Watching The Snow Fall Led To Saving A Creature Whose Winter Sleep Has Been Disturbed By The Brrrr...

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I don't normally toot my own horn but today I saved a hibernating creature awaken by the snow. Can you guess which animal that is? Clue: One of his family members is a Steemian friend of mine.

It's still is snowing and I actually woke up to that view outside the hall window this morning or rather ... noon or afternoon, I have no recollection after staying up pretty late last night. It still is snowing and today is a lot more than yesterday. Yesterday's snow melted in the rain and tonight may also be the case but if there's one thing I regret about wishing for snow and more snow it's that we had to cancel our plan of going to a winter fair in the most beautiful park in Arnhem.


The cold makes you get lazy and though my cleaning lady is on vacay and would probably not be back sooner, I lazed and ignored the floor asking to be vacuumed. Am bored, lazy and my fingers are a bit sore from trying to find entertainment in making my guitar weep a lot. I delight not in watching tv and we ran out of bought films so every now and then I'd take a peek outside my window.

Funny that despite the slippery hardened snow some chick still wear boots with pointed high heels. I had to hold my own breath while she walks back to her car from the grocery store. Despite the slippery road, some still chose to bike and a few dog owners who took their best friends for a walk. A couple decided to drag their bags of grocery and I have to admit, I smiled back when they waved at me and laughed at themselves for what they were doing. I've seen so many sleds today can you count how many of them I've managed to capture in a picture?

The snow was falling non stop but it keeps melting at night. I miss the days when we used to sleep aware that they are dropping off the sky and wake up the next day and head to the frozen man-made mere in front of our house watch people skate or sled or join them.

Me? I can't skate, I've never learned and my lame excuse is that am from the tropics I was already an adult when we had our first skating rink so I go hunt for birds, normally resting on the side of the road and take a snapshot, instead. Not today.. I was more of .. waiting, hoping that the next peer outside would be rather dry, sunny view like half of the day yesterday, to no avail. The heavens were wailing wet snow all day and probably still crying its winter tears till now.

Somehow am glad I kept peering outside today because a frog must have been awaken in his winter sleep though am not sure if he was even taking it already since the days before the first snow it was actually almost summery and unuasually warm so it's also possible that he wasn't asleep at all. The snow from the past days didn't really build up so he may actually not be expecting it to last longer either.

When he crawled under the car, I didn't really bother going out cause I thought he might as well find his way to the pond and burrow there. However, my husband teased me that if the next day, we get to see a flattened frog I should prepare myself from feeling guilty. It worked so after half an hour later, while I was making tea I told him I'm going out to find the frog and move him to the greenhouse where he could bury himself in the soil in the pots.

I asked him to fetch the small shovel and he gave me an empty chocolate box and a soiled lunch box. He said, the frog might get hurt if I use the shovel so I'd better just scoop him with the choc box. He has a point and I hate it it when he's right.

I put on another furry vest because am thinking my shirt and knit wear wouldn't be enough to keep me warm under my winter coat and went out looking for him under the car. A neighbor passed by asking what on earth was I doing when she me taking a snapshot of the pic below.

I explained that there's a frog under the wheel probably thinking he found shelter from the snow and may be ran over and explained that am trying to get him in the lunchbox so I could move him in my green house. She took a look and agreed the poor thing needs saving indeed and headed to her house.


I picked up the sleepy looking lil' guy and scooped him with the snow underneath him into the box. My husband shook me off to get all the snow off my coat before letting me in the house and he was also relieved to see the lil' guy in the alive and moving in the box.


I took him straight to the green house which still feels pretty warm when I opened it and waited till he jumps of the box. He sure looks happy, too, don't you think?

He wouldn't budge and I have no idea whether the cold was slowing him down so I lowered the lunch box to the pot and he finally took a leap into the pot. I was thinking of bringing him rice because he looks rather thin but I thought he'd manage anyway.


Whether he'd survive till spring, it's up to him now and hopefully, there are still flies or aphids or mosquitoes for him to eat in the green house and if not, at least .. he's got shelter in the cold snowy nights .

So, did you get to guess which animal it is before scrolling down to see the pics? Oh well, I hope you're having a great weekend and where ever you are, stay safe and warm. Wishing you a great week ahead ... xoxo

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics and made the video with my Samsung Galaxy A3 .

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Great that you saved the frog! Hope it makes it to spring.

Here it has been snowing since late in the afternoon. Already had a nice walk, love the snow. It is now very quiet outside.

I hope so, too
it's melted again
damn rain :D
but I didn't get to Sonsbeek cause of the snow
too cold and a bit wet, too hahaha

while I was posting I heard a sound similar to that of a scoot mobile and I went out to check and saw something that looks like that of the car we use in carting that shoves the ice to the side of the road going through the parking slots
so cute but it must be cold for the driver since it was all open

Hope the winter wonderland will return to Arnhem too. Here is a big soft layer of fluffy snow.

It is very quiet outside, it comes with the snow. The lack of noise that tells me the world is hidden under a white blanket.

Looks like we in the north can enjoy it a while longer.

And now it is time to dream of a white xmas. :-)


I also often wonder how women can do in the middle of winter walk in skirts and heels, is that the ladies are not cold?
I love the cold and especially the snow, my children come to the south of my country and there it snows a lot. In the season they skate on the snow and I could not learn.
excellent work, dear friend, you have done the day's work, it would not have helped, the little frog would no longer tell you how much fun it would be to share this adventure under snow
this image is of my children from the south of my country
I wish you a good start to the week

if they are just driving and then straight to the office or any warm place then its okay
I've done that too but then it was more of like, the parking was at the basement and then straight to the venue so it wasnt cold at all.

Stay warm!

The frog was born under a lucky star. If it were not for you, he would probably have died. We have a lot of frogs in the summer, when it's hot in the evenings and the doors are open, they jump to our house. It's funny to watch how we catch them. But your frog will probably go into hibernation because they should sleep in the winter.

we have that jumping incidents, too
they're very cute though
I hope this one does get back to its winter sleep and make it in spring

What a lovely story and ending @englishtchrivy.

The picture you presented with people having a good time in the snow communicated....each enjoying the weather in their own unique way and you enjoying the picturesque scene they presented.

As for the frog......just as some have a resident now have a resident frog in your greenhouse.....what could be better than that.

So glad he lived to tell the tale....he is a beautiful chap. ^_^

Wishing you all the best......mon ami....A bientot.

thank you mon ami
Im glad you checked out the video of pics
I love them the most but I prefer sharing them in videos these days
I'm trying to get a hang using the film maker up

as for the frog, he probably likes it there I hope het doesnt get confused about the season am worried about that
I hope you had a great weekend
still winter December there?

You have a heart of gold and it shows with care for the frog @englishtchrivy

am sure you would have done the same :)

Yes, I would have done that

Hello @englishtchrivy
Hope you are feeling lively and less lazy. It doesn't snow where I am but there is a lot of cold here (harmattan), I get lazy too and stay in bed all day.

I'm sure the frog will be happy you saved it's life. Maybe it would have frozen to death.

I don't think frog's hibernate but I ain't sure. Lemme do a little Google Search.

So, did you get to guess which animal it is before scrolling down to see the pics?

I didn't guess, I'm not good at it.
A beautiful and wonderful deed. May you be pleased in all your endeavors.


greetings, englishtchrivy.
have you thought of a name for him?
i hope he survives the winter.
you did a good thing. and wrote an intersting post too.

no :D
I haven't checked on him after I put him in there :)

Burr this is reminding me that in Idaho we had the worst snow storm ever last winter. I hope this next one isn't so record breaking.

I hope to hope the hope you hope :D

That's wonderful you saved that frog! The occurred of the snow look beautiful I do so love the snow, we still have a little snow left and I can't wait till the next snow! I enjoyed your videos, awesome post! Have a beautiful day 😊

thanks :)

it's still snowing here
snowing then raining over and over ...

so amazing

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