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RE: Sucking Down A Blood-Red Glass Of...Wine? ~ A 28-Minute, Weekend Freewrite - In 3 Parts - 5/26/2018 ~ Original HorrorHumor Story and Original Photography ~

What a free-write!! That dream is right up a Freudian's alley with the symbolism used. This one was sorta darker, yet it maintained that distinctive dds kookiness, bravo!! (The description of his teeth, you got me with that one, I lol'd.) I'm going to wait 'til morning to vote it so you get a bit more thrown into the hat from my way.

"Doodee Whooo Dooo, Doodee Whoo Doo, Eeeernt, Eeeernt, Eeeeeerrnt..."

How'd you do that? I heard the sound as soon as I read it, that spooky-type, weird-stuff-going-on sound effect. Nice touch! Speaking of nice touches, I am so touched to see Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat remaining in the footer!! That's good stuff right there. ☺


Ha haa. Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed it. Much darker than my usual fare. But fun none the less. As you say, I'm not able to stay too deep and dark, forever. I did add a bit of a dis-claimer, in the beginning, since I don't want to creep out my peeps in the end. Not the intent, but it IS supposed to be a horror story ( :

Thanks about the Late Night Conversations too. I'll probably keep those going as well. Even though my partner in crime is now a fond memory. And bummer, the Cat Facts went away. Luckily, I responded and have about 100 of them or so. Before he quit. I loved that little know-it-all cat. So now I'm just adding more to the originals. The cat that just keeps on giving ( :

That vote thing does drive me batty too. I have to wait, as I drain it pretty low, and have to wait 3-4 days. Which can look bad not voting often enough. But I like to give as much as I can. Well, cheers and have a nice night.

Oh...glad you like the 'bad-thing behind the shower curtain' music too. Fun to try to figure those things out. Just have to hope no-one hears me in my office as I practice O :

Look what I just encountered (^v^)


All I can say it, YAAY, dogfacts. Though I don't have a dog. But maybe I can get one. But more potential for discussing facts with a robot. Such fun ( :

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