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RE: Frustrating Witness Update

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

We had a pretty long discussion on the Steemitizens show today about dead witnesses. Frankly I found the answers completely unsatisfying. I think witness votes expiring after some period of time would help a lot, everyone having equal vote weight for witnesses would help a lot, and spreading the word to every single new user of the platform about the importance of voting for good witnesses would help a lot. Ultimately, if half the witnesses on are inactive, that's a problem. Maybe there aren't that many people capable of doing it. But there are top 50 witnesses who are clearly inactive, and that's entirely on us. Even if most people are cattle who would rather let someone else do their thinking for them, at least set a good proxy, for fuck's sake.

I'm reminded of this parable, which I use far more often than I would like. Perhaps you've heard it before:

A scorpion is walking along the bank of a river, trying to cross, and happens upon a frog. The scorpion asks the frog for a ride across. "How do I know you won't sting me?" asks the frog. The scorpion says, "If I sting you, we'll both drown." Satisfied, the frog begins to carry the scorpion across the river, but halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog. With his dying breath, the frog gasps, "Why?" Replies the scorpion, "I couldn't help it. It's my nature."

If the relevance of this parable to many relationships including those on Steemit isn't obvious, I'm wasting my time trying to explain it.


I don't claim to speak for all women, but many of us eyeroll or facepalm or both at the overt sexism of bro "culture" on so many online platforms. There is a degree of disappointment to see it here as well. Sure, it's not as bad as 4chan, but I don't think anyone considers that a very high bar.

#thealliance pagebreak.png

I love the @spl too. Aside from the part where every time I fold a shit hand, a would-have-been full house flops. And every time I have pocket aces, someone has a straight flush on the turn. That is my luck, in a nutshell, and why in life I never gamble.


I've heard that before about the scorpion and the frog. Good analogy. Yes, @sircork is all about removing stale voting and I've chatted with him a little on the subject. Glad he brought it up on the show!

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