Magpie Profile.

Magpie Profile.

Every morning at the crack of dawn this beautiful magpie decides that every living creature within hearing distance should be up and about and enjoying the day. This morning was no exception, despite the fact that it was Sunday and people like to have a sleep in on the weekends. He is usually on his own but is often accompanied by two or three others and as they perch on the balcony a few feet away from my bedroom, I cannot fail to hear them. I do not mind in the least as I am an early riser and look forward to their sweet songs. What a way to begin what turned out to be a Sublime and Beautiful Sunday.


Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are native to Australia and New Guinea and are classified as medium sized black and white passerine birds. They are closely related to black butcherbirds but not to the European magpies.


They measure 37-43 cms in length and are characterized by their distinctive black and white feathers and their solid wedge-shaped bills which are bluish white and black in colour.
Males and females are similar in appearance, but the males have pure white feathers of the back of their heads whereas the female has a blend of white and grey feathers on the back of the head. Australian Magpies spend much of their time walking on the ground as opposed to waddling or hopping as other birds do.


These birds are accomplished song birds and are versatile with their range with some sounds proving to be quite complex covering up to four octaves. Magpies have even known to mimic over 35 species of native and introduced bird species as well as dogs and horses, including human speech when living in close proximity to people.


They are very territorial birds and have adapted well to human habitation although they can get very aggressive during the breeding season and are known to swoop and attack anyone they consider is too close to their nests.

Their diet consists of earthworms, millipedes, snails, spiders, and scorpions, and they also enjoy eating insects, cockroaches, ants beetles cicadas, moths and caterpillars. The Australian Magpie is the mascot of several Aussie sporting teams such the Collingwood Magpies, The Western Suburb Magpies and The Port Adelaide Magpies.


This is my submission for the #beautifulsunday challenge, hosted by @ace108 and the #sublimesunday which is hosted by @c0ff33a


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Oh the look on the first shot! She means business! :D

Yes, indeed @ewkaw She was keeping an eye on me to make sure I didn't get too close. Thanks so much for your welcome visit.

What awesome shots of it, I always have been a fan of Magpies, maybe because our regional rugby team when I was growing up was called the Magpies

Many thanks @tattoodjay They are lovely birds and so intelligent. And the rugby season is over for another year after a battle between The Roosters and Melbourne Storm. So why do rugby teams pick names of birds I wonder?????

Most welcome and Rugbyis one thing i miss here they show so little of it on TV :(

I'm all rugy-bied out JJ. I enjoy the main games especially towards the end of the season but my husband likes to follow the weekly games which are played on Friday and Saturday and even Sundays. Thank fully I have other hobbies to keep me occupied. Lol.

LOL I would be like your HUbby, but I just get to see the results and summaries here lOL

Well they knew that Steemit was up and running to full capacity so he came to sign you that sweet uprising song it is nice to be back but also was a good break away i got a lot of things down that i had lacked on doing...Cheers have a great week my friend and Steem on :)

They visit almost every day to wake us up @hangin and I will miss them when we go away for a few days next week. Who knows? I may even get to stay in bed for an extra hour? Fingers crossed.

I did some artwork while steemit was sorting things out and enjoyed the change of routine. Thanks very much for dropping by and lending your support. I hope your week is going well. .

I am sure it beats the sound of a alarm

Art work drawing is a very relaxing way to spent your time on the balcony with the birds. Well i hope you have a great time on your next trip enjoy and be safe :)

It sure does @hangin I hate alarm clocks. Yes, I do find painting very relaxing although I don't like the cleaning up part (lol) It's worth it though, imo.

Haha....none of us like the cleaning up but unfortunately we can't all offord :)

Oh, what a luxury that would be have my own maid. (Sigh!)

It can still be possible but you must move to Thailand maids are still affordable here and many other luxuries :)

A majestic looking bird very well captured.
If it's visiting you every morning, I guess it finds you friend enough. :-)

Thank you @ace108 for your lovely comments and support. I'm sure this magie knows we are friendly and that we appreciate his melodic singing. He also like the seaview from the balcony. (lol)

You're welcome.

I love him! I wish we had magpies! This one needs to come visit me in Wisconsin!

Thank you very much Melinda. You're welclome to have this one for a month......a;though I am very sure I will miss him after a week and you'd have to send him back. (lol)

Thanks for presenting a bird I do not know, it does not live in this part of the world where I am.
I want to remark the great quality of the photos, I am impressed. It's worth waking up in the morning to see such special birds. How nice to think that a bird can make a beautiful and sublime Sunday.

Thanks so much for your wonderful comments @bluemoon Our magpies take the place of alarm clocks and provide a pleasant way to wake up.......that is providing the crows don't come and spoil the symphony (lol) Crows are so boringingly tuneless and raucous.

A really alarm clock, indeed. It is nice to be awakened by the sounds of nature. It was a pleasure for me to read your blog.

Thanks again for your encouragment @bluemoon It is always appreciated.

With pleasure, of course!

That's a good looking bird, I like the first photo where it is staring straight at you. It's amazing it is a song bird as well - very talented.

#thealliance #witness

Thank you @c0ff33 I've become very fond of our resident magpie and his singing cohorts. I love the first image best too. Many thanks for your welcome visit and support. it is greatly appreciated.

great images. are they still attacking bikers? :)
only 3 weeks left until we will arrive in Sydney. Can´t wait.

By the way, if you need a Housesitter, we will be available! ;-)

Thank you @betterthanhome It is the seaon for attacks and walkers have to be careful as well as cyclists. It pays to wear sunglasses and carry a stick in the problem areas. You must be getting very excited about your imminent trip to Aussie. Thank you for the kind offer to house sit. I will keep it in mind should we need one but will also make some enquiries as there may be houses available in Queensland especially coming up to the holiday season.

Have a fabulous flight over and I hope your time in Australia will be most enjoyable.

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