Happy Wedding Anniversary to Us (and Monochrome Monday)


This is a big deal! We actually remembered and celebrated!

Eighteen fabulous years! I kid you not. I'd be drug back and "tortured" through each and every year all over again.

When we reach the end of days, I won't be asking for just one more day, I'll be pleading for an eternity together.

Look for the joy,
Have fun!



Happy anniversary! 18 years is a big deal in this age!

Sadly this is true. But the big deal for us is that we remembered and did celebrate and are celebrating. We generally remember it is coming up, will chat it up, and then realize we missed it! Thank you for wishing us happiness!

That is a lovely thought and congratulations on your 18 year anniversary.
18 weeks is a long time for many these days. ;)
Here's to the next 18 years. Well done.

PS. I'll take this with me so I can upvote it when I'm on full power.
I thought I was already following you until I checked my followers following and found that neither of us follow each other?
No pressure but I'm following you now haha have a fab day.

What! LOL uh oh

I guess my secret is out. ... I keep up with important people via a Streemian.com RSS feed > IFTT > Telegram. Hopefully that's all geek to you ;-)

Plus I pay a huge bunch of attention to people who actually comment on my posts.

Ahah! the jig is up? :) I am familiar with said technologies.

Why am I not surprised?

Got to get my geek on now and again. ;) have a great evening. TTFN.

Actually I think something is cracked in your followers following because my dropdown view from your photo/link says I follow you already ...

The mystery deepens. Gremlins in the machine. Windows 10 update in progress lol

I have noticed that if steemit pages fail to completely load, they still display what they can. So maybe it was a semi failed page load.

Yeah I've seen that too. It just kind of hangs half loaded. Not to worry. All's well now. ;) There's some node maintenance going on too. Been about a week now?

Anywayyy, Thank you for your congratulations and well wishes. We are having fun. He's off to Lowes (home and garden diy) and I'm playing on Steemit, doing laundry, and keeping an eye on the dogs that have been cooped up for two days. ... We did of course start off with coffee on the veranda. Maybe I should start posting photos on what that tradition looks like...

Morning coffee on the veranda sounds splendid and very pleasant. It is a part of everyday life and should definitely be recorded on the block chain for posterity. Traditions are important.

Congratulations Marillaanne! Eighteen years is a great milestone indeed, especially nowadays!
I see so many people who are not willing to make a marriage work.
It's always easier to give up and say you tried, than putting in the efforts which strengthen the bonds. After all it's about Love, which is very misunderstood and a word that has become just a word and not the feeling!
My wife and I just reached our 38th year together! I know right!!
Seems like only yesterday we were making the vows.
You have built a bond together which may not always be the most harmonious, but is a connection to someone which is stronger than steel when it matters.

Ohhh! Congratulations to you!!

You have built a bond together which may not always be the most harmonious, but is a connection to someone which is stronger than steel when it matters.

This is what so many people miss! Not that we glory in those less than harmonious moments, but they are certainly allowed. Allowed with grace. Allowed without automatically believing the absolute worst about each other. Allowed with the knowledge that we really aren't trying to sabotage each other.

Having one long bad and one long great marriage, I tell everybody, "If you don't completely trust the person, without exception, don't make excuses for staying in the relationship and, for the love of all possible future children, don't get married!"

Well, technically don't give procreation even an accidental chance under any circumstance if you don't trust your partner ... and for that matter why would one have sex with someone they don't fully trust?!

Course, nobody's listened, yet.

I couldn't say it any better, thanks by the way!

Happy anniversary!! Big deal it certainly is. Have a great day together.

We almost always forget ... starting with our 10th when we were packing friends up for their move and we were moving around and ... another of our friends kept asking, "what are ya'll doing tomorrow night?" And we kept saying, "we don't know." and she said things like, "but surely you're going to take a break." and we were, "well. that does sound good." and well we were all busy and we all kept moving and then a few days later she said, "So, what did ya'll do to celebrate your 10th?"

Uhhhmmmmm LOL OMG we couldn't believe it. We had talked about it coming up and everything but ... yeah.

We did the same thing to the 11th

I had a short screaming fit 5 min before the 12th passed completely off the calendar.

After we laughed/ cried our way into the beginning of the 13yr, @mitchmiester set up a FB Event. I set up a reminder on my google calendar. We told our friend (who was now just waiting-out the approach of each anniversary in silence to see the ensuing drama) that if she didn't start reminding us, bad things might could happen ... LOL

Things have improved.

We have another little wedding anniversary quirk.

The tenth one we spent packing up friends to move them out of New York.

The fifteenth one, we were actually in two different states because we were moving more friends out of New York.

.... we're waiting to see if we're going to be in New York moving more friends out on our 20th.

Congrats on 18!!

Not too many couples even get close to that anymore!

Thanks for the congrats :-) Just between you me and the fence post, I really wanted my first marriage to end before the first year mark and then over and over and over for 20 years. No one can say we gave up easily.

But the second go around with @mitchmiester has been entirely different. Any time I've been sure it's coming unglued, he strengthens the glue, puts extra fortresses around us, and says the most unbelievable thing: "I can't ever imagine being with anyone else." And he'll say this in the middle of me being the biggest pain!

It is easy for me to say, "I can't imagine being with anyone else." but he has made HUGE sacrifices and adjustments in order to say, "I can't imagine being with anyone else." ... and accomplish it.

And this is how he gained my respect ... and love :)

Well done. He sounds like a keeper!

Happy anniversary.

Thank you! I'm sorry I missed your comment for so long!

I absolutely love your post: Art Travel

Congrats and more years to come. :)

Thank you! I'm really looking forward to exactly that - more years! Thank you for hoping for the same.

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