An Old Fashioned Kinda Weekend

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Hi There 😊

What a crazy - in a good way kinda - weekend?! I don’t think I’ve dashed around so much over two days and enjoyed every bit. There was so much human interaction without cyber space in between us. Just the old fashioned kind, meeting up, shaking hands , hugging, actual talking and not texting, laughing and not LOLs.

First up, the kids had a treat at #MyJuniors drawing with @sireh. Because they were older they got advanced tips on shading and lines. Even E who was a little upset I had signed him up (“because I’m not good at drawing!!”) enjoyed it thoroughly. More on this coming up in my next post.

Then we headed off to meet some of my ex work mates for a quick catch up. And of course that was the usual fare of Who, What, Where, When, Why?. This I won’t be sharing with you for obvious reasons. The picture will have to suffice and leave you guessing. 4B403D51-1686-4C27-8478-24843EE8D66E.jpeg

Still so much to say but we had to scoot off for the Steem-Music & TeamMalaysiaBabes Music Night. Oh what a treat that was. Initially I wondered if talking law and a woman’s rights in an abusive relationship followed by music would work....In a nutshell, It Worked!! And I will fill you in on the details soon. The kids had another treat catching @cbppls live as we had just watched his video earlier that day in awe

And then Sunday, meeting up with besties for lunch. The kind you have found a kindered spirit in. The ones who you can count on when you are in trouble. The kind you can have a good laugh with. The kind you could have a major fallout with and patch things up in time because good friends can put it past them and move forward. We had too much to talk about that we forgot to take pictures. But who knows, soon they will be fellow steemians.

Then the weekend ended with us managing to secure tickets for the last add-on show for #OlaBolaMusical. The energy levels were electrifying , the crowd was charged and the show ended on a high. Will share more on this too but first a quick click with the Director of Ola Bola Puan Sri Tiara Jacquelina. A939FED7-04C9-4405-866A-88F94F7BB7A2.jpeg

My laptop is not cooperating with me today this typing on my mobile with my fat thumbs is driving me mad. So I will stop for now. Thank you for swinging by and til next time ....



thanks for dropping by even on such a busy day! glad to know that you had fun. hope to see you for round 2! :)

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Looking forward @calebeejl 😊

Three cheers for making the effort in turning up for both the evenings. You and your kids must be tired...hope they get to practice quality of lines and quality of shades that will make their drawing stand out.

Hip Hip Hooray!! @sireh. They had a lot fun. In fact, I was ready to leave because one had to wake up at 6am but they wanted to stay... I’m glad we were part of both 😊

Your kids are beautiful... glad they were having fun...

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