Pictures from my solo roadtrip - Campfires, coffee plantations and photos of Hope in the woods

in #travel6 years ago

Hi there! You'll be glad to know I kept my promise of wrapping up this photo blog soon (like I said in my previous post). In case you missed out on the first two parts, you can find them via the links below.

This turned out to be a pretty eventful roadtrip for me. From emergencies on the road, to meeting my favorite dog in the world and then catching up with a group of like minded bikers, everything added up to an amazing weekend!... Our stay in Clover Leaf Chikmaglur was a fun one with a campfire and lot of banter and motorcycle talk. Added to it was the fact that there was no cellular network; That meant nobody had a reason to look at their phones.


Here are the links to the previous parts of this photoblog:

Part 1 - Pictures from my solo roadtrip - I took Hope to the Western Ghats, broke the front wheel, and met my favourite dog!

Part 2 - Pictures from my solo roadtrip - Meeting my favourite dog, a bunch of like minded bikers and visit to a waterfall


Petrolheads admiring their machines. I look at their obsession with full understanding.


Night around the campfire. This is time for beer, fun talk and biker gossip. A know-your-fellow-rider was also included into the mix.

Of course, a late night meant I (and some of the others) missed the sunrise. I still woke up early only to find some of the bikes missing. Looks like some of the guys have gone on an early morning ride.

But no regrets, I like to take my mornings easy and stretch my legs. Clover Leaf is surrounded by coffee plantations and is the ideal place to take a walk and get some fresh air to clear and rejuvenate the senses.


Lets walk!


Flowers of the coffee plant. They have a nice smell that fills the air.


Coffee smell and a sweet aroma surround the senses!


If only I had Django for company! How I miss him!

Here is a picture of Django in case you forgot who he is!


Django unchained and waiting to play fetch.

Now that you have fallen in love with Django, let me continue...


The first rays of the morning sun peek from between the trees. Hello to a new day!

Now, all this solitude and greenery meant I had to take pictures of Hope for the memory book!


She said, "Hey babe, let's take a walk on the wild side..."


"Give me adventures", she said, "and I will give you the world"


Viva la Figa!!

Now, one of the other guys had joined me with his bike and we got some more pictures...



The warmth of the sun was starting to disperse off the morning chill. The day will start to get hotter now.


Packed, geared up and ready to hit the road!


And a final picture before we hit the road. Can you spot Hope?

And that was the end of the get together. We rode together back to Bangalore. It was pretty much an uneventful ride and we reached town late in the afternoon. Goodbyes were said and it was time for each rider to head home.

And that's the end of the photo blog!

Let me know your thoughts, comments or questions in the comments below. I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I did.

If you liked this post, do follow and upvote. Check out some of my other posts via the links below:

Read the first two parts of this photo blog via the links below:

Part 1 - Pictures from my solo roadtrip - I took Hope to the Western Ghats, broke the front wheel, and met my favourite dog!

Part 2 - Pictures from my solo roadtrip - Meeting my favourite dog, a bunch of like minded bikers and visit to a waterfall

Read some of my opinion posts via the links below:

Opinions - We need to travel to develop empathy

Opinions - The importance of anchors in our lives

Opinions - Our toys have not changed. They have only gotten bigger

Opinions - Of Mortal Dreams and Motorcycles

Opinions - Of motorcycles and love stories

Of Scuba Diving and Motorcycle Racers - A slow life between fast lanes?

Read some of my travel stories and photologs via the links below:

Motorcycling India

Up above the Arctic Circle - Tromso and the Northern Lights

A solo backpacking trip across the UK

Cycling 500km across Europe: Netherlands - Belgium - France

Read some of the letters my bike writes on a regular basis:

Hope writes a letter - Crazy fridays and I find out I am not a car person

Hope writes a letter - Hello world! I am Hope!

Check out some of my popular posts below:

Motorcycle Stories - How I got into Motorcycle racing

A high-speed crash and life lessons

Year One of Racing in Images

Introduction Post - My introduction for Steemit

That's it for now. See you in my next blog post! Cheers!



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Woo Hoo!! Thanks and do check out my latest post on my road trip to Mangalore! I actually hoped you would still be chilling around in the heat in Mangalore!

Wow batz! This looks and sounds absolutely incredible! I would love to do something like this one day :) must have been epic! Is that an r300 riders club? So cool, super jealous and also happy for you that you experienced this fun trip!

It was a fun trip, epic is an overstatement for now ;)

It is actually a R3 owners group. We have one for any and every bike; From R15, R3, FZ25, Duke 200/390. There's a lot!

Excellent shots, two excellent activities, motorcycling + nature. I love that puppy, had an equal cocker spaniel, died of old man. regards!

Thanks, yeah, motorcycles in the midst of nature. Perfect combo for me.

Btw, Django is not a puppy! He's six years old! :) Sad to know your dog died. Always hard.

These are all amazing 😍

Clicks are just amazing.

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