Pictures from my solo roadtrip - Meeting my favourite dog, a bunch of like minded bikers and visit to a waterfall

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Hi there! :)

Continuing on my photo blog from my solo road trip the last weekend of March, here are some more pictures from the road. In case you missed out on the first part, I had a pretty eventful roadtrip. I had a incident where I broke the front rim of the R3 and had to get it changed. Luckily, I managed to get that done without much trouble. The delay caused by the incident meant that I had to skip going to Mangalore and head straight to Sakleshpur. The upside was that I got to meet my favorite dog!


let's go outside, shall we?


There are some days when I miss certain people in my life, and then there are many days when I really miss my buddy Django.


It doesn't matter whether it is a ball, or a rock. All Django wants to do is to play fetch. Throw the damn thing, hooman!

After watching the movie "A Dog's Purpose" (it is a great movie. If you love dogs or have one of your own, you should definitely watch it) I often wonder what Django thinks and try to make conversations with him. However all he does is give me this look when I don't throw the ball. I think Django looks at life as a game and the ball as the most important thing in his life.


Enough talking. Throw the ball, will ya?


At Japavati River Camp, the homestay that's owned by my friend. It is a fun place to be, thanks to great company and of course, Django.

There are plenty of things to do around Japavati. For the adventure lovers, there are a couple of places to go hiking. Check one of the posts from the links below to know what I am talking about. For the dog lovers, there is Django. You can always take a dip in the river if it gets too hot.


Spending nights in tents is much preferable to sleeping in a roof for me. Japavati River Camp offers this option too!

And now, it was time to say goodbye to Django (I always hate doing that, it is really hard for me to say goodbye to this awesome dog!) and hit the road again. This time, the destination is Chikmaglur. I have a group of like minded people to catch up with. This is my first time meeting the Yamaha R3 owners group and I don't know what to expect. I see that Hope is nervous too. I wonder how it will be.


Siri Coffee in Chikmaglur (Just off Chikmaglur town) is a nice place to relax and get some amazing coffee. I spent my time here waiting for the group to show up.

And finally, they showed up. 16 bikes in all, black, blue and a white R3 in the mix. The sound of all the engines rumbling was music to the ears. We must have been quite a sight for everyone on the road.


Our destination was the Cloverleaf resort and home stay in Chikmaglur. A beautiful place surrounded by coffee plantation and having zero cellular network. You could really smell the freshness in the air. I'll post more pictures about this place and its surroundings as I continue with this photo blog.


16 Yamaha R3s ( Two have wandered off somewhere) was quite a sight. My first time at a R3 Owners Group get-together.

We had a blast, and meeting new, like minded people is always fun. We also rode together quite a bit to a waterfall called Jherry Falls. This is a waterfalls that is located inside the western ghats within a private estate. It is a couple of kilometres of offroading to get there from the main road.


Jherry Falls in the Western Ghats. Summer means there is not much water in the waterfall. A nice sight however.


Contemplating (after getting on a high, thanks to travel, friends, bikes and stuff).


Dabbing it out with another fellow R3 rider.

That's another set of pictures wrapped up from the road on this one. We had a lot of fun in the night around the campfire and biker talk, banter and night walks. More on that and some more amazing images of the surround coffee plantations in my next post. I promise (really do) to put that post up very soon.

Check out the first part of this photo blog via this link below:

Pictures from my solo roadtrip - I took Hope to the Western Ghats, broke the front wheel, and met my favourite dog!

In the meantime, read some of my other posts on Steemit via the links below:

Read some of my Opinion posts via the links below:

Opinions - We need to travel to develop empathy

Opinions - The importance of anchors in our lives

Opinions - Our toys have not changed. They have only gotten bigger

Opinions - Of Mortal Dreams and Motorcycles

Opinions - Of motorcycles and love stories

Of Scuba Diving and Motorcycle Racers - A slow life between fast lanes?

Check out some of my travel stories and photo blogs via the links below:

Motorcycling India

Up above the Arctic Circle - Tromso and the Northern Lights

A solo backpacking trip across the UK

Cycling 500km across Europe: Netherlands - Belgium - France

Read some of the letters that my bike writes on a regular basis:

Hope writes a letter - Crazy fridays and I find out I am not a car person

Hope writes a letter - Hello world! I am Hope!

Check out some of my popular posts below:

Motorcycle Stories - How I got into Motorcycle racing

A high-speed crash and life lessons

Year One of Racing in Images

Introduction Post - My introduction for Steemit





the place looks really good. Was that a planned group meet or they happened to be there. Overall a good post and always pleases to meet fellow biking brothers on road.

That was a planned meet. The idea was to ride together. But I had some other previously planned things, so rode two days earlier, had some drama on the road and met these guys after that. We rode back together.

All's well that ends well. Cheers

All is well and hopefully ends well, but not too soon ;) Cheers!

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