Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Hiking to Corniglia #16

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Saying goodbye to beautiful Manarola was not easy. But there were more beautiful places to discover in cinque terre. So we hiked on.

This friendly little hopper came across our way...

When I saw this gorgeous building next to the sea I had to take a shot of it. Isn't is awesome? I would love to live there <3

The hike continued being very exhausting but the saints were with us so we did not collaps.

Looking back to Manarola one more time...

These stairs were super steep and hard to climb with the backpacks. Mastering them felt very empowering :)

And the reward was amazing: such a beautiful view is a gift of our beautiful planet. We have to start respecting our nature and preserve its beauty.

Simply looking at the picture brings some sacred feeling to my heart.

"Ave Maria..."

You can see how exhaused and sweaty I was. Still excited and happy too.

The construction of this sign was a bit messy :D But it was not our way anyways :D

A lovely little chapel we visited on our way.

Looking back to Manarola, realizing that the evening is about to come... But where should we sleep?

The cliffs were steep and it was about to get night. We were already considering to sleep in the middle of the path with our sleepingbags. The bad thing was: there was even a perfect piece of lawn, flat and fluffy. But the German people who owned the holiday home would not let us build our tent there for they were afraid it would hurt the gras.

We were lucky and found an abandoned little garden. The gras was also fluffy and the flowers and the decorations as well. Here we had our well deserved rest for the night. In my next post I will tell you how we reached Corniglia and what you can discover there. If you would like to read more adventures of this journey check out my previous posts:

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5
Pitigliano Part 1 -6
Pitigliano Part 2 -7
Sovana -8
Saturnia -9
Talamone & Siena -10
Volterra -11
Livorno & Dalai Lama -12
Pisa -13
Riomaggiore -14
Manarola - 15

Lots of Light and Love <3



Du hast echt ein Talent fürs Fotografieren. Da bekommt man richtig lust selber diese wundervollen Landschaften zu erkunden.^^

Vielen Dank für das nette Kompliment :) Wenn du mall in die Gegend kommst kann ich es wärmstens empfehlen :)


I missed you bro :) meep meep :)

great pics, Molly!
(are you going to come to Steemfest2 in Nov? my wife and I have booked already!)

Yes, yes, yes! I want to. Where can we book the tickets :)

you have just to be there. we booked the hotel already. there are 4 hotels that make discount for the Steemfest. Check @roeland's blog

I think we will try to camp if the weather is okay ;)

absolutely loving it! THAT WATER!!! looks just a wee bit exhausting tho!

It is amazing. And so clean!

IMG_1859.JPG ;)

It is just perfect for a swim and to cool down in summer :)

ugh, now i want to jump in there. rainy and stormy in Berlin - stay there!

Haha I am in Berlin as well. This was a view years ago :D Today the weaather is fine though :)

it wasn´t when i wrote the comment haha. But got better, finally. That summer is somehow broken...

Nice trip you got over there! Lol it seems we have all the same hobbies :) So upvoted and followed! Cheers!

Thank you for your nice comment ;) I will check out your blog as well ;)

nice pic @yoganarchista.
i think you are best photographer
nice to meet you

I just found you on here and am quite pleased. I really respect it when people hitchhike because not only is it sustainable but it requires aa great degree of competence and toughness, even bravery as well.
I also love it when people spend time in nature rather than hotel, restaurant, movie theater, resort cruise on and on.
I will be following you now to see your honorable travels!

nice clicks @yoganarchista Its looks like amazing nice to meet u

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