Travel Blog 22: Revealing the "Secret Beauty" of Mieders, Tyrol, Austria

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hello, my dearest steemit friends~
It's yet another day to board on the space machine to follow me on a journey Tyrol Austria for your most epic hiking trial at Mieders!

Let's get ready to go on a lifetime journey with me :D
Ready & Let's go!!


If it's your first time to Austria, or you're by any chance going to Austria, please do not be surprised how much it looks identical to Switzerland. After all, they are all neighbour countries isn't it? :D

While for me, being new to the piece of stunningly beautiful a mountainous land. Also, you'll witness plenty of snow-capped mountains in Austria due to its natural high peak. Thus, if you're a person who loves nature and most importantly loves packing yourself with a trill of adventures, it is definitely the place where you rather be.


As we departed from Munich with a rented car, we head directly to our destination. The driving from Munich to Austria was silky smooth even though, all thanks to the speedy and well-constructed highways. Crossing the border of Austria & Germany was easy peasy with just a sticker of road taxation for Austria which you can get it at the nearest gas station before entering Austria for just merely 9 Euros. Baamm~ there you have it.

Also not to mention, throughout the journey, I can already see the majestic slightly dove-white mountain that was the leftover snows soared into the sky. As we were approaching, the sombre mountains towered over us as if I am a dwarf on the land looking up high to the peak. That's also the time when my anticipations hiked to the peak that I couldn't even speak properly..

The duration of driving was merely just two and a half hour and we finally arrived at our destination. We first settled down at our hotel in a Village "Neustift im Stubaital" where I am literally hands down to the place. The landscape and the view were extremely scenic as if I am staring through a picture with zero flaws.


Check out the view from our stay!! All I can say was "Stunning"!

The best part of staying in a hotel on a mountain is that you always get everything in a package. Which was the best part, simply because you'll have everything you ever need without the need of worries where to get it. Also, you literally stress free of thinking where to eat, what to eat and when to eat! Urgh, that question bothers me a lot!

As we arrived pretty late in the evening, we just spent the day relaxing in the hotel, enjoying the view and the extremely good meal provided by the hotel. Which I am going to show you now.

Please get your tissues and napkins ready because I am pretty sure you'll drools and salivate just by looking at it! :D


Since we were pretty lucky on that day's menu, we were being served with their pre-made 3-course meal of our choice of mains with fish or meats. So, our appetizer was their house-made meatloaf with pumpkin seeds served with alfalfa salads, red currants with lightly blanched carrots with their house special sauce.


For our starters, we can also choose to skip the soup to dive right into the main course. But as I am the kind of soup-gal, I need some piping hot soup to warm me up! And it turns out to be the wisest choice ever! I can't tell you how much I love it! If you haven't already know what is that, it's called "Frittatensuppe".

Austria is a heaven for all soup lovers, there's absolutely no meal starts without it. Fritattensuppe is traditionally a homemade beef broth that was topped with thinly sliced golden brown strips of pancake, called frittatas. The warm and soothing broth slides down your throat with the pancakes like a sponge to soaked up all the goodness was absolutely brilliant!


The main was served where we could pick our own slice of meat that was grilled infront of us with also the condiments of our choice. Served with lightly stir-fried zucchini on a hot griddle. This is my kind of meal where I never want to stop eating because it just melts in your mouth tender and the flavour was just top-notch.

After the sinful meal, we couldn't stop to just relax at the balcony but to just enjoy the perfectly picturesque landscape that lays in front of us.

The next morning, which is also the day for us to get rid of all the calories we devoured yesterday and I am determined to make it a perfect day to achieve our goal which is to hike on the most difficult mountain in Stubaital called, Maria Waldrast "König Serles". With the difficulty level 5 and the estimated of 5 hours hike to the top, we were determined and extremely pumped!


Upon arriving at the place. I could already foresee that it's going to be MAJESTIC!!
Also, I couldn't stop myself from getting some instagramming shots hahaha!


Majestic isn't it? I mean..I am referring to the view! The view! Giggles~

Let's cut the crap and START!


At the beginning of the hike, the trail goes about 20 minutes steep through the forest which then leads diagonally through steep terrain, between pine fields and over gutters filled with scree under the rocks, up to a wide Kar. By then, I am already panting for breath. Not too far then we spotted a person wooden platform to witness at 180° paranomic view of the breathtaking view!


We gazed up at the rugose and the unpolished mountains with a sense of awe. They were mysterious and sepulchre quiet. We remained quiet to enjoy the peaceful environment, soaking up all the unpolluted fresh air, clearing and calming our mind as if we could turn a new leaf.

Time gone passed quickly that I haven't realized that I've been sitting there for almost half hour where it's time to pick my bum up to get the journey to the top completed.


Every steps I take was like I discovered a new gem, the surroundings never failed to leave me speechless with the astonishing view. With the breathtaking view, I feels like I feel like I belong there. Just the beautiful moutains and me.


When I thought dabbing was a real deal! That was the moment where I realized I haven't taken any photos of reaching the top as I was just too immersed with the amazing view! But, at least I had a cool photo of me :D


Also, we found some holy-water by the spring and it was meant to be bringing good luck and curing all health problems. But, whether or not it's the truth, it remains a mystery.


Spot the Alpine Coaster "Sommerrodelbahn" that I've boarded on! That absolutely the highlight of the whole journey! I really couldn't describe the love of me toward the Alpine Coaster in words that I strongly recommend you and your friends to try it out and experience it! I could ensure you with all my heart that it worth every penny and it's definitely remarkable!!


To put it in words, this is definitely one of the lifetime trips that you shouldn't be missed in your life. Be adventurous! You'll be surprised at what you can discover!

*Photo Copyrights: Photos were captured with Sony A5000. Please drop me a message if you would like to use the photos. We could definitely discuss it :)

Check out some of my latest blogs at the link below:

  1. My song cover of "Million Dreams" from "The Greatest Showman"

  2. Travel Blog 21: The Charming City of "Salzburg, Austria" packed with natural beauty and Endless Surprises!

  3. Life: Plans I crafted to make my the year of 2018 Count and with special dedications!

  4. Travel Blog 20 Part 2: The Absolutely Most Delectable and Extraordinary Food Experience I ever had in the Mystical Land of Amsterdam!

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!steemitworldmap 47.1688 lat 11.3819 long Revealing the secret beauty of Mieders, Tyrol, Austria d3scr


Austria is beautiful. Great photos :)

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Thank you MewMew! It's definitely an honour to be selected for #adsactlypostoftheday I am definitely feeling extremely motivated and encouraged to be bringing more travel post on steemit! :D

So stunning! Thank you for sharing so many pictures. I could imagine myself there. I am also very hungry now. lol! (Heads to the kitchen dreaming of the Alps.) Keep blogging! It's fun to travel with you. :)

Aww! That definitely warms my heart! Thank you so much for the lovely comment, I really do appreciate it a lot! I will definitely work harder to share with everyone my travel journey and hopefully, you'll still be here to witness it! Thanks for checking me out and hopefully see you around too :D

For sure! I'll be watching for your posts. :) I don't get much chance to travel these days, and I love seeing new places in the world. Enjoy your journey!

What a wonderful trip and an excellent post
I love traveling the world and seeing new places,
Through you, I can see more places

@explorernations Thank you very much

Thank you @nirgf :DD I am super happy to be hearing from you and most importantly, I am happy that you're able to feel it through my words. I am definitely feeling more motivated to keep on sharing more travel post on steemit and hopefully, you'll still check me out for a virtual getaway :D See you around!

wow! it's stunning! so you've made it to the top of the most difficult mountain? looks like a very sunny day. in my mind, I somehow​ thought that mountains there would be covered with snow.

well done for documenting this adventure​! :)

YES! I made it!! It was definitely a very fun and exciting at the same time! It's definitely a perfect weather to go on hiking. It wasn't high enough to be covered with snow but I did manage to hike up to the Glazier. I'll get that post coming up soon! Stay tuned :D

Thank you very much for the compliments!!

staying tuned for that Glazier post. pretty sure it's epic! hehe

I am just trying my best to bring the beauty of the places I've been! And hopefully, it will benefit everyone here too :D

Omg looks so pretty there! All that vibrant colours

Thank you so much Wendy :) Austria is my favourite country to go! It's a perfect country to visit just to explore the nature, the people and also the food! If you're one of the nature lovers, you'll definitely fell in love with the place instantly! Thank you for dropping by :D

Those blue skies and greenery......... Breathtakingly gorgeous! Must go one day!

Indeed! I am just like a sponge there, soaking up all the perfect moment, making every second count! It is a must to go if you don't want to spend a fortune on Swiss, Austria is a great alternative. No offence, but in my opinion, the view is as good as in Switzerland.

great travel and adventure.

always keep safe and God Bless

Thank you so much for your warm regards. I will definitely keep it up and hopefully, to bring everyone more insights! :)

your welcome my friend, looking forward more of you to your next post.

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hey you truly deserve the post of the day title i just upvoted cos adsactly sent me...
also i follow

Thank you so much for the lovely comment! I really do appreciate it. Most importanly, I am glad that you enjoyed it :)

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