Hot, Sweat, and STICKY'S // Permen Toilet???

in #teamaustralia6 years ago (edited)

Hot, hot, hot

Today is soooo hot. I'd like to say I envy my boys 😅 Everyday now the school is selling freezies because, you know, hot, hot, hot days we are having.

Today though, for once we did not stay longer at the school playground, we decided to right away head home while they enjoy their freezies, because, wow, the sun today is burning the skin like ccaaccaarrraaazzyy.

TKF, Winter you whinge, Summer you whinge, what do you want??? 🤣


Last week we made a stop at Sticky's. Have you got this branch where you are at?

My boys follow several family oriented, gaming, and snacks accounts on Youtube, so whenever there is a new snack review and whatnot in one of those accounts are showing, for sure we will find ourselves at Sticky's 😅

The latest one was this TOILET lolipop 🤪 Inside the toilet is sour fruit powder, where you would dip your lolipop in the "toilet" 😅 So silly.


Too bad goodies at Sticky's are not really light on the purse but daaaayyyuuuummm, can never find the wanted goodies at Walmart or other stores. So yeah, beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

Some pictures I snapped inside the store. Should have posted it last Friday for @dswigle's #marketfriday, ah well 🤷‍♀️







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Anak2ku suka latah kalau lihat iklan. Bukan hanya iklan di TV, tapi juga apa yang orang lain pamerkan di video mereka, di Youtube, terutama kalau tentang mainan dan makanan yang berupa permen-permen aneh. Alamak 😅

Karena kami tinggal di kampung 😂 Hanya ada beberapa toko disini, dan keseringan yang mereka inginkan, harus pesan online.

Ada satu toko khusus permen, dan baru buka 2 tahun belakangan ini. Sayangnya harganya selangit, euy. Mereka tahu, kota kecil, banyak anak2 kecil, pasti laris manis kan.


Nah dah berminggu2, anakku yang bontot merengek minta permen yang dia lihat di Youtube. Bentuknya ala toilet 😅 Keliling nyari ga nemu, akhirnya yah ke toko khusus permen tersebut yang namanya Sticky's. Bener deh ada, tapi yah itu dia, bisa beli 1 PaHe KFC kali yah 😂. Sayang anak, sayang anak 😅




Oke deh segini dulu yah, semoga hari Selasa/Rabu-mu menyenangkan 🤗

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Ini yang no berapa mbak, rambutnya kren ya..

Ibu bapaknya kriwil, jadi yah dia kriwil juga 😂

Paling bungsu dia

wow what a great store @thekitchenfairy! I've never heard of them before, I suppose it's another Canadian thing?
and by the way what's a "whinge" I suppose that's some strange Indonesion/Canadian thing again? those kids are spoilt ya know. not just everyone gets to have toilet lolipops!

Whinge is Australian word for whining

Oh yes, my boys are spoilt wth love for sure 🤪

So much candy :D. I rarely eat candy and I remember my childhood with similar types of sweets. =) Thank you for taking me a trip down memory lane :D

Terimakasih teman!

YouTube has so much to answer for, I know exactly what you mean about all these gaming and sweets testing channels - EthanGamer certainly has caused me to hunt out American style candy packs by post so my youngest boy can "try" out all the weird and wonderful sweets. Of course most he tries a little and decides he doesn't like - I can deal with waste so hence why I am short, fat and toothless 🤣

On of the favourites has been those Jelly Beans that are similar colours but have two opposing flavours - Bean Boozled it is called where you can get two the same colour but one is Rotten Egg or Buttered Popcorn! I got one that was stinky socks - and it really was I spat it out and had my head under the tap for 5 minutes trying to wash the taste out!


Yes! The boys do follow Ethan 🤣

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