What Lurks Between - A SciFi/Horror Novella - Part Twenty-Seven

in #story6 years ago

Without further ado, let’s get back to the story, shall we?


Artwork copyright Revensis and Mikhail Matsonashvili, licensed through Dreamstine

What Lurks Between - Part Twenty-Seven

It was big. No shock there.

What was shocking was the fact that it appeared to be charred straight through to its center. There was no blood, not even from the areas that were cut off by the train. That made no sense at all. The third rail carries high voltage, but not enough to completely fry a mass of flesh as big as the bunny monster. Not in that short amount of time.

I frowned and looked around for a tool I could use. I found it a short while later - a hand rail that had been ripped off its mounts during the crash. It was about four feet long, and jagged at both ends. It wold make a handy spear.

I took the spear and walked up to the bunny monster’s remains. I hesitated only for a second, then thrust the spear as far into it as I could.

The spear went in like a hot knife through butter, and then a large chunk of the remains simply broken off and crumbled into a pile of ash at my feet.

I stabbed it again, in a different location. Same effect.

“Looks like it’s good and truly dead.”

It was hard to argue with Sheila’s logic, but after being terrorized by that thing for so long, that was not enough. The anger that I had kept bottled up where it could not find it, even with its psychic bond with me, the shame at being kept powerless, the guilt at being unable to prevent its atrocities… That anger demanded more.

I heard myself howling as I brought the metal pole down upon the remains of the bunny monster. Again and again I rained blows down, and each time another chunk of its body fell apart and crumbled to dust. My arms and shoulders began to grow numb from the exertion, so different from what I normally asked them to do, but still I continued. Gradually, the anger gave way to a grim satisfaction.

That mother fucker was not getting back up from this.

Some time later - minutes, hours…seconds? - I reached a particularly bulky bit of char and brought my spear down. Like before, a big chunk of the bunny monster’s remains broke off and crumbled. But this time something else fell out. A misshapen mass that at first was not anything I could recognize.

And then it moved.

It stuck an arm out and moved. It was certainly an arm because at the end of the limb as a hand, complete with an opposable thumb.

I stopped, dumbfounded, as the thing squirmed on the ground and the extended a second arm. And then first one leg, then another. Although I only recognized them as legs because of their location on the thing’s body, down the torso from where the arms were. Aside from that, though… The arms and legs were the same length, as though the thing on the ground, whatever it was, was meant for walking on all fours.

I swallowed and looked at it more closely, where I presumed its head was. There was only an amorphous thing that might someday be a face of some sort on a stump that would probably contain a brain.

It was disgusting. Unnatural. Unlike any creature I had ever seen.

It was the bunny monster’s child.

But it did not live long. Turns out, even though the bunny monster may have been a demon, its child was not. Or at least, not fully. I guess, having gestated here on earth, and having been nourished in the womb with human blood, it was bound by physical laws just like a human. Or maybe it was vulnerable because it had not been brought to term. Or it could not abide electricity.

For whatever reason, I found that a spear through the heart killed it just fine.

After that, Sheila found her own implement and joined me in breaking up the bunny monster’s remains. It went without saying that we could not let any of its offspring survive. We found two more and dispatched them like the first.


Previous Posts:

  1. Part One
  2. Part Two
  3. Part Three
  4. Part Four
  5. Part Five
  6. Part Six
  7. Part Seven
  8. Part Eight
  9. Part Nine
  10. Part Ten
  11. Part Eleven
  12. Part Twelve
  13. Part Thirteen
  14. Part Fourteen
  15. Part Fifteen
  16. Part Sixteen
  17. Part Seventeen
  18. Part Eighteen
  19. Part Nineteen
  20. Part Twenty
  21. Part Twenty-One
  22. Part Twenty-Two
  23. Part Twenty-Three
  24. Part Twenty-Four
  25. Part Twenty-Five
  26. Part Twenty-Six

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