🔥 Steemit Vision Quest [Highlights] - Showcasing Weeks 15, 16 & 17

in #svq7 years ago (edited)


Steemit Vision Quest ( #SVQ ) continues to create a sense of awe, with a good amount of “ah,” and “aha.” Here, we celebrate the creative spirit as we bring our inner visions into focus, prompted by the question: What does my higher self see?

These past few weeks, we've explored three separate themes: “Far Away,” “Gathering,” and “One Love.” My personal journey has led me off grid during this time, participating in ceremonies. First, I attended The Gathering for Humanity, near Santa Fe, New Mexico, followed by the Blue Star Sundance at Thunder Ranch, in Texas.

It is my pleasure to return to SVQ now, enjoying the wonderful new visions of @cronosclocks, @celestialcow, @trucklife-family, @fishyculture, and other Steemit stars. Their works are spotlighted and showcased here, with my deep admiration and appreciation.

🌞 🌜 🌟

The Spotlight - Week 15: Far Away


Poetry Pentagrams Petals and Porridge” by @celestialcow

The first SVQ entry by @celestialcow is stellar. Here, we're examining the meaning of the star as a sacred symbol. We conceptualize the star seed–a body of light planted on Earth to bring healing and well-being. This idea aligns with Native American legends, in which the ancestors come from the stars. And we can further imagine the stars in our eyes, as we dream big. @celestialcow paints these pictures nicely, through poetry, culinary art, and imagery that invites us to imagine.

Poem Excerpt:

and the journey
is as divine
as vision at the end
of the rainbows
that you seek


The Spotlight - Week 16: Gathering


Empowering One Another” by @trucklife-family

During Week 16 of our Vision Quest, @trucklife-family encourages us to gather together: “To share our knowledge and our skills. To empower one another, to begin to heal ourselves and the planet...” These are precisely the aspirations of our Vision Quest, which is designed for us to join forces as we envision the world we wish to live in. Truly, when we imagine this world, we actually think, feel, and materialize these thoughts, words, and actions.

Poem Excerpt:

Relearning, reconnecting,
mind, body and soul
to the earth,
to the sky,
to the true meaning of you and I

Come let us sit together in the circle, let our connection spiral down to the ground, let us welcome all the ancestors to come and gather round.


The Spotlight - Week 17: One Love


One Love (Animated lyrics video)” by @cronosclocks

In Week 17, we envisioned the theme: “One Love.” Naturally, the Bob Marley song by this name showed up for many of us, and @cronosclocks took this music and flew with it. Every bit of her creation is precious to me: the ultra-adorable animated gifs, the music video, the singer's voice... So much fun! I love the way she works with other talented artists, to collaborate and co-create. Seeing all of this, I feel inspired, enlivened, and lightened up.


🌞 🌜 🌟

The Showcase


Far Away” by @cronosclocks

Week 15 brought some excellent entries, with the theme: “Far Away,” and this one is absolutely gorgeous. It's one of the most memorable visions we've seen in the entire Quest. Such elegance in these black-and-white images. To me, @cronosclocks is a visionary artist, bringing to mind the dreamy film work of Fellini, and I feel honored and humbled to bear the brilliance and beauty she brings here. It strengthens the imagination in an audience, I believe. I am in awe.



Far Away” by @trucklife-family

It is as @trucklife-family says: “All that I need comes from within.” In her article here, she invites us to remember that happy place, “Far Away,” where we go to escape. I remember a place like this, where I used to go at night as a child, when my worries made me restless. Mine was a garden, full of vibrant green plants and wonderful people, and a unicorn! I've learned to return there in my adult life too, and I often share it with my kids in the form of a spirit journey, or a guided meditation, where we close our eyes and see the invisible.

Now take a breath and close your eyes, for to really see, this journey begins within you and I. See that light that flickers just out of view, that light is your power, it is what you need to pursue. It is the source of dreams, it is what makes you, uniquely you. It is ever present and shines from deep within you.



Gathering” by @alexandracruz

We're delighted to welcome @alexandracruz to the Quest. This is her first entry, and it's a fantastic one. I see great artistry in the photo, the process steps, and the illustration. I see brilliant intention and execution here, because this image shows a lot of action happening behind the scenes, keeping us curious. I can imagine all of the people gathered here, enjoying a swim, a hike, a bonfire, a marshmallow roast... It reminds me that the best shared visions are the ones that leave the details up to the eye of the beholder.Estamos encantados de darle la bienvenida a @alexandracruz a Quest. Esta es su primera entrada, y es fantástica. Veo gran arte en la foto, los pasos del proceso y la ilustración. Veo una brillante intención y ejecución aquí, porque esta imagen muestra mucha acción sucediendo detrás de escena, manteniéndonos curiosos. Me puedo imaginar a todas las personas reunidas aquí, disfrutando de un baño, una caminata, una hoguera, un asado de malvavisco ... Me recuerda que las mejores visiones compartidas son las que dejan los detalles a la vista del espectador.



The Most Important Gathering On the Planet: Ode to the Bees” by @celestialcow

Some of you know I have a special place in my heart for honeybees, as I see divinity in them. They remind me: Life is so sweet! This set of photos and poems allows us to look to the worker bee as an example of a functional community, where each member has a duty, a sense of purpose, and real belonging, working together. The bee hive exemplifies a gathering that blesses every individual while also blessing the colony as a whole, and of course this blessing extends to the flowers, the surrounding forest, and all the world.

Poem Excerpt:

you show me the way
by working hard everyday
and by being part of a team
we can realize our dream



One Love Love One” by @fishyculture

A good marriage is the wellspring from which the love of the One freely flows.

What a beautiful way to say it. I appreciate @fishyculture's smart way of setting an intention, a tone, and a feeling, as she shares her visions. This gifted storyteller allows us to feel the love and the losses, as we consider the widowed women dealing with their partners' passages. This poem is bursting with energy, moving through emotions, examining Creation, and cherishing the gift of life.

Poem Excerpt:

The Cosmos was empty when it had a notion
To bring order from chaos; sort land from ocean
Separate light from dark and below from above.
When it saw Creation, Universe first felt love.



One Love” by @pual

Yes! This stylized lettering is a lot of fun, with all its swirly fluidity, bright colors, and glowing floral elements. To me, the dandelion symbolizes the resiliency of nature, and I love the fact that dandelions break through the cracks of concrete and blossom there. It's an enchanting plant, disregarded by some as a weed and respected by others as a beautiful, medicinal flower.



One Love: Open Your Heart” by @celestialcow

I see a natural, graceful, fluid motion in these words and watercolor paintings. They seem to be expressions of the divine feminine, with the wonder and mystery of its heart intelligence. I resonate with the symbolism, I appreciate the vibration, and I like the way it encourages me to feel what love is like–instead of thinking about how it is defined.

Poem Excerpt:

Open your heart
To yourself



One Love” by @trucklife-family


Yes, we know what we need to know, and the clarity is crystal. :)

Her words are often musical to me, and I am listening with both ears. Here, @trucklife-family articulates a message that is deeply felt, as I also feel the unity and harmony that comes from loving each other. Yes, and I believe visioning in this way is our Work, with a capital “W”–imagining the world we wish to see as a way of co-creating with the Creator. My hope is to expand upon Creation in a good way, through our positive intentions and inspired actions.


The Linear Illusion of Far Away” by @rensoul17

There is lightning striking in the truth of this message, channeled by @rensoul17. I love the way she lifts the veils for us. Her words address the illusion of separation–distance and difference from where we are and where we wish to be. It reminds us to be present with our journeys, because the way to get there is to be here. Aho.



Far Away - Digital Illustrations for Steemit Vision Quest” by @cabelindsay

Ever since I started hosting the Steemit Vision Quest, I've made an effort to participate with a new vision aligned with each week's theme. In the “Far Away” week, I considered many ways to creatively express this theme in a way that directly improved the branding of our Quest. I drew marker sketches, digitized them, and colorized them. My desire is for every element of the SVQ to be artful, meaningful, and original.


The Rewards

Steemit Vision Quest showcases artworks by some of Steemit's wildly imaginative and gifted creative thinkers. We appreciate these people for braving the storms of this day and bringing themselves into the Quest. This a true act of courage, and it deserves to be applauded, and rewarded.


The Continuation

Thanks to @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror, for co-facilitating this Quest. Thanks to each of this week's artists. Thanks to you, for being here, and for being you. And thanks to the invisible forces, always working wonders with us. A new journey is will begin on Monday, June 11, with the theme: The Dance.


thank you @cabelindsay for these amazing opportunities to create these vision and send them out into the world. I hope you are well my friend, I image you must be truly inspired by those amazing gatherings you attended xx

Thanks right back atcha, sister. :) Yes, I'm filled to the brim with gems to share, feeling like a treasure chest. I had the pleasure of interviewing many of the elders, and so now I'm fashioning these stories into documentary films. Dreams come true!

Agradecida con tu apreciación hacia mi obra, espero seguir participando en las siguientes.

Thank you @cabelindsay for all you are doing with Steemit vision quest. It is such a beautiful reminder of the most important things in life that often go unnoticed. I have enjoyed reading back over many of the entries. And it is a blessing to meet new and amazing people like yourself. @cabelindsay.

Thanks so much for your role in keeping the positive vibes alive! I'm really impressed by your creative spirit, your generous way of extending your support, and your overall encouragement.

thank you for making a showcase post, so we can see all the visions over the past weeks. it has been very centering taking part in these. looking forward to more quests ahead!

Your artworks are appreciated, my friend. Even though I've been mostly apart from Steemit these past few weeks, I'm still feeling connected to SVQ, and the ways it continues to move through me, you, and us. Feels very spirited. And your involvement these past few weeks is exciting to me. It's awesome what you're bringing here, through your creations, your comments, and other energetic exchanges. Thank you. Hugs and high-fives!

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