Frustrating Witness Update

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)


FINALLY Back in Action

After a painstaking trial and error update to my server, it is all better now. Have people noticed this past week that Steemit and it's mirrors and children have been real slow and non-responsive? It's because the vast majority of the witnesses have been upgrading their servers. We have had to go from 32GB to 64GB of RAM because the blockchain has more information stored on it these days. To keep that speed we love, it had to be done. I know it was a headache, but should be 'all better now'.

DEAD Witnesses

Dead witnesses need to be cleared of stale votes. Another lesson I learned recently, is some of this bullshit is rigged. I had a talk with a few people and asked them why they are voting for dead witnesses. Their answer was basically to keep other people from moving 'up the board'. Seriously? I have since stripped my voting down to bare bones as I will no longer support people like that. Not like they really need my vote anyway. I strongly urge people to MAKE SURE none of their votes are being wasted. I highly suggest NOT using proxies as you should take your votes seriously and only place them where you feel they DESERVE to be. Are they doing good for the platform? Are they approachable? Do they actually care? Are they active here on Steemit? Ask yourself a few of these and evaluate your witness voting at least once a month.


Again, I wouldn't be able to do this without him. So I sing this fellow witness and family member's praises today. I did ok without him getting it initially set up, but missed a few things and went out of order so missed a few blocks. I was anxious to get it up and running, lesson learned! He went through the entire process for me again and found the hiccups. Love that guy. Go vote for him, seriously, he wants to see people succeed just as much as I do. Stop in and read his recent update and you'll see I'm no liar.


What's this? Well, good old boy @jatinhota developed it. You can read my review if you click here. It's basically an app that allows you to trade across multiple venues and gives you up-to-date price feeds via Coin Market Cap. You can also set it up as a watchdog for your favorite coins! My favorite part is the size of the app itself and its user friendly interface. Go check it out! Big props to you Jat! Thanks again :)

@youarehope & @tarc?

As the pow-wows went down yesterday, my main point on the agenda was to get everyone's opinions on whether or not we should collectively back a new organization. That being @tarc. The response was overwhelmingly unanimous and in favor of doing so! So, #thealliance now supports @youarehope and @tarc! The Tazwell Animal Rescue is doing great things and needs your help so go visit this post and give @rhondak and @tarc your love too!


Wow, I love the passion over here. Not sure how long it will remain because of a meeting that took place on Friday. There was some discrepancies about the ownership of @phelimint's bot - @silvergoldbotty. He had built her and coded the beauty. That takes work. I don't think anyone actually sent @phelimint money personally with a note attached saying they wanted their 'investment' back after X time. I donate resources to organizations and bots frequently, even run @a11y. I think with the fall of STEEM prices, people were getting a lot less than they had hoped for and to spread the love across new members, votes had been lowered. Panic set in and they tried to find a way to recover. Unfortunately, that caused a 'fork' in the road for SSG. @silvergoldbotty will move forward, so will #steemsilvergold. I support both personally.


@ameliabartlett is on fire over here! Why do I support them so heavily? I like it when women burn their bras...those things are just a hassle to deal with anyway! Bwaha! Really though, this platform is predominantly male and I think that needs to change. The more women that step up to the plate and face the gridiron, the better this place is going to get. Emotion is a key to any social network and let's face it, aside from anger and lust, guys are just business robots pretending they understand what romance is. Read this delicious latest edition from @ladiesofsteemit and you'll see what I mean.

Other Things I Support

I love the @spl, not going to lie. Do you need a reason? Then go read this and maybe I'll see your happy ass at the tables one of these days. I also support #steemusa and have their witness on my list. I am American after all! Not that being an American makes a big difference in such a diverse ecosystem LOL! #teamgood, you know I got mad love for this thought process. The more people associate with me, the more they understand why.


This past week has been just a roller coaster of feelings and excitement. From winning yet another silver round (post to follow) to the falling out of friendships, the Ides of March seemingly took their toll on everyone. Such is life, am I right? Keep STEEMING on my peoples, the best is DEFINITELY yet to come.


@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png


We had a pretty long discussion on the Steemitizens show today about dead witnesses. Frankly I found the answers completely unsatisfying. I think witness votes expiring after some period of time would help a lot, everyone having equal vote weight for witnesses would help a lot, and spreading the word to every single new user of the platform about the importance of voting for good witnesses would help a lot. Ultimately, if half the witnesses on are inactive, that's a problem. Maybe there aren't that many people capable of doing it. But there are top 50 witnesses who are clearly inactive, and that's entirely on us. Even if most people are cattle who would rather let someone else do their thinking for them, at least set a good proxy, for fuck's sake.

I'm reminded of this parable, which I use far more often than I would like. Perhaps you've heard it before:

A scorpion is walking along the bank of a river, trying to cross, and happens upon a frog. The scorpion asks the frog for a ride across. "How do I know you won't sting me?" asks the frog. The scorpion says, "If I sting you, we'll both drown." Satisfied, the frog begins to carry the scorpion across the river, but halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog. With his dying breath, the frog gasps, "Why?" Replies the scorpion, "I couldn't help it. It's my nature."

If the relevance of this parable to many relationships including those on Steemit isn't obvious, I'm wasting my time trying to explain it.


I don't claim to speak for all women, but many of us eyeroll or facepalm or both at the overt sexism of bro "culture" on so many online platforms. There is a degree of disappointment to see it here as well. Sure, it's not as bad as 4chan, but I don't think anyone considers that a very high bar.

#thealliance pagebreak.png

I love the @spl too. Aside from the part where every time I fold a shit hand, a would-have-been full house flops. And every time I have pocket aces, someone has a straight flush on the turn. That is my luck, in a nutshell, and why in life I never gamble.

I've heard that before about the scorpion and the frog. Good analogy. Yes, @sircork is all about removing stale voting and I've chatted with him a little on the subject. Glad he brought it up on the show!

That's really disturbing that people keep voting for dead witnesses because of some dumb vendetta against those trying to move up. So many people here neglect their duty to vote also (including me, something I'll have to work on - although I did vote for you!) So glad we're supporting @tarc too! Thanks for the post!! :)

Drives me kind of nuts! We have 3 other very active witnesses you could throw a vote on in the fam. @jatinhota, @guiltyparties & @sircork. They do a great job with their efforts.

Thanks for bringing this all to light! I'm going to go spend some more votes on your recommendation! (after I go read their personal pages of course - because you know I like to KNOW for myself!!! hehehehe) of course i trust you. i really do. But when someone asks me why I voted for someone - I want to be able to tell THEM to do what I did too... and that is - get nudged in the right direction and then use my brain ;)

which is seldom used these days.... so any thing that encourages brain-usage is a good thing in my opinion hehehe

Thanks for being one of the witnesses that I love to love! :)

Yup mate, you should check on your own, A trusted person’s opinion is a boost for the decision.

yep! i wrote a post about it a while back... and a few people kept asking who i voted for cuz they wanted to follow in my footsteps since i had done the research. but i kept telling them - here is who is important TO ME. now ... go find who is important TO YOU! :)

Yeah, Show the path and ask not to follow. The the same motto I have as well.

I'm on the page now... and realized that I only see the witness threads for the top 50. how can i see all the witness threads?

I really just wanna see yours right now though - so you can send me the link here if ya like :)

Ha ha. Those are top witness not their thread. If you want to read mine you can found it on my blog page. And for all the witness update, @timcliff is doing a good work by collecting all and aggregate them in one post.

Here is mine.

oh thanks! hehehehe - but i did click on the witness thread for the top 50 and it did lead me to their pages to announce what they were all about ! LOL (not sure what those links are - i hope they are correct! hahaha) i was just looking for yours in particular since @enginewitty gives you high regards :)

Definitely check the date on the broadcasts (what the links go to) and browse their profiles to see beyond just that link. I like that you are informing yourself!

Ohh ok. Gave you the link now you can read mine. :)

Their answer was basically to keep other people from moving 'up the board'. Seriously?

I know who is that person. This is ridiculous. He is a well known person in Steem with a large follower base. His decision is not only for low ranked witnesses but also for whole steem platform. I will never support these type of people.

I highly suggest NOT using proxies

I am not agree with above statement. Mate, @enginewitty, User should set proxy but before set they should must know what is the witness doing for platform, What’s is his mission. that’s it. Because some users and don’t know much on witnesses works and some don’t know when one is dead. So by choosing proxy they hand over their job and vote value to the other user then it’s that users responsibility to vote carefully. (Not like above written person who shout there less known followers to Set him proxy show he could manipulate the rank.) Proxy setting like outsourcing the work to who knows better.

My favorite part is the size of the app itself and its user friendly interface. Go check it out! Big props to you Jat! Thanks again :)

I always believe If it’s not a game or a app that need continuous refresh the data, The size of data shouldn’t go beyond 15 MB. THANKS BUDDY FOR YOUR APPRECIATION.

As for the proxies, if they trust the person they are setting to vote for them, then I can agree. I would assume they would have done their homework before selecting that route.

I always believe If it’s not a game or a app that need continuous refresh the data, The size of data shouldn’t go beyond 15 MB. THANKS BUDDY FOR YOUR APPRECIATION.

I think the download was a little under 4 MB and barely touches my devices's CPU usage. Runs very well my man. Excellent job with it!

Yeah. They should due diligence before proxy.
Thanks bud.

My favorite Witness! Bringing light to the 'dead witness' concern is of major importance, especially now as we see more corruption on the platform. I'm right there with you!

And, thank you for your generous support of @ladiesofsteemit. It's a fledgling initiative with huge aspirations and they're becoming possible because of you. 🔥

Absolutely! I think your goals are being finely tuned and need some light shed on them so I am happy to support it!

Funny this is the second time I've heard of the witness voting thing today. We were on the steem star network this morning talking about exactly this. Might almost be good to expire votes after 90 days or something and force people to reup.

Well the votes are wasted, it does no good for the platform to endorse someone that isn't actively securing the blockchain. Frustrating.

Very frustrating. I just wonder if most of those votes are ones that have been placed...and they can't be bothered to change them rather than actively pushing people out. I'd like to hope people are better than that....then again...

I've spoken with some of them and, well, they were placed for poor reasons IMHO. Some just are not aware as they thought it was a set it and forget it kind of thing. Helps to keep people informed :)

Thanks for the update on the goings on. The slow was frustrating, but, always easier to deal with when the reason is known!

A great week to you!

Hey did you know you get rewards in STEEM now too? Not a lot, but it's nice to see they brought it back.

Great post, I wish everyone would look at things similar as you as far as the witness goes. I really hate all the drama in the SSG community right now but I have faith that it will soon pass and hopefully get somewhat back to normal. If not, we will just have to roll with the punches.

Thanks buddy and yes, was very unfortunate with the SSG situation. I sat in on the meeting and have a different opinion of several people as their true colors shined through.

Nice job, keep up the good work, you got my vote

Thanks my man! I appreciate that :)

Thanks for letting us know why everything was so sloooow! lol, but I suppose it needs to be done! cant those witnesses be removed if they are not actually contributing? could you make it publicly known who they are so we dont support them (simply because we dont always know what goes on behind the scenes)

Wow, you speak my mind.

It is in the works as it seems to be gaining more traction. Have to make people aware!

appreciate that!

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