Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Viterbo #3

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

When we arrived in the beautiful town of Viterbo we first bought some nice fruits and vegetables and had a picknick. We were very lucky for there was a wedding held next to us and we could enjoy the awesome music of a saxophone player while eating our lunch.

After filling our stomachs we continued our journey through the town. The building in the picture above somehow triggered a memory of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin in me. Eventhough it does not look a bit like it... :D

It was super hot that day and the backpacks were heavy so we really enjoyed washing ourselves at this well.

What was this monumental statue all about? I can not remember... It was the 07.06.2014 :)

We were strolling around town for some more hours when we found ourselves at a nice art exhibition close to the central busstation of Viterbo. The topic of the exhibition was "Tarot". I somehow have lost the flyer that had the name of the artist on it. Anyways it was great art.

At the exhibition we got told that there would be a bus to Tuscania, the place that was recommended to us by everyone we met on our tour. So we asked around at the station. Some busdriver said the bus would leave in a different area of Viterbo and that he could take us there for free. We were happy and got on the bus.

When we left the center of town and the busstation where the bus driver let us out, telling us, that the other busstation would be straight ahead, always the same direction, we thought: "Hm, maybe we can hitch a ride so we do not have to wait for the bus."

We followed the road... and followed it... out of town... until we arrived at the motorway :D We were super lucky to get picked up there because it was really not easy to stop. The couple that took us to Tuscania was super nice and we had a nice chat during the ride.

In my next post I will introduce you to one of the most beautiful places I visited in this journey: Tuscania <3

Lots of Light and Love <3

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2


Lots of nice photographs... I hope you weren't traveling alone... @pocketechange

Thank you ;) I do not understand ;) What do you hope ?

I was hoping that you were not traveling alone... @pocketechange

hm I am a bit confused with that expression... My English sometimes needs improvement, like now: Do you mean not further or passing by something or what :D Sorry :D

Sorry... I spelled a word wrong and corrected it... I wrote "along" instead of "alone"... @pocketechange

haha, now I get it ;D No, I was not travelling alone. I was on the journey with a friend. I do not like to post pictures of people without asking them :)

Thanks for commenting back... It appears that you had a fun time traveling...

It really was a great time ;)

Love and light to you too!!! XO

What a cool way to travel and meet interesting people.

I would recommend it to everyone ;) I miss it so much. I need to go hitchhiking this summer :D

Great post, wonderful photo's!!
Thank you @yoganarchrista!!

Thank you for reading and supporting ;)
It is nice to post about this journey because now I read all the things I wrote in the diary and refresh my memories ;)

I love the fact that you hitchhike! great pics my friend :)

It is the best way to travel. You get to meet so many amazing people and see places that are usually just known by the locals :)

I totally get what you are saying, Im going to try to hitchhike as much as possible and stay with locals if they let me, that the way to really meet the culture!

Excellent post dear friend @yoganarchista, what beautiful images you have shared, thank you very much for the histia, congratulations for the marabilloso work

Grazie ;) I am happy you enjoyed my post ^^

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