When Geeky Nerds Marry ...

in #story7 years ago


I felt the need to have a brain explosion so I scattered it all over the wall on sticky notes.


Now, when one is using cheep little sticky notes in a humid climate, one should expect to find a few on the floor. And I did. On the bottom of my foot.

How many bots does it take to screw in a light bulb?

But, hold up! I didn't write that note!

I'm more interested in how many bots does it take to make me a whale.

Hmmm maybe I need to add another note ....

Anyway ... the next morning ... I found yet another note stuck to my foot. And yet again, it wasn't mine!


So, I looked across the room at my smirking husband. He confessed that he stuck them to the wall the same day I put mine up.

His logic regarding the "Bubblegum, Screwdriver, and Marbles" is as follows.

Use the Screwdriver to tighten up the loose screws, put all the marbles back in, and seal up the hole with the bubblegum.

For those not familiar with American idioms.

"He has a few loose screws,"
"She lost her marbles," and
"I need that like a hole in the head," are all ways to imply a person "Might not be firing on all cylnders." See?

I told him: "Well, Mr. MacGyver I suggest that you clean your hands better before messing with sticky notes! Yours are the only ones I've found on the floor so far."

Then we had a good laugh and headed off for coffee on the veranda ... or oatmeal in the kitchen ... or some such ...

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My wife kind of laid claim to be a geeky nerd when we were first dating with stories of taking courses in RPG programming and such. We could kind of talk about statistics and analysis of variance in process control and other geeky topics. Kind of the old bait and switch though. Sigh

Oh, well things change, love remains.

LoL there are seasons in life. I've been more geeky and less geeky at different times of my life.

Motherhood was a big distraction. Also, I didn't aways have access to as much tech as I wanted.

Give her time :-)

Oh also, my husband currently has a job that we can't discuss in great detail. I've actually been surprised how many people are in this situation and how they find it a bit smoothering to their geeky relationship.

We sometimes discuss principles vs details.

It would look something like this ...

What a day! My brain is fried! The new equipment is going to demand a new approach to the database." ... (uh of course I would make up a of a technical design example that I'm not 100% sure is a thing. I'm more user interface usage ... but .. let's go with it... He's not around to ask :)

Oh man! Did they realize this before getting it? Or is the tech just moving that fast?

It's a known issue and some groups have already delt with it so I've got something to go on.

So that's the general back and forth of it. It's normal stuff that happens in every environment but at least he's getting to express his frustration in terms that I more or less understand.

And I'm more or less getting to yammer geek.

Another way to be geeky is just be geeky about the way you talk about everyday life. It takes practice but if you want to find your once geeky wife, be geeky on the field of life where she's playing. Like @mitchmiester did to me. I mean sticky notes all over the wall can be an artsy fartsy trait as much as a nerdy thing. It largely turned geeky because of what he did.

Of coures, it's possible that absolutely none of these things apply to you ... but thanks for triggering ideas for future posts ;-)

I think we all change a lot as we age. It is fun to see all the differences. At this point I'm really fine with how people are. I can talk shop with one of my engineering buddies on many things, so my wife is able to be herself. Thanks for the tips though.

This is really great news and a very awesome plan!

Chin up, friend. We have all been victim to the bait and switch as well ;)

It happens - part of life I guess, lol.

And I'm thinking that most of the time the switch is needed. When people don't adjust to life's curves, we end up with juvenile adults that can't be trusted to make community benefiting decisions. ... you know the kind that benefits a partnership vs a pair of roommates that might not have to live together next month. ... Just say'n :P

Interesting writeup, i asked myself the question "how did i get here?" i guess i wanted to see what happens to geeky nerds when they marry... And i guess i did.

they have geeky fun all the way.

Indeed !

I'm a fan of the trading lessons that you've started.

Thanks @marillaanne i appreciate that so much from you. I am still putting together more simplified trading lessons, which i will be posting up soon.

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I suggest that you lose the paper notes and use Google Keep. I can speak a note to it. I can type my note to it. I can use my finger and draw my note to it. Then its available across all of my devices. Plus its totally free and safe to use :) No more buying post-it notes!

You know. I could almost agree. However, I'm currently moving away from Google for so many reasons. So. many. reasons.

Frankly, I'm leaning toward an encrypted little black book. Something that survives grid down.

In the mean time, I've been enjoying SimpleNote.com and the app.

I've been using SimpleNote to write many of my posts in fact as it handles both html and markdown.

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