🔥 Steemit Vision Quest - Week 15: “Far Away”

in #svq6 years ago (edited)


Far Away

As a child we hear of magical lands that are far far away, places of undeniable beauty were our dreams come true. From a young age we dream of these Far Away places. For me it was an opportunity to escape, to get lost within the story, to become that child that had access to the magical tree with the magical creatures, to transport myself to a place where you were understood and cared for.

When you come from an unhappy home you yearn for those far away places. A place where you are safe and secure, where you feel wanted, where you are heard as a person in your own right. Where you can be a child in the truest sense, to have the freedom to make noise without fear of retribution.

This was my first introduction to what I understood as 'Far Away'. Introducing the concept that something that I really wanted, really desired is unreachable, unattainable, a place within my dreams. It is too far away from me.

How did that make me feel,
how does it make me feel today,
to return to that place where I wanted to feel
at peace and at ease,
To believe that my happiness,
that my well being lies far away,
chasing after something
that I believe I get never achieve.

I could have followed along that same path,
I could have made myself believe,
we only have to look around to know
that is exactly how so many others feel.
That, that which they want,
can never be found,
that it lies far far away,
in this far away land.

What caused my change in direction,
what caused me to wake up to the fact
that this self doubt is something
that is encouraged and in truth the tact,
put in place by a system
that continues to grow
whilst we become more fearful
and do not trust that which we inherently know.

To tap into my power
to find this place within myself
that reaffirmed my safety
and my own self worth,
that helped me remember
that all that I seek
is not far away
but within and I must speak
of this journey of self discovery,
to observe and be still
that all that I need
comes from within.


Come gather round, let me tell you a story, a story of a journey to a far away place, that can not be measured by time or space. A journey that can take a life time or a day, a journey that will take your breathe away.

Now take a breathe and close your eyes, for to really see, this journey begins within you and I. See that light that flickers just out of view, that light is your power, it is what you need to pursue. It is the source of dreams, it is what makes you, uniquely you. It is ever present and shines from deep within you.

And now that you see it and hold it with pride, all the courage and confidence you need will be inside, you are so much more that what you believe, you are the creator of all your dreams. So hold up your light for all to see, and know that you can travel Far Away, but your power is always here to stay.

Thank you so much @cabelindsay for creating this vision quest, it has taken me on a journey that has surprised and greatly enlightened me to the wisdom we all hold within, we just need to trust in the process and dig. Thank you also to @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror and to all those who particpate xxx

Image Source:
1st Image:https://www.pinterest.es/pin/481814860105458305/?lp=true
2nd Image:https://8tracks.com/explore/acoustic+lo-fi+sad/popular
3rd Image: My Own.


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


What sweet words. I had a good childhood, with plenty of security, but occasionally find myself plagued by anxiety. Through my worries, I do see that sort of flicker of light just out of view - an inner voice. That inner person always is calm, and has it all figured out.

thank you @ginnyannette, yeah we got to listen to our inner voice it is our true power xx

I am so happy we are able to create those places by our self, today!

thank you Niina xx

magical lands that are far far away

Yes, I remember that place of escape. Mine was a garden, full of vibrant green plants and wonderful people, and a unicorn! I used to go there at night as a child, when my worries made me restless. Thankfully, I've learned to return to this place in the past few years, when I bring my kids to bed at night. I've expanded the dream now, and I offer this imaginal world as a spirit journey, or a guided meditation, where we imagine heart-warming possibilities. It is as you say: "All that I need comes from within."

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

thank you @cabelindsay for allowing me to grow in such an supportive environment xx

great post as always

I love this @trucklife-family, you put so much in it. As I read it I felt like you walked back through my life especially my childhood. Thank you for how giving you were in this post it is indeed a great gift. TribeLove!

thank you @rensoul17 this quest really took me on a self healing journey, it felt really good to share and tell my story, x

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