Dining with The Aliens in Me Mother-Ship

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

A long stroll in the cold and the dark can famish a person with such a fast metabolism.. agree?

It's alright though if there's a resto near you or better yet, if you're going to an all in buffet dinner appointment afterwards which was the plan that night and it's going to be in the mother-ship! Hurray! I'd be dining with the aliens!

Which aliens? .. well, technically, the only alien that was actually there that night was me cause I'm not really from here, aren't I? Therefore, that above is once again just some damn click bait.

Enough BS let's cut it to the chase. Here are the links to all the videos that I took on the way there and to show you what I did which you'd probably just not click nor watch so what's the point of posting those links, ey? Besides, no matter what I seem to post here, I see the same names in Steem world so thanks to all of you still getting lost in my post. Double thanks to those reading it no matter how long and replying with relevant comments. We've grown now and that must be a tough thing to do so kudos to you.

... pitchblack on the way to my mothership
... sighted ...
Since I got off first, I headed to the loo because pea sized bladder here! I asked the receptionist where I should go afterwards. I was told to go to the bar and got a bit disappointed after finding out I won't actually be going up that spaceship like resto up there at the top. I approached the bar and the bar guy was supposed to lead us to our table but my husband and I asked whether it's okay to go up and down the lift like kids for a while because that's what we always do when we go there. No, this isn't my first time to go there.

Up and down the lift we went and when we got a bit dizzy, we finally headed back to the bar man who led us to a table for two across from a family of four. Since there were more empty tables with no "reserved" tags on them, I asked whether I could choose another place and the guy led us to it. I wanted to chat with my husband so we wanted a bit of privacy because .. introvert!

Do you think I'd just sit and chat there when the anacondas are already on strike in my tummy? Of course not, so after he's served us my proseco and a red wine for my hubby, I picked up a plate and believe me I tried to take pictures of the food and I don't know how the many other bloggers do it - taking a snap of everything in the resto because I felt so embarrassed doin' that, I didn't get to take a pic of all the food they have when a swarm of aliens joined us in the buffet bar even though they, too were just focusing on filling their plates up.

My husband was worried I'd get froggy eyes due to the proseco but I actually asked for just half a glass and filled the other half with water. Of course, the aliens stared at me doing that - all in awe because who drinks champagne this way? Probably just me? .. but who cares ~~ I'd rather look weird than ruin that fun date with swollen eyes. I'm allergic to alcohol so I can only take 6% and my husband even finished it cause I started turning red and feeling warm and worried I might turn into some outerspace creature with black eyes that night.

I don't recall the many vegetarian salads I took with some roasted chicken meat nor the names of all the fish I ate. I didn't even manage to take pics of my plates because .. because of the anacondas! They were screaming; "concentrate on eating" and concentrate I did!

When I went to the fish section I even forgot to ask for any lobster when all of the fake lobsters there were screaming to my face - "lobsters in the house! " and the two lobsters in the aquarium were probably laughing at my obliviousness. I even forgot that I could choose any fresh fish and they'd grill that to my face because! the food was so damn delicious I forgot to even breathe and before my husband and I knew it, we couldn't sit properly anymore since we got too full till our necks. ( I think even our esophagus were stuffed that night. Glutton!)

I thought, I'd walk it out around while the anacondas do their work but I passed by the cakes in front of the bar and I saw a chocolate cake in the middle and it called me and I was hypnotized, the next thing I knew was I was asking the bar guy whether I could have a slice of that choc cake and he said it's not included in the buffet and I insisted to give me one and while he was looking for the price another guy.. 9probably his boss) said; "Just give it to her" and I melted in shame but appreciated such kindness and just said ; "thank you" so many times.

I headed back to our tables and tried to make my husband drool but the moment I went to the coffee section and found out that their teas like their wine are all organic, he sneaked out and took scooped a bite out of that perfect not so sweet chocolatey slice in front of him because I was busily choosing which coffee to take. Can you guess which coffee I had? 15% upvote to the first one who gets it right.

After that, I had two more full plates and the anacondas finally hushed and I tried avoiding going to the ice cream salon because I'm Asian and we can't stand lactose and that ice cream would either mean gas or break outs on my skin but my husband is such a tease getting back to our table with a scoop of mango and stratellia and chocs here and there and wouldn't share no matter how much I begged for just a teaspoon full of each ice cream he has, so I dragged myself to the ice cream bar (which looks like heaven on earth ! damn mother ship knows its tricks!) and had to control myself from all the yums that I could actually take with my ice cream.

I grabbed me a pretty ice cream cup and ask the ice cream lass for a scoop of mango and my favorite Amarenne or I guess you call it Amaretto in English - that.. whatever that is I can't remember. Trust me, I tried running back right away to our table but another slice of that layered cake and a very chocolicious fudge slice held my leg and begged me to put them in that pretty looking ice cream glass that I didn't have a chance to even resist nor say no, I caved in and gave in to all of those luscious temptations.

I was more than 100% full and normally, I step on my eating breaks at 80% but I guess all the yummies decided they should be in my tummy so I ate and ate till I could no longer sit (hmmm that rhymes) I really had to go around so my husband took me to what seem to be a nautical museum that the mothership owner has put up just one floor beneath us.

I'm a woman and I love such crafts so I drooled staring at all the boat displays down there. I saw mini boats with canons, etnic etchings, old boat propellers, a collections of navy's helmets if thats what you call them and mermaids with their boobs exposed.(wait what? yeah!) By the way, again, am a woman, okay, hetero and straight! Still, I was so impressed with the boat display below I wish I could show you but I was busily looking at the details of each one of them I didn't bother taking any good shot, besides, it's better that you see them all yourself in case you go there so save the suspense, don't you think?

I guess, I love it that for the last minute, we decided to book dinner and dine with the aliens in the mother-ship because I only paid 79 euro and some cents for all the yums I pigged out. For such a chic setting and the array of food choices which I failed to take pictures of and blame it on the anacondas, my husband and I agreed it wasn't costly at all. You a Pinoy? Don't convert it to Philippine peso!

On our way out, I spotted the Christmas tree with discount cards hanging on them in the lobby. I took one because I want to experience their "La Tour"(that sounds French doesn't it?) which is finally going to be on top , there .. in that space ship look alike bulge on top of the mothership. I wonder if like Baiyoki Tower in Bangkok, it's revolving, too. On the way to our car I took another vid of my mothership just in case someone decides to fly it away.

I'm not sure our schedule would allow us to experience La Tour up there before the New Year's Eve or after it but I'm so damn sure that my husband and I would often dine here because - me mothership is never expensive!!.

You? How did you spend Christmas Eve? By the way, on my videos I kept saying "Dec 24" pardon me but I was wrong cause it was actually a night before that but then... since I stopped looking at my "agenda" or schedule notebook because of the holidays, I lost track of the date because why keep track? Who does that during the holidays?

This content's 100% mine. I used my smartphones to take those pics and videos .

Here are my most recent posts: **TIP :
on posts that are old and have already been paid out. ONLY Upvote POSTS THAT ARE 6 DAYS OLD below.

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Hopefully you do get to read it now since there's nothing else that comes after it except that picture below. Want more sneak peeks of this trip? Click here or here.

Follow Me ---> @englishtchrivy


Thank you for posting such an adventure @englishtchrivy.

Have you read the books of the adventures of Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans?

Reading your post reminded bleujay of her adventures in Paris.

Lovely photographs and storytelling.

Many of the ladies in Italy cut their wine by half.....lovely idea.

Princess Diana insisted water be served in a wine glass at functions so as not to inhibit the others at the table from drinking....so you are in good company. ^__^

Wishing you more adventures and a Happy New Year mon ami.

thank you for really really reading mon ami!

Yes, I love Madeline ! ^ ^

oh so am actually not alone in this he he
thanks for the info .. I really wasn't aware of that :)
the bar guy brought me a glass of water to add indeed
perhaps I wasn't the only one with alcohol allergies :D

In the slideshow video there was an image that had me think: "Why on earth would they put a mirror in front of a urinal...!?"

It appeared not to be like that, really need to have my eyes checked. It was the ladies lavvy, and you got caught in some mirror reflection there.

Did you lower the speed of the slideshow by the way?

Nice food photos really looked great. And Amaretto is booz too, so be carefull with that. ;-)

Looked like you both had a great time last saturday.

hahaha that was a sink hahahaha ^ ^
and I took that selfie on purpose just because :D

yes, I set the speed to 7 secs but I guess it's too damn slow what do you think?

yes, yes, the Amaretto is booz there's rum there but that's why it's more delicious hahaha
I only had a scoop :D but when I go to cicoto in wageningen I order 3 or more depends on the weather :D hahahahaha

yes, we had a great time, today, too but too tired when we get home, too late and it snowed today! there, too?

Maybe 5 seconds would be just the right velocity, I think.

And we have very wet snow here, maybe better known as rain. :-)

Would prefer snow though, this weather is like autumn, and I dislike it. Rather have real winter weather.

And now time for bed.


okay next time
now too much
tired now, too
cold feet and sleepy
am off to bed now, too
dead tired much!
slaap lekker!


Your writing style is so unique :-)

The chef has done a good job of donating cakes!
Since you wrote, you should not convert a Philippine peso, I became curious :-)
4711.17 Philippine pesos are 79 €uro!

I wish you a happy new year 2018

thank you for reading
hah! you! hahaha

Happy New Year, too!

good video

Hi @englishtchrivy! So many sweet treats that You made me hungry , hehe . It is possible that You chose for yourself on this wonderful ship, Green Mountain Coffee or the sort of "Pea-Berry"? I am very pleased to see Your alien gastronomic tour :)

unfortunately no
but you haven't really been following me for a long time but to those who do they probably have an idea of what I usually order :D

Yes, I suspected that the answer was hidden much earlier :) . I found out about You only a couple of days ago. But I'm here not because of the prize or award , but because I liked Your writing style and how You present Your thoughts . I read Your post before Christmas about Your mom and Your family. I was very touched. Thank You, @englishtchrivy

no worries I like having you around ;)

apparently you have had an extraordinary good night, the mothership looks great, so you can see in the video is a very pleasant and pleasant place, the dishes and the tickets look exquisite, I must admit that you have opened my appetite. congratulations dear friend @ englishtchrivy for your hermsa exit.
I wish you a wonderful day

thanks @jlufer it was a great night !
i wanted to post a video of us going up and down the lift but I guess I erased it :'( I couldn't find the file in any of my phones :(

that would have been very fun to see, however it could be appreciated very well that it is a splendid place, congratulations for the visit

told lightly and entertainingly! I am very amused and also had spices in my mouth while reading this food adventure!

You have a very special writing, which gives me the feeling, that I can lay back and letting me be entertained.

Great post, thank you!

79 euros for one person? but then if they can cook any fish you want, i don't know, i guess it's OK
and they weren't including that chocolate cake? can't believe it
it does look yummy, to be honest
i avoid buffets, they can get me into trouble
glad u enjoyed yourself

nooooo for two :P
79 euro per person is too much for a simple buffet
there's another one near my place that has more food selections and that charges just 30 euro but exclusive drinks :D

I don't like that kind of buffet the food there is quite not fresh specially the fish but then it's a huge place and always busy so I think I get your tummy :D

hava nice travel
love to your post ..

I'm enjoying, but your video makes me hungry :))
Seems you have a fabulous holidays :)

thanks! I did belle ;)
I hope you're having a great time yourself out there, too!

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