The After Math Of Using Firecrackers In The Philippines During New Year's Eve

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Who's sent fireworks up in the sky at dawn? I didn't! My neighbors did them and I watched with pleasure at the free firework show last night. Thanks to my neighbors I don't have to burn my money on fireworks to enjoy them.

"Imposant" is the Dutch word I choose to use to the array of fireworks that went up in the sky last night. There are those that shoot like tiny whistling groups of fireflies and exploded like blown - lit - wish cottons of a dandelions in the sky and that's my favorite.

The fireworks industry is getting more and more creative; "design wise" and I wonder if they'd ever come up with fireworks that doesn't cause smog and paper trash the next day, too? Besides, everything is possible now these days, isn't it? That would be one trend I'd be looking forward to witnessing in the future.

I love the ones that goes up so quietly with one "cheuwwww" whistling sound and explodes... first in white sparkles.. then green, red and a bit of a yellow orangey and finally in small blue corn flower like sparkles arranged in a circle galore. Just amazing.

Have you any idea how much one of those cost? Let's talk mow~ney. While my husband and I were watching all of those for more than two hours last night, I was counting 5 euro, 10 euro getting burned and so on an hour after watching all of them showing their designs off in the sky. In less than an hour, I counted more than a thousand for every firework being sent in the sky. It was a fun thing to do cause you really have to be fast cause they don't get sent one by one yeah? It's like counting sheep to get yourself to sleep, just better.

Do you know that you can eat in a buffet of 45 dishes in the Philippines for 10 euro? It could also be used to budget one feeding program for malnourished kids in Laos or Africa. Do you have any idea how much money is spent for fireworks in every country annually? Can you imagine how many feeding and educating the less privileged to better their lives could all those thousands euro worth of fireworks that were sent in the air last night could actually support?

Let's not go so far, I've heard it on the car radio while we're driving off the other day that 68M euro has been spent to fireworks these days and let's not go abroad, let's take care of the people near us first .. because they, too need help!

Can you imagine how many homeless and less privileged people that much money would have provided a housing for or a budget to getting educated to better their lives and be independent and make a difference in the world, too? Instead, you probably just realized, they were burned for our eyes to feast for short hours.

Why? Would that January 1 on our calendar not come if we don't do all this?

I don't think so! Then what's all this wasting your hard earned money being spent on worthless "fireworks and firecrackers showing off ritual" for?

You'd probably dislike those questions and think it's none of my business what you do with your money and you're right. It's just once a year and you're just doing that for hours in New Year's Eve and it's your birth right to do what you want and you're right on that.

When I first came here, I was surprised with the fact that it was already Dec 25 and no one was using fireworks nor firecrackers at all. I loved it because damn firecrackers hurt the ears okay! It's the most annoying invention ever made meant for the New Year's Eve it could kill one with a heart attack!

The past two years have changed. I'm hearing firecrackers popping here and there as early as two weeks before New Year's Eve but .. you can still count them in your fingers compared to what it's like in my country.

Where I came from, I wouldn't dare go out and roam the streets in Dec 31 because someone could just throw you a lit firecracker the type that could make you loose a finger or two or even your whole hands while you're innocently just passing by.

Am I exaggerating? The Pinoys haven't reacted to any of my posts about our traditions so I'd park asking them but why don't you surf the net but only do if your stomach's strong enough with what you might see. It's literally bloody red in many hospitals right now and some incidents of people losing their house to fire would be another case there, too. I won't advise clicking the image section though.


Almost two hundred firecracker related cases the last time I checked so you know am not just claiming crazy things. This is LOW to consider compared to the past few years because some places have banned the use of it and many people hate it. Seriously? I'm glad that the president have prohibited the use of extreme firecrackers in my country!

I nor my whole family have never experienced losing a finger or a toe to firecrackers nor to fireworks because my parents have never really practiced burning their money on them when we were young. I only remember being allowed to play with sparkles and a fountain like firework every year. Whether my uncles and my father have used one that could cause them trouble they must have done it elsewhere far away from our house.

We've never had to rush anyone bathing in blood after loosing a limb or two from a firecracker nor that the house went on fire due to that annoying loud, trash causing Judas belt that explodes like a machine gun being fired. Nor have any of our family members lost an ear or an eye or any part of our bodies due to firecrackers.

Here, I've never heard of such incident yet except perhaps for one in the past and people here seem to learn their lessons faster than we do in the Philippines they're banning dangerous fireworks and firecrackers this year which I am so damn glad with because I am not a huge fan of the loud annoying sound that scares the hell of a sleeping baby or that which drives your cats or dogs dodging under your sofa or bed while howling in fear all hours long while those Babam~! Babam ! goes on.

Here, they don't have to suffer to a three day sulfur smoking smog which creates a pseudo foggy look specially in the major cities in Manila nor that they have to clean up trash of torn paper wrappers from fireworks and firecrackers like we do in the Philippines for so many days after New Year's Eve.

Yesterday, it was actually raining but it turned into a drizzle at midnight so the smog didn't really last till today. We have quite a gloomy day today but I'm glad that the heavens have been wailing over spilled and wasted blessings they've granted the many. It must have hurt them watching them being burned into meaningless, seconds of bought happiness and chance of showing off to the neighbors in New Year's Eve or to cope up with the trend the majority observe in this time of the New Year.

While I'm writing this another set of fireworks being sent up the sky despite the falling heaven tears and I thought .. someone is still not done burning his money but you know what ... there would be so many more who are not for a week or two in my country.. and yet, we ask why we have turned from being The Tiger of Asia to being a third world country.

When I was young, I don't remember waking up to smog for days after New Year's Eve and I don't remember celebrating the New Year's Eve with too much noise from fireworks either. I don't remember seeing hundreds of kids and adults alike being rushed to the hospitals crying with bleeding bombed like body parts because of fire crackers either but I remember making much noise blowing party horns when we were young and waking up to a flock of sparrows chirping happily flying from one coconut tree to another in my grandfather's house so but these days, you won't see the sparrows anywhere in the cities of Manila after the blasts! What has happened to us, Pilipinas?

Are we going to continue being zombies and slaves of the markets of non stop trends of inventions that suck our pockets dry, keeping us dumb doing things that gives us short pleasures and no reasons and answers to whys and most of all making us their marionettes dancing on their palm, giving in to their every whims and capriciousness while we continue to dream of a brighter future that may actually only be happening to them at the expense of our hard work?

When are we going to wake up?

Nagpaputok ka ba kabayan? Kung nagpakain ka nalang sa mga biktima ng bagyo kelan lang ngayong Disyembre ... malamang mas HAPPY ang NEW YEAR mo. Isa pa .. ano na nangyari sa kultura natin talaga - ang torotot? Naalala mo pa ba torotot lang kuntento ka na nung bata ka pa?

GISING MAHAL KONG PILIPINAS, Kumawala ka sa rehas ng mga walang kabuluhang pagsusumakit na makasabay sa parang makinang na mundo na iyong tinitingala at pinipilit maabot habang sinisipsip ng mga gahamang bampira at mabahong industriya ng paputok ang ipon mo'ng bunga ng pawis at dugo ng iyong araw-araw na walang katapusang pagkayod sa isang gabi lang! HANGGANG KAILAN KA MANANATILING TULOG, SUNUD -SUNURAN SA KUNG SAAN KA DADALHIN NG ANOD NG "USO"?!

Yes, I still like watching fireworks and would still enjoy doing it year after year but only because it's still being done in moderation and cautiousness where I am now compared to what is happening in my country but I'm not going to mum about my country's situation is with the hope that such plague won't find its way here, ever!

I hope that everyone who's reading this still have their fingers and toes all complete ATM and perhaps while you're hung over.. you really are Having a Happy New Year!

.. and by the way, remember, you're not any cute rodent .. you're the most rational creation in this earth so why keep spinning the wheel of inventions of trends for the sake of keeping up?

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Understands very well what you say and feel.
I grew up with this kind of celebration on New Year's Eve.
And we boys and girls got to stand when our fathers and uncles shot up the raket.
Well at that time there were not many missiles, some sent them up for joy for us

But in recent years, I became a businessman and started selling fireworks from my store, and at that time sales also increased sharply, people had more money and the more was shot in the air. Then they later stumbled on what could be sold and the rocket became illegal, could be a baking fire. Why, then, the new law was a fireworks fire.
Eventually, we got an understanding of what we sold, many damage every year where full people could not handle it. And it also went beyond innocent humanity.
It's been a lot of years since I sold my VIdeo Center in Fredrikstad, but know who took over left that sale a few years before the video broke down.

Jej must confess that I served much they went to salute.
I'm seeing it very beautiful to look at, but since I finished the sale, I have not bought fireworks.
We know what it's like to have a dog that day and are always home they are.
That money could be used to say that's right.
But there are many families who would not have had income unless it was produced.
But it is the realm that strikes with the biggest profit alike

It is a municipality and state together with branmestter who must come up with stricter laws and regulations to use fireworks. In my view, it is the city / municipality that will send up with professional people in it in controlled forms. Then the use goes down and little or no damage

I agree that some people are dependent on making a living out of making fireworks but at the same time they're also risking their lives into getting hurt doing it
and I think I'd never understand the huge need of manufacturing it
why that much? I think it won't hurt if a family would have 1 firework and 1 firecracker each
would be better for the environment and our lung's health, too
not to mention the pockets :)

normally I don't like restrictions but this one's gone crazy the past years it's sickening to watch

I have to agree that the damage is too big and the best thing was if it was not permitted to use. But only by professionals with a license for eg New Year's Eve

Still got my fingers and toes thankfully. Over here it can get a bit throwy of te fireworks but not as bad as that sounds in your old country.

On a happier note, I love the ones that go CHEEEEOOOW as well followed by a fizzing sound!

it's never the case here I think
did you surf the net? don't do it while you're eating
I actually did not surf for the images cause it's morbid to the bones

cheeooowww.... you know .. like the sound of a fart one tries holding but it sneaked out whahahaha

Many years ago my country was very noisy at parties, here they sold very powerful fireworks, firecrackers, bonbas, balloons, anyway.
every year that passes is heard less, one the cost of the products, the other point is the awareness and care of autistic children who do very badly to hear these noises because they do not understand what is happening, the other issue is the animals, we have a dog in my home that fears these noises every year we have to cede it so that the noise of the parties passes quietly.
My son lives in a city called Ushuaia, there is a regulation that prohibits fireworks, that city is very silent at this time.
Excellent post as you have us accustomed dear friend @englishtchrivy
I wish you a great year 2018


I guess it's quite similar every where you know .. stay safe !

Well I guess it was a bit lower in the area I live on .Well almost everyone likes to watch the fireworks go up and boom but the affects you said are indeed really thoughtful.If we really think about it more closely there are people out there needs help more than this comfort off of an hour or two.
Life is a very complicated thing once someone gets to understand that these things like getting your money in the air flown away will definitely decrease. Well no one is to judge but we really should think about our work that we do .
Well entertainment is needed but think about others as well.It does indeed feels good to go through the post.
Be well!


you're lucky then

in my opinion, it's not fireworks themselves that are bad
it's how people use them
they do make noise, i don't like them going off near me
but i like watching them from a distance
dangerous fireworks should be banned of course
as far as money is concerned ...
in Mykonos, for example, people spend thousands of euros on bottles of champagne
some women spend thousands of dollars buying a Hermes bag
imagine all that money going to good causes.
we see that as extravagance
if we told them that, they would say it's their money, why wouldn't they spend it like they want to?
There's always two sides on a coin i guess

of course it's not
you're right on that!
I like fireworks too a lot!
but that stupid firecracker is the most annoying!

I've had those branded bags from A to Z don't get me wrong I only bought one with an F ending in O with a ribbon cause I love that the most so there... the rest were gifts but you know, it's the same as when you use one that's not branded but I must say, they do last longer, years, even and the design does look good but still unreasonable to charge a buyer thousands of euro for those
they're selling a lot of tripple A immitation in my country on all of those so these days you can have them cheaper I don't though .. I just buy whatever I like
but .. in fairness to those who possess and spend their money on those branded stuff, they don't burn them in a second or two because those branded stuff last years and some people say they feel bigger with it like a placebo effect so saves them the trouble going to any expensive shrink but I don't know, I had them and still have a few but I don't feel ten feet taller using and wearing those so the same...

hmmm, you have a point there
quality lasts longer :D

In my place there is no new year celebration. The government bans who burns fireworks and sounds the trumpets.

that's one good thing they're doing now I must say
you're damn lucky :)

Yes because it is useless. just burning money in vain :D

I couldnt agree more on what your blog wanted to point out. Last new year's eve we did the same thing, we feasted our eyes on our neighbors fireworks. Watch how their money burned in seconds. Lol. I do love firworks tho but the thought of buying it with such an expensive price. No no no no way! It isn't practical. Pero kabayan ang laki ng changes this year dito sa Pinas, mas madaming fireworks na yung bawal. Less na din yung fireworks related injuries compared to last year and unlike the past few years mapapansin mong konti nalang talaga nagpaputok. Maaga palang after 12midnight tahimik na agad ang paligid. :) Nakakatuwa din kahit pano may paunti untung changes, hopefully matutunan na ng pinoy ulet na pede naman magcelebrate ng new year without dangerous fireworks. Tama ka torotot is enough. Hehe. Happy new year!

exactly, I wrote that it's low thanks to Digong for banning them stupid firecrackers :)
wag lang torotot sa asawa noh?
Happy New Year Tooot :)

True! hahaha.. wag lang manonorotot ng asawa! lol! The gov't actually targets zero firework related incidents next new year celebration, i know it isn't possible pero if mas malelessen pa sobrang nakakatuwa. Have you heard the news na alak ang nagkaubusan last new year's eve? hahaha.. mukang dun nalang binuhos ng pinoy ang pera kesa sa paputok. :D

Hey my friend... Now I have tryed my best to make a introduseyourself and steemit # post... So I'm not a copycat... Just a simple guy... With big hope... Best wishes for this new year and always 🙏

you did? okay let me go check

I don't like fireworks! I do not like the artificial noise that reminds me of the war that has happened in my country

best reason not to ;)

its really wonderful art and the great story, thanks and Happy New Year my friend.

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