🔥 Steemit Vision Quest - Week 3: Angels Among Us

in #svq7 years ago

Today begins Week 3 of Steemit Vision Quest ( #svq ), where we bring our Visions into focus, like stars joining their rays into one potent light beam. This community challenge encourages us to slow down, check in, and ask ourselves: What Does My Higher Self See?

Steemit Vision Quest - Week 3: Feb 12-18

The Theme

“Angels Among Us” is our SVQ theme for Week 3. To enter the contest, you'll express yourself creatively with an original artwork that helps us to visualize the theme: Angels Among Us.

The Invitation

  • Create a “Vision” that is daring, lively, and raw, aligning with this week's theme.
    • Paintings, poems, and videos are good examples.
    • Artworks may include new originals, old originals, or fresh remakes.
  • New Rule: Include “The Process” as a section of your post.
    • Reveal your intention, your creative genius, and your personal character.
  • Include “Steemit Vision Quest” in your post title.
  • Choose #svq as your first tag.
  • Add a link to your post in the Reply section of Monday's post (the one you see here), which introduces the week's theme.
  • Sunday is the due date for entries each week.
  • [Optional] Upvote, Reply, and Resteem, as you feel called.

The Incentives

  • 100% of Steem Dollars earned by Monday's introductory post each week will be distributed among the Top 11.
  • The Top 11 gems will be spotlighted in a curated list.
  • Upvotes, Replies, and Resteems will promote your appropriate and original posts.
  • [Most Important] All of us may actively give and receive the gifts of our Co-Creations. This is our Work, with a capital "W", and this is what Steemit is all about.

The Calling

Dear Dream Catcher, capture your paradise, bringing heaven here and now. Dear Trailblazer, pursue your purpose, taking the journey led by the heart. Dear Storyteller, create and express your new narrative. Dear Designer, bring your passions into new creations that go beyond function and stir the emotions. Dear Symphony Conductor, assemble your various instruments together to sing in harmony. Dear Player, elevate life with your lightness that lifts others up. Dear Artrepreneur, present your gifts that bring value into the world. Dear Altruist, demonstrate your care for the wellbeing of others.

Steemit Vision Quest challenges you, dear Visionary, to bring your Vision for the future into focus for the higher good of all of us.

The Continuation

As you can see from Week 1 and Week 2, SVQ is stellar, with a blend of surreal, ultra-real, and superconscious Visions! Look for a Week 2 Recap this Thursday, spotlighting the gems we've unearthed with the theme: Night Flight. We greatly look forward to new Visions in Week 3, with the theme: Angels Among Us. After this, we eagerly anticipate Week 4, when the theme will be: Bliss In Stillness.

Steemit Vision Quest is created by @cabelindsay, and co-facilitated by @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror. On behalf of our team, we'd like to thank each of the Vision Questers and their supporters–The Rainbow Warriors of a New Dawn.


This has been a most enjoyable experience, you are really getting a lovely energy flowing with this!

Loving the hope I feel in your words. Feels so uplifting, searching inward through the whole emotional spectrum, peeling layers and layers until arriving at the Source Prime, there in the core, where that Light shines. So much hope. I keep returning to your words, peeling layers in myself even as I read your words. Hope and more hope.

There aren't enough words to rightly express the Wow. I'm pretty sure you do have wings, and I'm pretty sure you're the reason why I'm higher than the clouds right now, feeling elated. I cherish this feeling. Thank you so much.

I just saw that you are a high fiver <3 I teach piano and brass for a living and I am a high fiver too :) because I have a type of rheumatoid arthritis though I had to switch to using a wooden hand for the job - but the kids loved it and sometimes I shove it up my sleeve so it looks like I have a freaky hand and they love that too :)

@cabelindsay thank you for your magnificent vision to create themes weekly that touch and connect to a special part of us. For this week's theme I decided to share some positive creative energy. I would like to give an offering of an unofficial entry to this week's Steemit Vision Quest theme. https://steemit.com/poetry/@rensoul17/steemit-vision-quest-week-3-angels-among-us-unofficial-poetic-expression

Oh yes, this resonates. I appreciate your way with words, and the flow, the meaning, the questions, the wonder... I also like the visuals that go along with your poetry.

What else is it my Creator that you want me to do or see?

My entry for SVQ #3 is a simple musical performance. The song is called "Angel Michael In This Moment."

@cabelindsay I’m sad to see you weary. Seriously, if you go to your children and just tell them you’re so busy lately and that you want to say thank you for your patience please understand I’m really drained of energy so can I give you a hug and I really love you, you’ll receive the energy and confort you need right now. In turn they will feel the same, and you’ll all get that energy coming to you from loving one another. It really works, and all that burden will melt away. Thank you for sharing that beautiful song sir. By the way Michael is one of God’s greatest warriors fighting the devil. So when you were singing, I felt God was telling me to tell you go, love your children now. You’ll be blessed! God is with you have no fear.

Your words are wonderful. Thank you for the sentiment I feel behind these words. Thank you for your caring and your kindness. Thank you for encouraging me so much in this moment.

Well Hi @cabelindsay sir! I’m so blessed to hear from you, I really thought I might have scared you away from talking to me, so thank you 🙏 so much for saying thank you, I really appreciate your reply back to me. I care about you, and everyone on this planet earth. And your song and more your words told me that you needed at that time some understanding and some comfort. I am glad you got some from God and I together. He works through me each and every day, I pray for it every morning when I wake. We look to spread love and kindness where we can. Steemit is a real good place to do so. You can touch more people’s hearts over the internet than anywhere else. But of course you know that already. I see that your having another contest here, I’ll make sure and enter that as well bye.

@zenmum, @cabelindsay is an incredible inspiration here on Steemit and I think you will enjoy the challenge for Week 3. "Angels Amongst Us". (Make sure to follow Cabe if you haven't yet. ;)

It's a pleasure to meet you, @zenmum. I greatly appreciate the connection @thecreativerebel. Hugs and high-fives to the two of you!

Thank you so much :) I think I have sought him out previously upon stalking your profile lol

The end of this contest is when the post pays out yah? I am excited to enter but I gotta go home tomorrow to get my paints haha.

I appreciate your way of revealing your creative process in a succinct way. The illustration itself is enchanting to me, and the grunge element evokes some curious interpretations in me. Thank you.

I'm considering thise one... but once again I have not documented the process at all 😕


Can you explain it, step by step? 😁
It’s lovely!

Hey Eagle, thank you! I mix hand made acrylic paintings, with photography through photoshop! I have a lot of stock, so if you don't take consider the making of the paintings, collages, pastels etc and the taking photos there-of. The steps are basically mixing and matching hand made works with digital photos...

Hiya, i meant can you put that in the post when you enter it into the contest? The step by step can be written in the entry and that is acceptable. Of course visual is the best but at least with a written testament that would work. :)

Thanks for the heads up!

I'm considering this one too. Jeanne D'Arc!

Sacred geometry Jeanne d'Arc.jpg

WOw omgawwwww I need one of your pieces like my soul cries for one 😛🤣🦅

This can certainly be arranged!

PF 19.jpg

ohemmgeeee .... how'd you know I'd love that one!!????

Yes, I'm loving these women Warriors of Light! Awesome in their symbolism and in your artistry.

I like this one. Seems to fit the theme well :)

@eaglespirit's comment is exactly what I'm thinking too. Visually, it'd be interesting to see the multiple individual images that you're combining together to make these "mash-up" images. That would be a terrific way to show your artistic process. Your written description here is also very helpful, as a way of understanding what goes on behind-the-scenes of your Artworks.

Yes!! Exactly what I was feeling too! Amazing process. I see this with many entries. Amazing work but I want to see how it was developed or what does it mean to them, a writeuo of how it ties in with the theme and if they created a hoodie or print great but tell me a story of how it fits to Night Flight, etc.

This is my entry for week 3. Thank you so much for creating this fun content that allows us the express ourselves freely through creativity. :) https://steemit.com/svg/@marniegaertner/steemit-vision-quest-angels-among-us-week-3

Wow, love this!


So grateful to you and your mission. I see by your blog that you are the real deal, and I applaud you for seeking out and resteeming earth-focused posts. Thank you.

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