The road to minnowhood

in #thank-you6 years ago (edited)

A minnow here and minnows there.

Yay, I am a minnow! Since December 10... Yes, the next photo below is a screen shot that I took last December 10 but time has been so elusive for me to sit down and think about this post.

Steem price is low but in spite of that, there are still reasons to celebrate and there are a bunch of good Steemians to appreciate.

When I joined Steemit, my first goal was to achieve 100 SP in 3 months (90 days) without spending from my own pocket. However due to HF20, I achieved my target on day 99 after I powered up in October. On the same day I spent all my SBD earnings for leased delegation wherein I got 301.662 SP. I made that my next target to earn such SP by the time the lease ends in three months so I do not feel its loss. That would mean an overall SP of 402 on my 188th day. However, @cicisaja made a comment on my post that I can make 500 on my 200th day. I thought that's gonna be tough. I still made it a target but gave myself an allowance to go back to 402 SP in 188 days just in case 500 SP is not achieved in 200 days. That is basically being not too hard on myself if I fail.

With the help of wonderful Steemians, I beat both targets and got 501.x SP in 163 days. Thanks for the challenge @cicisaja! 😊


Now it is time to shout out! I want to acknowledge all those countless Steemians who have helped me along the way. There are so many of you that I can not mention everyone.

Shout outs below does not mean discounting anyone at any rate. These gentle folks are the ones whom I received regular support, even if just for a specified duration for some. The order below is nothing more than the chronological order as far as I can recall when I met them.


Alex is one of the many who greeted me when I first stepped into Steemit. And he is one of the very few who still keep in touch. The biggest chunk of my account growth and value is from Steemhunting, thanks to Alex! He voluntarily dumped all important details to me about the hunting, even if I did not ask. I learned a lot! We do not have regular communication but when I "hear" from him, it is about opportunities where he puts my name on like this latest one. Talk about surprises!


I am not certain as to how this gentleman found my post but he invited me to join #ccc. When I did, I got guaranteed income for all my #ccc posts, even with my comments. What caught my attention on his invitation is the phrase that states "you do not have to upvote my post." And he does that in every qualified and valid #ccc posts. Giving without expecting anything. Non-business minded helping out. Need I say more?


Almost simultaneously few months ago, I received an upvote from @minnowshares, a mention from @upvoteshares post and a memo. When I traced the upvoteshare post, I saw my name sponsored by @doughtaker for the level 3 of upvoteshare program. I do not know this guy (or gal). I never had any interaction with this account and I do not know how he (or she) found mine. I posted a comment mentioning him (or her) but I did not get a reply. I took that to mean "just continue doing what you're doing good." As means of appreciation, I kept upvoting minnowshares post which I did not realize would lead to another great support. You will see later. Read on.


I am not sure which came first as my first interaction with this gentleman, whether his curie-upvoted post about farming which is part of what I chase for the curie commenting or when he joined #pifc. Within a short period, I noticed his upvotes coming in to my every post. At first I was doubting if I am on his fan-base for auto-vote but I confirmed that when I accidentally posted something incorrect. I wiped that content and just posted -Deleted- but his vote still came for a deleted post. Of all people, this gentleman whom I knew for a very short time saw and believed in what I do that he nominated me for the minnowbuilder program. How thoughtful! What's more? He sponsored me twice with 2 shares each time for the minnowshares program that topped my sponsorship to 6. That means I got a free upvoteshare!


I see the name from time to time on different posts but I never had direct interaction with him. When level 3 of upvoteshares program was over, I continued upvoting minnowshares posts while the program in already at level 4 which means I am out of the program. When level 5 opened up, I noticed the minnowshare upvote started coming again. I checked my sponsor and found out that it was @costanza. How did he find me? Read this conversation which I took a screen shot of. How clever is that to see the good in others?


Talk about engagement. This redneck gentleman will never get tired of it. I saw his name on the engagement league though we did not have direct communication until his post was nominated for the #pifc. And the engagement began. Sometimes I can't can even catch up with the replies pending for my replies too but it is always good to see that "howdy!" And he has this knack for memes that will make you burst into laughter.

What is common with these folks? They help without asking for anything in return. No pressure of upvoting back their post, no drama. So before I get dramatic, let me just say this:


What's the next target? I am yet to think about that but this minnowhood certainly opened up many opportunities and options to explore.

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Upvote Follow Resteem @macoolette


Very excited and happy for you @macoolette!! So ... As we discussed in our recent exchange, what will it be, now that you are no longer "Rocket Redfish?" 😉

You are a credit to the Steem blockchain / community. I'm sure you will continue to do well, as you have a great attitude!

For future support and cncouragement, I’d highly recommend you get “on the list,” specifically the Minnow Power-Up League list, posted weekly by @steemcommunity – the great Witness account of @abh12345 and @paulag.

Thankful to have “met” you “in here,” @macoolette. All the best to you, for a better tomorrow! 👍

Hhmm... I haven't finalized my minnow name yet. It can't be magic minnow. Let's see how it goes. 😊

Thank you very much for all the support including referrals to opportunities like the power-up league. I really feel good to know that people have confidence in what I do and that I am surrounded by great people like you.

I just left my comment on the league post. I am actually conscious as I may not be coping up as fast as the others but let's see... 😊

Okay, @macoolette, I can see you need some help ...

"Hhmm... I haven't finalized my minnow name yet. It can't be magic minnow."

... as it can’t be “Magic Minnow.” Okay, no comment from you on "Missile Minnow," as that would be consistent with "Rocket Redfish" ... Still pondering that possibility perhaps ...

Here are a couple more options:

Magnificent Minnow
Marvelous Minnow

Just doing my small part, to keep you going ... 😉

... so you can "rocket" up the list on the Minnow Power-Up League! 👍

Missile sounds notorious. 😃

Thanks for all those other suggestions, they sound so promising. Sometimes it is scary to cary those adjectives. As uncle Ben says, great power come great responsibility. 😀

Howdy macoolette! and thank you for the very kind mention! You have done so well especially since you're working full time, it's quite an achievement. I wonder what it will all look like in one year from now? Will we still be here? will we be at rep75? It should be an interesting year if this place holds together. Thanks again for the kind words!

You're welcome and thank you too! That's the least I can do to recognize and appreciate those who help as I started here.

I hope that after a year, Steem does very well that not only us but more will be here. So let's target rep 80 😊

haha! I wonder if there is a limit to how high the reps can go? I've only seen 78 but 80 sounds pretty good! lol.

See you at that rep level. 😀

hha! macoolette if that actually happens I'll be freaking out so I'm going to remember this conversation. Have you been on curie lately? I haven't been to a single post. lol.

Okay, we got something to look forward to - rep 80 it is!

I commented on a few. Not sure how many but less than 10. Really busy? 😊

Que bella publicación @Macoolette, trasmite claramente un gran sentimiento de agradecimiento, ¡Si podemos! superar los retos, te felicito gracias por estar en mi camino.

tenor (1).gif

You're welcome and thank you very much too, Celina! 😊

Congratulations, you are doing great. Looks like SteemHunt is really paying off for you! 😊

Thank you @trincowski! Yes, steemhunt is a good way to grow an account. It also help me keep my account floating on steemit specially now that I have a job and time is a challenge to write. 😊

By the way, I didn't have the chance to say this so I might as well do it now. Congratulations on launching your own contest program!

Thanks, it has been a fun experiment so far! I help them and get a few extra SBI shares as I do it. It's a win-win situation.

Yeah, I think SBI is the best prize for contests as it still goes back to the host aside from giving to the winners.

grabe ang bilis mo po ah..ayos

Posted using Partiko Android

Hehehe... walang power down, puro up. Subukan mo rin mag-steemhunt. Madali lang siya... 😊

sinobukan ko na yan pero hindi ko alam kung saan ako maghahanap ng mga bagay na pwedeng gamitin sa post para steemhunt

Posted using Partiko Android,,, O kaya sa Facebook, sundan mo yong tech insider.

Yepppeeee yaaaaaaa congratulation and what an awesome achievement. Next stop dolphinhood. Would love to have you join the minnow power up league on @steemcommunity.😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you Paula! I just left my comment on the post. It indeed looks exciting to be in there. 😊

congratulations @macoolette! You made it! So proud of you.. you've done all your best to grow and worth it. I thin k you should create another post for the great contest by @animadsoul about your achievement in 2018.. you gonna be a good influencer for the newbies and those who still struggling on steemit too.

I haven't had enough time to check around lately and not busy engaging either because you know... I'm busy with the monsters even though I don't care about the value of the cards while everyone use the cards they earned to power up, but I didn't... LOL. I haven't do that steemhunt because I'mnot a good reviewer and it just not my style.. LOL.

anyway.. I'm so happy and proud of you.. Go Girl! Go to dolphins in 100 days!!

Thank you @cicisaja! I really want to write for anomadsoul's contest but time is running out. Deadline will be in few hours but I don't think I'll be able to catch up.

Ah, dolphinhood in 100 days will be really tough unless I win the lottery and buy Steem. 😊 But let's see what I can add up to...

Try to post even shorter posts every day so you get the upvotes from the auto-vote programs like minnowbuilder, upvoteshare, etc. You are missing many upvotes from them on a daily basis. That is actually one of the reasons why I keep on steemhunting so that there will be a post to receive the upvotes.

I'm too busy playing with the monsters @macoolette, one of my monsters cards worth for $50, but I didn't take it becaue I don't really know the value of the cards beside it is complicated to sell it in the market. I'll grow somehow with the steemmonsters. beside that auto-upvote programs just save me fromthe dust vote, while at the same time I always too lazy to promote my post ... hahahahaha, I have 5 accounts to handle and that's why I just forget to post on the main one.

Oh, well... I would say that you do not underestimate the value of auto-votes even if just dust sweeper. The sponsors of those programs are doing what they can to help. 😊

Good luck on steemmonster! I really hope you get your momentum with it.

This post received an upvote with x2.5bid.
Follow @haccolong to get randomly free upvote every day.
Thanks for using the service and your waiting @team-ccc !

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