Five Sure-Fire Ways to Bomb Out on SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Everyone tells you how to make it here...
But, do you have what it takes to achieve a truly epic fail?

I'm sure you've seen them all:

Maybe you've even written one. Today, let's go for the gold instead; let's talk about how to really bomb out on Steemit!

Note: If you have no appreciation for sarcasm, please move along...

Doing Steemit *Your* Way!...

Doing Steemit Your Way!...
Amazing graphic logo courtesy of @dunja

1. Don't read or vote for anyone else.

Seems obvious; but it's not easy! I know those articles look interesting, but remember: you're here to make a pile of cash, not to waste your precious time reading. You need to spend every spare minute creating content, writing posts. Heck with the rest of 'em — let somebody else read what they have to say! — it's probably actually pretty boring anyway.

However, if you must open an article, be sure to just skim it. Actually reading and thinking about what some author says just encourages them, which is of absolutely no benefit to you.

No point making friends here...

No point making friends here...
Photo courtesy of Kevin Curtis and

2. Avoid making any friends here.

Remember, those articles that scroll by your feed? Those are by other writers — your competition here on Steemit. They are not your friends, so don't act like they are.

If at all possible, don't leave comments under their posts. If you just can't help yourself, be sure your comments are nasty. If you can't work up to nastiness, at least try to be critical.

The next best approach is arrogance, which ought to be pretty easy for you as you already know everything of any importance. Maybe even try some sarcasm? You wouldn't want another writer getting a big head and out-doing you, now, would you?

3. Just toss off some mediocre stuff.

Remember, nobody here gives a rip about what you say anyway. They don't deserve your best efforts; save those for Reddit or Facebook.

Here on Steemit, you should be able to slide by and watch your wallet go "chaCHING!" by posting the most drivel in the shortest amount of time. If it's good enough for you to spend ten minutes on, it damn well ought to be good enough for your Steemit audience. No one reads it, anyway.

4. Don't follow anybody who's nobody.

All that ever does is clutter up your feed. It's OK to follow some of the wealthiest whales; they don't seem to post very often anyhow, and they're worth toadying up to.

Exception: If you can sucker someone into doing a "follow me" tit-for-tat exchange, go for it! Just remember to come back and unfollow them a week or so later. They're probably not all that sophisticated anyway, and will likely never notice. Just try to be as unpredictable about dropping them possible.

Piss off as many people as possible.

Piss off as many people as possible.
Photo courtesy of allenlee and

5. Piss off as many people as possible.

This is the real goods; try some arbitrary flagging. Better yet, pick out some authors you really don't like, or who write on topics that you generally disagree with. Flag them! This works especially well if you are lucky enough to find a dolphin or a whale to flag.

For extra bonus points, when you flag an article, ignore my previous advice not to comment. With the flag, add a really snarky comment to achieve maximum insult effect. You don't need their votes anyway, you've got plenty of 'bot action going on, right?

Thanks for reading (ha, ha, as if you actually read this!)

If you faithfully follow the advice I've bestowed, your reputation should hit rock bottom in no time. You may even become something of a legendary folk hero here. Who knows, perhaps you'll be able to sell your account for big bucks one of these days as a rare and vintage "Steemit antique!"


I couldn't have managed to be this snarky without the inspiration I've gotten from several actual Steemians, who will remain unmentioned! I only wish that I hadn't had to figure this all out by watching others. Why couldn't someone have given me good advice like this six months ago, when I signed up for Steemit? It might have helped hold me back and keep me poor and humble.

Thanks for your time and attention.
I wouldn't be here on Steemit if it weren't for you, my readers!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.

⬇️To Check Out @creatr's World⬇️CLICK Each Image Below⬇️

@creatr @creatr @creatr

I tried to give you an arbitrary flag, but accidentally hit upvote.

Damn, now I mistakenly left a comment.

Hahahahaha.... My evil plan is working!!!! ;)

Thanks for stopping by and slipping up, @shenanigator!

You told me you weren't going to write about me, so rude lol. I will follow your instructions word for word lol :)

Hahahaha! Thanks for your funny comment, my dear friend @karenb54. But, you are ignoring my advice about commenting! :O


I can't help myself I have to say something haha gobby woman lol

It makes me happy to read that it's all about a joke, what makes this platform successful is people and the interaction in them.
It is true that it is a difficult platform, but with cosnance, determination everything can be.
Excellent post dear friend @creatr. Congratulations

My dear friend @jlufer, Thank You so much for your kind comments!

I know that I have good friends here on Steemit who do not share the English language with me, or who are not fluent. And for that reason, sometimes I am afraid to be sarcastic. And so, I am very happy that you can see that I was trying to be funny here.

The best to you and your family! :)

Thank you very much for this beautiful return
A big hug for you and your whole family

Thank you for posting @creatr.

Sarcasm comes easily to you ...I see. ^_^ Appreciated the entertainment.

Principle...Entertainment is for happy people.

All the best to you and yours. Cheers.

Thank you, friend @bleujay! I am very happy to hear that you found this entertaining! ;) :)

Goods stuff Sir, tips hat...


Thank you, Frank! :)

it takes skill to entertain as well as instruct - a good post, my friend :)

Thanks, John... This was an unexpected "inspiration" post, courtesy of @dragosroua's prompting. :)

Hi @creatr, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Dear @shadowspub,

Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed the post, and for sharing it also with your readers of Steemit Ramble. I appreciate you! 😄😇😄


I don't get the reverse ideals :D are you serious are you joking , :D Bombing is a good thing right :D , you get a lot of exposure :D and not only that it's a solid business practice , just like Trump and Obama have done , they bomb non-stop and make their country Great again :) I would add , just write as much trendy posts as you can , always flame people, and get a war going, somebody will win and to him go the spoils, sure the platform will decrease in value , but you can just buy out the Steem cheaper that way :) and become a zillionare , when the mainstream folk get here, everybody will beg you for power, and you can just laugh at their faces and flag them to negative 90 rep :D , decentralized monopoly rules :)

I myself have committed some of these sins my biggest mistake being, I stopped being an cynical sarcastic , silent minority and got to communicating with people more, so far it's just a time sink and money in other peoples pockets , all i get is troll bones , leftovers from the Feast and stories of a SteemFest and whatnot. Fuck all of that !

On a side note, thanks for those links and the nice write :) Cheers to you good luck mate , you put a lot of work n your posts and made some interesting graphics , I for one can't keep up with your skills :)

if you have the time , you can look at mine , same topic , lots more to see :D

Thank you, @j3dy, for stopping by and adding to the conversation! Yep, non-stop bombing....

Arbitrarily flagging newbies and leaving a snarky gif is definitely top of the list, especially if you want to crush their spirit while self-destructing. Yeah, Yeah! If I'm goin' down - I'm taking everyone with me.

But never, ever, from you, sweet @merej99!

Why is it that we seem to need both positive and counterexamples to show us the way? I think I could cheerfully do without the latter! ;)

ahhh... but to let the troll out once in a while is good for the soul. I call it keeping my equilibrium. LOL

Now I'm having visions of old fairy tales in which trolls hide under bridges and spring out when you least expect it! :O

Thanks for adding to the conversation, Dear! ;)

LOL - you're amazing my friend!
I cried at "Just remember to come back and unfollow them a week or so later. They're probably not all that sophisticated anyway, and will likely never notice." Hahaha :-D
Love ya! Hugs Marly -

Love ya' too, babe... Hugs right back at'cha! ;)

And, Surfer Marly, I really never meant to make you cry... :) :D ;) Shall we surf and make up? :)

Haha, it´s not the worst thing when you are able to make a girl cry laughing :-D But I´ll be in for that surfing in any case! haha

Oh, you didn't say you were laughing... OK... Glad I didn't make you cry the other way. ;)

And, of course, I'm not going to withdraw the offer of surf... :)

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