Everything (Almost Everything) I like here in Steemit! / 我所爱的Steemit挑战或活动 Part 6 - MyJuniors | Come Draw with Me + Durian and Bah Kut Teh!

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

The past week has been a great one... Well, every day is a GREAT one! Today I am gonna continue posting my Everything (Almost Everything) I like here in Steemit! series. So what I am gonna share today... Let me see... Last Saturday we had a great MyJuniors event and then an awesome yummilicious food trip with some Steemian friends. So there're two parts to my series today. Let's get starting now.

过去的一个星期实在太棒了。嗯,其实正确来讲应该是每一天都棒哒哒!好了,今天我想继续写我的合集 “ 我所爱的Steemit挑战或活动”。不知不觉一些了六期了。今天主要要分享些什么呢?我看看吧,上星期六主办了第二个MyJuniors的活动,接着和Steemian老友们还有两位新朋友一起参与了美味可口的“美食团”。来吧,开始分享咯!

MyJuniors | Come Draw with Me

All the photos speak... Everyone, our little friends (the Juniors) and our big friends are so HAPPY that day. So glad everything turns out awesome! Really need to thank all the committees for making this event successful! Thanks to @bitrocker2020 @perennial @sireh @rambai @karinzdailygrind @aaronleang @joannewong @orangila @notimetospace @johnathanchong Also special thanks to @aurah for dropping by together with @rambai! And we have an international guest @macchiata too! Thanks for coming for the event!

照片是会说话的。单单看以下的照片不难发觉大家都非常的开心。非常感恩,感谢所有筹委用心的把活动搞得有声有色。感谢@bitrocker2020 @perennial @sireh @rambai @karinzdailygrind @aaronleang @joannewong @orangila @notimetospace @johnathanchong !还要感谢@aurah的到来捧场。以及我们国外的朋友 @macchiata

Our wefie :
Back left to right: @aaronleang @bitrocker2020 @davidke20
Front left to right: @joannewong @macchiata @karinzdailygrind and me

And special thanks to @sireh for sketching me in 5 minutes! I should have let my hair down... But anyway, it's still me... Thank you! Thanks for guiding the little ones to draw... I am so proud of @halleyleow @ryenneleow @vinnieleow (yup, my three girls), they have come up with awesome drawings! Will be sharing their work in their own account. For Halley's drawing, you can visit HERE. Ryenne and Vinnie's work, ok, ok, I will help them post as soon as possible. They have been asking me why I haven't post for them... 😅😅


More blogs from others for this MyJuniors event: -



Durian and Bah Kut Teh / 榴莲和肉骨茶

Right after the MyJuniors event, some of us went to meet up with @zord189 @nomadicsoul and @howtostartablog. We are so happy to have guests visiting us from overseas. You can check out @zord189's post on a more elaborated details for the yummilicious food trip. Also in some of the posts I mentioned above, they have shared about the same durian and bah kut teh session too. So I will not go into details as it would be almost the same thing. I will share some of my photos with you all.

MyJuniors的活动完毕后,我们几个人就和 @zord189 @nomadicsoul @howtostartablog会面,一起吃榴莲还有肉骨茶去了。非常高兴我们可以接待两位外国朋友!想读更详细的报道可以到@zord189部落格 看看。我不多做详细的讲解了,(哈哈,有点偷懒的感觉吧。是的,宝宝我认了,就是有点懒)。我不写多,但却要分享一些我拍摄的照片。

Steemit is not just an online platform. As you can see the two events I just shared are offline events. Steemit is a community. I always say Steemit is a magical place. We get to know each other from the online platform and then we carry the online friendship and blossom it into an offline relationship. We have group chats chatting every day and night... And I can assure you right now, there must be some Steemians somewhere planning on the next meetup. If you just join Steemit, you are still a newbie, dunno much about Steemit, then go find your local home group. There are local home group everywhere (should be everywhere right now), just in case you can't find any at your home place, then find the nearest one to you or the one that you can click with. Join a group, join a community! Get engaged with at least one experienced Steemian. You will feel the difference! Learn and prepare before start preaching about Steemit! ❤️💖💕💗


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Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap


If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

Colorful hearts border is created using paint.net and gifmaker.me.


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If you are interested in the communities and groups I am in, you can find more details below here: -

The Alliance
The Steem Engine
The Freewrite House


Cute little kids.😊. Hoping to use #myjuniors tag for my son, too..😊
Greetings from Philippines and Thailand!

Sure. Of Coz you are welcome to use the MyJuniors tag for your son's creation!

Thank you very much @elizacheng ! 😇 I will tell my son about it and will use the tag for my next post about my son's drawings! 😊

Sure. Looking forward to his posts! How old is your son?

My son is 7 years old @elizacheng 😊. His name is Mikhail. 😊

Cool! My second daughter is 7 too. :D

I landed safely!
and whenever I read one of this stories I laughed and chucked !
it was amazing and I am so looking forward to visit Malaysia again!!!

there is even a picture of me admiring three little cute kids :D
I am very amazed that they were already 7 and 9
say my greetings to them!

Have a great day eliza!

I told my girls to eat MORE! They eat not much every meal... Nice meeting you! Keep in touch in discord... 💗💕💖❤️

Thank you for sharing your posts with us. This post was curated by TeamMalaysia as part of our community support. Looking forward for more posts from you.

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I LOVE that first wefie of you guys. So sad I missed this!! But still very happy that I got to meet you afterward. I love all the food captures too!

Haha it's so much fun to read about this day from everyone's different point of view 😀 Makes me happy

Glad you like it and it makes you happy... I have this weekly challenge called MakeMeSmile, maybe you can take a look and submit an entry for a lucky draw... 😃

That sounds like a cool challenge!

Fun and SMILE... Here's the latest Week 4

We have a great day and eat good food together hehe.

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