or she is not in the control of his or her energy and life. You gave some really good advice here on how to deal with those kinds of people and how to help yourself if we are those people. It was a delight to read this and it reminded me of some things. I love being reminded, thank you for being a part of my Universe honey 💚

How to upvote your article on Steemit, Marike?
Karl, from CM

We are all 'just' energy.

I like that idea of us also all living forever!

Oh my god this is so beautiful, and so true too.

I received this message some time ago, it seemed fairly devastating to the ego at the time - to see that there was a whole 'nother level I wasn't living into. I had integrated the fact that I was immensely sensitive to people, yet I still didn't want to engage with people if I felt their imbalance. It made me think that I really wasn't as centered as I thought I was.

The classic term 'energy vampire' - such a base judgement. It comes from that perspective you're talking about, the perspective of lack. It's just like you say we're just grown ups acting out to get some love and attention, because maybe we've never had that. The demons are angels in disguise.

And yeah - karmically I guess we have to learn about why people need or take energy, or 'dump' on us. And once we figure it out or make peace with it - well it probably wont happen so often, or we won't think of it as such a big deal.

You have articulated this so well!
Much Love :)

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