Native American Animal Spirit Guides & All Animal Related Terms Explained!

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Medicine Card Monday & Animal Spirit Guides


Since I started the #MedicineCardMonday initiative there has been a very nice outcome. The cards have attracted positive attention, and this has helped individuals start the process of unblocking specific issues in their lives.

Additionally, this has assisted with private requests for medicine card readings, that evolved into incorporating energy work, and then adding a small Native American ceremony I hold for each individual that asks for a reading.

In the reading sessions I do not assign an animal to anyone nor have I suggested that a specific animal be given to someone in any of my readings. This blog will explain the way I have been taught about animal spirit guides and how the personal intuitive techniques I implement assist those that may need medicine in their life. The cards I will be introducing tomorrow, will implement spirit animals but no specific animal designation to an individual.

There also is a need to explain specific words so that people will understand the differences of what an animal may be in their life, since there are so many definitions and situations when an animal spirit guide may come into our life. Some stay in our entire life, some only come when they are needed.

This is more easily understood if we already believe in having a spirit guide and accept that there are those around us helping us achieve our life purpose every day. Spirit guides whether we believe are angels, family members that have passed on, or goddesses they too are with us our entire life or for only a short time depending on the lesson.

Animal Spirit Guide Defined


It is believed that at one time all of humankind could speak to animals, some may feel we still can. I for one do not always have this ability. It comes and goes. According to Native American tradition there is respect for the animals, we do not kill more than we need, we thank Great Spirit for providing the animal to us, and we thank the animal for the life it sacrificed for us to nourish and clothe us.

As a Native American we continue with the tradition of honoring the animals. Honestly, I do not like the term animal and I prefer the word Being. We wear skins and feathers in our dance and ceremonies, we paint them on our bodies and some carry pieces of animals in their medicine pouches. These actions keep us connected to the animal so it can teach us its ways and remind us that all life is interconnected and even as humans, we are animal spirits.

This way of life is termed animism, the idea that animals have a soul and consciousness. Many cultures from around the world worshipped animals in spirituality by building monuments and temples in their honor. The major difference in the Northern Native American culture was that this did not take place, since we were very careful not to worship parts of Creation because all of Creation was and still is considered sacred.

In many if not most of Native Americans use the terms animal spirit guide and animal totem interchangeably, however, the term animal totem is typically used in Eastern European shamanism. As I have explained previously, shamanism stems from witchcraft and is not used within the Native American culture.

A few things to remember is that an animal spirit cannot be chosen for someone, they choose us. Neither cards, quizzes, nor games are an authentic way to find our animal spirit guide. Discovering who your animal spirit guide depends on paying attention to the spirit world around you and following the signs. It takes a balanced listener to figure all of this out.

Native Americans call this process One With Nature, and when this happens there is a sense of protection, and the guide helps us to be a better person. There is a transitioning phase after the meeting process where the person is healthier in physical, mental, and emotional ways. Life is more clear with understanding.

When I connected with my animal spirit guide the best I could explain this to myself and others is that we sing the same song. As you probably have guessed my animal is the eagle, and I literally heard her singing to me. My Native American lineage is of the eagle clan both here on earth and in the heavens. I wasn't sure I wanted to connect with my animal spirit guide at the time, but I was prepared when it happened. It was a beautiful experience and she is by my side every day.

Types Of Animal Guides


Messenger Guide

Comes quickly into our life and leaves once the message is understood. The message can be spiritual, a warning, mundane, or a wake-up call.

Shadow Animal Guide

This guide can instill fear and the lesson is one that is stubbornly ignored. This guide will return again and again until the lesson is learned. The shadow animal is powerful and the fear can change into a helper after the lesson is learned. This animal will show up during a time of testing.

Journey Animal Guide

This guide shows up when there is a fork in the road. The journey can be months or years and if one gets lost then then the guide will bring one back to a person's life path. The journey animal guide will stay until the journey is complete.

Life Animal Guide

This guide is also called a Spirit Guide and remains during the entire human life. There are times when a Life Guide may no long be needed and is exchanged for another one. The powers are always with you and inner strength can always be tapped into when needed.

The terms animal spirit guide, animal spirit, and spirit animal are all interchangeable and were discussed above. Totem animal was also discussed above and the origin of that term in relation to this discussion.

The term power animal is not used in the Native American culture but is used in witchcraft. Some feel the need to allow an entity to enter their body, whether that is an animal or something else I'll leave that one up to Creator and the individual accepting of this to decide how that will play out.

The term familiar is not used in relation to Native American medicine or practice and in reality has nothing to do with medicine. The word means "demon that serves or is prompted by an individual."

I've felt the push to explain some of these terms since the accuracy is oftentimes dulled and the heart of the definitions are blurred. When doing this work it is imperative to share facts and then to do your own research. As I've mentioned in prior blogs trust but verify. These practices can be powerful and invite dangerous entities, therefore, it is advised to be cautious and wise.

Meeting Your Animal Spirit Guide


If you meditate then this will be easier for you, if you do not then get the basics of meditation down and ensure that you are balanced in all of your energy centers. Those that work with energy on a daily basis have difficulty with this one, so I highly suggest a lot of self work and care.

Animal spirit guides do not come out on demand and are actually quite particular on motives and intentions. The following are suggested after a high level of spiritual awareness has been attained.

  • In a quiet place find your center while alone.

  • Draw a circle and bless the area with sacred incense.

  • Start your prayer along with deep meditation.

  • Release ego, desire, expectation. Let go of fear and negativity.

  • Imagine yourself in a location of nature; forest, glen, or stream.

  • You will slowly see a creature coming towards you. The creature is friendly and invites your touch. You embrace. You have now met your animal spirit guide. Spend time talking.

  • Open your eyes. Now, educate yourself about the true nature of your animal guide; habitat, life cycle, skills, traits, etc.

Remember, the animal spirit guide chooses the person and not the other way around. There will be harmony and it will not be forced. Communication requires reverent respect, knowledge, and honor.

To reiterate, this blog has the intention of teaching the differences of animals within spirituality and for some this may not be their experience.

We all are here to learn and grow, these teachings are from my lineage and intuitive abilities. May we all attain to awakened awareness in our own timeframe. Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the Spirit World. If that’s you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

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Eagle Spirit’s Disclaimer
Energy therapy is a natural method of energy balancing, but is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological diagnosis and treatment.

Energy practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

Energy therapy or any other natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments. All therapies are meant to complement medical treatments.

If you wish to learn more about the energy work or methods I use to assist others in Native American medicine practices feel free to contact me privately.


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