Alcoholic Stories #16: Getting my first job. Picking up chicks from an asylum.

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Original memoirs-stories off my life, Steemit exclusive. Really weird stories.

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Trying to get my sh*t together

I've ran out of money after binge drinking for weeks now. Trying to get my sh*t together, but at that moment I had no work experience, no education, nothing. I applied to many places through the whole summer, but didn't get lucky, till eventually I stumbled upon an ad for a warehouse assistant position, it was part time and night shifts. Perfect for me. Ozzy had also taken a break from drinking, because he felt he was borderline dying. I know that feeling. So I sobered up, I went to my first job interview in my life and I think I did quite well, I had all the qualities of a warehouse keeper, good enough physique, good computer skills, insomniac. Young and disciplined. I didn't mention my drinking related hobbies. Obviously.

The interview

The interview went really well, had a good match with the HR person and we had agreed to set a date for me trying it out sometime this week or next week. I was so happy that I had gotten a job, really felt like boasting about it to somebody. Knowing that Ozzy was on a break from drinking and he lived nearby the warehouse I came from, we meet up. Fun fact: I've never met Ozzy without actually having drinks with him. This time was no different. We headed to the store, bought two four-packs, but couldn't decide where to drink. The weather was warm and we really appreciate drinking outdoors, it makes a therapeutic atmosphere, in my opinion. So we wander around, can't really find parks nearby, no benches, no nothing.

Chill atmosphere

So we accidentally stumble upon these huge, ancient white buildings that resemble hospitals. They were, sort off. A multi-complex asylum. But there were benches, beautiful trees, no movement of people. Peaceful, quiet. We're not too picky with our places, thought for a second that on a 10 point scale how weird this place is, doesn't come even top5 for our weirdest places for drinking. It's a done deal, four-packs gone, we head to the store for six-packs. I mean I had gotten a job after all, worth a celebrating. We're really peaceful, make no noise, just chill, until this one girl comes literally out of nowhere, we didn't think much of it for a moment, Ozzy asks a cig from her, as he just ran out. She says that she'll only trade a cig for a bottle of beer. We're not greedy, it's a done deal. She had blonde, long, wavy hair, a thin build and eyes of an angel. I had not noticed it at first, but she was definitely very, very good looking. She sits down with us, instead of moving on.

We drink, re-load, re-stock. As we talk she says she's actually not from around, she just had gotten out of the asylum actually. Wait, what? Yeah, she had some shit going around that every woman nowadays has, manic depression, adhd, schizophrenia, just the regular woman package. But she's an interesting companion, really knew how to hold her drinks down, yet keep up with the pace and had stories similar to mine. Man, I love drinking stories. We exchange stories, drink a beer or two and just chill.

Till it starts getting colder outside, so I propose we head back to my place. Few other friends joined us, but can't really remember inviting them. Needless to say I was completely wasted at that moment. The girl wasn't too fascinated by me announcing everybody that we picked her off an asylum. Made for a good laugh. I tried to hit on her, but no success. My drunk charm failed me, yet again. No surprise there. So we keep drinking, people come and go. Drinks come and go. I fall asleep, wake up, drink some more, the girl is gone, Ozzy is gone, 3 other friends are in my place, I fall asleep. I wake up, drink some. Can't really understand when I am dreaming or awake, I'm just blastered. People keep asking stupid questions, but I'm just trying to have my drink on. Drink. Sleep. Drink. Repeat.


I didn't even realize it until 2 weeks weeks in that vicious cycle, that I was supposed to wait for a phone call from my employer. I checked my phone history, I've had talked with her, but I have no memory of that. I blew it. I literally lost the job, by going to celebrate getting one. Sure felt stupid at the time. Still do.

Had developed a paranoia so bad in that period that I contemplated going to asylum myself. I still occasionally do.

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Jeez man, that's some shit. I can't imagine doing nothing but drinking for two weeks straight!

The worst part is the moment of realization, because it's easy to lose track of time. When it hits. It hits you like a truck.

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