A Very Wet And Windy Side Trip in Scheveningen Beach

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Are you from the EU? Have you ever been to any of the beaches in the Netherlands? Shout it out on the comment!

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Yeah.. it's not the best time of the year to go to the beach unless you're a surfer or a one who does water kiting (if that's the word for that cause am not sure whether it's actually called water gliding). Anyhow, my husband and I went on a wet and windy sidetrip to Scheveningen.

Somehow, it felt like a ghost town being less crowded compared to how full and bustling it usually is during the other seasons specially in summer. It's not just the Dutch that flock here, in fact, a lot of us do and most of the time, you'd see plate numbers from different countries that are EU members all heading for the wide shoreline.

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Among the three beaches in The Hague, I like Scheveningen the most. It has everything, aside from the food centers, there are surfing schools which already has a resto and a sport center in it. Just in case you're wondering, no I can't surf but I would love to learn! Aside from the chic restos at the end of the unusually wide shoreline, there are hotels and shopping malls! Yes! Shopping malls! Ha! Ha!

We have a lot of beaches in the Philippines and you may as well compare this to Boracay except for you can't really snorkel here and the shoreline.. it's unusually wide! The whole world knows that the Dutch are the masters of the water and a few years ago, my husband and I were in Kat Wijk Aan Zee (that's another beach in The Hague) and we were having lunch in one of the old hotels there which probably no longer exists. I still remember it's called La Savoy and I love it there because it's has the best sea view and we spent nights there before Christmas days to visit his best friends in Leiden.

The last time we were there, there were huge ships in the sea and the whole sea city was being renovated. You may be asking out there, "how on earth can you make renovations in the sea". The Dutch even made cities on them and most of Holland is below sea level. That day, my husband told me that those ships were pumping sand out of the sea bottom and to widen the shore with. Please don't make me explain further I don't know how that works. All I know is the beaches here have an unusually wide shoreline.

It's a lot wider than what we have in my country and I can't help but compare because the last beach I went to before I moved here was Batangas. It's too sad to watch the shorelines there near vanishing. Not the case here, so every summer, lots of people come here to sunbathe and going through the parking lots would mean going in circles but not this wet and windy day. They were almost empty.

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I've been going to Kijk Duin most of the time, some days we go to Zandport, I l love it more in there just cause it's pretty remote and less crowded even in summer. Hmmm.. probably not after this ahahahah.

We were to have dinner with some folks but we were early so we drove there and were and were pretty much surprise that the parking was empty. We headed to the parking at close to the pier so I kid my husband that he doesn't have to worry we could just park near what looks like a floating resto there but he said, it's not that it's just that we've never been to that side of the beach so there. Like a joke, the heavens decided to wail so we had to sit still in our car and stare at kite surfers wrestling with the waves and the lighthouse in front of us.


Finally, the heavens hushed but it sure left a puddle in the parking I had to tiptoe when I got out of the car. Of course, I tried taking pictures right away but the damn wind made almost all the shots look distorted. It was cold and walking on the sand to the nearest resto would mean dirt on the car and tha's a no no so we headed back up and took the nearest stairs down to the resto. That's when I saw those crowned triplets. I have to admit it's been quite a long time since the last I've been here so the three crowned fishes I saw on the tiles were new for me.

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Puddles everywhere! We headed into a resto close to the surfing school and it's all decorated in blue just to order something to snack on. I was looking forward to dinner but the anacondas in my tummy were already hungry even though I had a heavy lunch that day so I had to feed them. We had something light though just an afternoon snack. My husband reminded me that ordering my favorite desserts here may cause break outs on my nearly clearing forehead skin but it's so hard to resist a latte macchiato and a cheesecake. I'm not a cheese head so he doesn't get my addiction to that pair but I can't either but who doesn't like cheese cake?

Somehow, I regret ordering it because this cheese cake wasn't what I expected it to be it was rather crumbly that I have to check the date it was made. It was new but perhaps I'm just used to a different texture so I tricked my husband into sharing me his more delicious carrot cake.

The place was so chic and beautifully adorned with Christmas decors yet I didn't bother taking shots of what it looks like inside not even it's beautifully walled modern toilet because I was looking outside all the time. I was wondering how on earth those kiters do their stunts in this cold wind. I think my face would even freeze in the water. Just when one comes out of the water another sets of kiters comes in and they have the almost empty shore as their dressing room. I can't imagine doing that but then again, I came from the tropics.

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I noticed the flag of the crowned triplets so I asked the waitress what that means and she explained that it's the emblem of Scheveningen. We chatted some more and the crew went on adding decors in the resto probably because there were only four sets of clients in there (including us) so my husband and I went back to staring out at the sea making comments on everything our eyes captured sometimes laughing at the gulls and crows being blown away with the gust trying to hover up the sand but had no choice but land because of the strong wind.

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The occasional crying of the heavens keep blurring our view and before it gets too dark we fled and headed back to our car at the next warning of more wailings we saw in the clouds. On the way to our appointment, we saw a huge fishing ship heading to the dock and my hubby pulled over and asked me to take a pic of it. (laughs)


On the way to dinner we went through the tunnel and the heavens poured its heart out. My husband asked what I think about the beach. I told him I wish it's this less crowded in summer because I actually get dizzy in the crowd during summer not to mention the dread of parking which is very much not the case right now. Besides, I can't remember ever swimming at the beach here even in summer, one, the water is always furious with huge waves and still too cold to the feel. Sun bathing? I love the sun and walking on barefeet at the beach but I don't really sunbathe because I'm aware that it could cause brown patches to my face so in summer am usually wearing a hat lying on one of those rented matted open cottages with a beach umbrella on my head.(more laughs)

Anyhow, spending moments with my very funny husband is always the best no matter what the occassion is. He always makes me laugh so before I could even whine about the weather, he's already seen something funny to laugh about. Would I go back to Scheveningen? I actually asked him to drive there this weekend but we already have an appointment booked so I guess I will have to wait for another empty day to go there. Hopefully, it was the last snowy day this month.

This content's 100% mine. Except for the pic of me my husband took, I took all the rest using his mobile and all of mine.

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I'm freezing when reading about your cold and wet trip to the beach.
The pictures tell that the winter time and the bathers sit home well and warmly I hope. I have not visited the Netherlands but know that the tulips country and also think you have lots of wind turbines there. Then I mean good old-fashioned mills. Is that right? I have visited some countries so maybe the Netherlands will be once too.

hahahaha I did, too hahaha

yes, yes, we still have lots of the mills :)

if you get lost here, let's meet up!
if we get lost in Norway, I'd ask you to meet up :)

you guys have beautiful mirror like bays I'd like to see them one day, too
I saw a documentary about Norway and the place was like paradise, specially the lakes and the mountains and the cities on the foot of the mountain overlooking the lake
I forgot which part of Norway that was but I have to agree life looks very fresh there and nature is such an untouched beauty there! yes, I remember you live in Frederich Stad but still :D

got lost, yes we do.
Norway is a long stretch of land with fjords and mountains.
I live by the coast and the sea in Fedrikstad and the county is called Østfold.
But I have visited the fjords and mountains here in Norway several times.
Think you've seen some of the pictures and videos I've put out of the past her

yes, I remember that
btw, you're my friend so I hope you don't mind if I give you an unsolicited advice
stay away from conflicts ;)
this is the net we don't know who's doing what and sometimes we could judge people wrong and possibly help the actual bad guy
the consistencies of the people here could give us a hint on the truth though
and the one who seem to be the bully is actually just robin hood like :D
focus on your posting
and you're doing a great job helping the many
so stay away from disputes specially if they could just solve that in the chat all by themselves ;)

It's nice that you give me that advice, I see what you mean when I think about it.
Well sometimes we get a little blind and need to see things from a different angle.
Thank you, you have given me many tips and I appreciate it

thank you for understanding
I was hesitating to write it to you but couldn't find you in the chat at all
you're my friend and I was worried you stopped posting cause you're affected by it when I passed by your page earlier on and saw no post but maybe you were just drafting it by then?
let's focus on our positive goals ;)

I'm registered on discordapp.com, but I do not use it at all
Yes, it's possible that I was writing a commentary with others, but what I wrote replaced with deleted now.
Thanks again @englishtchrivy

Yes, want to focus on positive goals

okay, I'll try to reach you there when necessary next time ;)

Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Lovely photographs and reporting.

The flag with the three crowned fishes is very interesting...I would have had to inquire as well.

There is something about that kind of weather and lovely scenery that helps us appreciate being inside with a hot cuppa all the more.

Enjoyed reading about it immensely

All the best to you mon ami. A bientot.

thank you mon ami

i wish you were there :)
last time, we were staring at the fireplace
I think you'd enjoy staring at the sea and whatever the fuzz is going on in there, too
what ya say? let's go? hahaha wink wink

Indeed...mon ami...indeed.

Let's go.... ^__^

This post has received gratitude of 1.00 % from @jout

You got a 0.20% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @jout!

excellent post dear friend @englishtchrivy congratulations for the place visited, I would also love to surf, but in my province we do not have seas or oceans, it hurts that it rained during the visit, however walking under the luvia can be very romantic .
congratulations for the beautiful catches, thank you very much for teaching us.
I wish you a wonderful weekend

I actually like it cause I've only been to the beach summer or winter - iced ;)
this was the first time it was wet and windy

Re-steemed @englishtchrivy


Oh, oh!! Look at the cheesecake I had the other day!!


It was smashing. There is a little cheesecake shop in a town not far from ours and we meet friends there. The cheesecakes were incredible!! When I read about your cheesecake it was all I could think of lol!!

give me!!!
I'm a cheese cake addict
in fact I think am going to gain weight this winter
I've been going out and I just had my tenth cheesecake for this month
It's hard to say no when I read them on the menu hahahaha

Hehe, have you heard on a Mint Aero? Chocolate kind of thing, absolutely beautiful. This was a Mint Aero Cheescake. It was the nicest cheesecake I have ever had. The good lady had a lindt chocoloate and Caramel cheesecake and it was lovely too. You would love the place!

Hi, I can really advice you to go to: Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. It’s the bottom ‘island’ of Zeeland. Just above Belgium. And if you there, visit ‘Het Zwin’. The ebb and tide go through the dunes. Its amazing. And most of the time not so busy as the ‘Den Haag’ region. Better parking :-D

thank you
I've never been there but Oaldamster did last summer
and he posted pics of birds
I learned about Zeeland during my Dutch class
and the many names of Dutch birds you can find there
for some reasons I have no idea why we've never driven there
thanks a lot for the advice!

You’re welcome.
Probably because the drive is a bit long to get there. :-)
I’ll will check-out Oaldamster! Curious what he posted about it.

In Holland I was not yet!
Drive mostly south, think about driving north, but in summer :-)

but Germany has beautiful beaches, too
I want to go to Fhur? am not sure I spelled that
it's an island I saw in the WDR :D

edit : thank you for resteeming :)

I like to support you.
In this article, you did not write anything about Fhur!
Haha :-) almost never watch the WDR channel! Yes Germany also has beautiful beaches. Where I live there is only lake :-( and many mountains!

thank you :)

I always watch their travel series
I love travel programs they're mostly positive and educational
plus I really like travelling
years before the negative incidents (if you know what I mean) my husband and I would travel twice a year but after that only within The Netherlands which is okay, too but I really like mingling with people around the world, tasting, smelling their food, learning the reality about their culture and having my own impression of how people are from which ever side of the planet according to my experience
and most of the time what's written on books, mags and even documentaries turn out differently :)
when I travel I feel like I age :)
hahahahaha in a positive way

Hahaha I feel old when traveling!
Sorry, I do not know what happened, that you and your husband do not travel abroad!
I wish you and your man a good start to the week.
Best regards

That is indeed sounds like a cold but great trip ;)
I do liked the textures of minnows /sharks on the road ;) ,It does looks Steemit was along the way .
The cake does looks little little yummy though but you are the one who tasted it so you should know better.
I do like to visit places but this weather is actually do not favors me that much ;)

Actually, I've never had a chance to go to beach in Europe.

next time you visit Hamburg, take a train to the Hague .. go to Scheveningen ;)

Haha... Thanks for the info. I don't think I'll be heading to Hamburg anymore.

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