SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #36

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Coming Curation Rewards

I'm glad to announce that the calculation of the Coming Curation Rewards is now way more accurate than it ever has been before. The biggest deviation I observed so far with the new logic was 0.001 SP.

As the reward pool is constantly changing (also with each payout itself) and I'm partially working with cached data that are being refreshed in a minute's interval, I'm fully happy with that result.

Link IDs

As we now have link IDs like psfmf4 for comments and we can no longer see what's inside without opening the link, I added a shortened summary text for incoming votes in the Account Operations section:

The label of incoming votes for comments is now Vote Comment and for root posts it is Vote Post, so we can separate them better.

As it goes for incoming comments, we can now also hover over an incoming vote to see the comment's summary without opening/expanding the operation's row:

In case of a root post it will show the title of the post in there.

No more mentions from 'Ignored Accounts'

As I wrote in one of my last posts, there is an option in Settings to define accounts, which we don't want to see in the Account Operations. In case of someone massively spamming your posts with bot-comments (as FTG's @animalcontrol does with thousands of comments per post) you will need this, because otherwise SteemWorld will get extremely slow to work with.

@fulltimegeek: Please let's find a solution for the mess and stop spamming the blockchain! You are harming Steem and, since you are an important part of it, your are harming yourself. If you believe that some players are destroying Steem from inside, why are you taking part in it instead of supporting the good things, which we still have here?

Remember the words:

What we focus on is what becomes powerful...

The good ones are missing you, the real geek.
Please think about it ;)


Steemit Inc. released a public abuse list for filtering abusive accounts a few months ago. If your account is being targeted too, you can just copy the content of that file into here:

I recently added the required filtering functionality also for incoming Mentions and for the Replies tab in the Post Details. Since my account is being mentioned every 15 minutes by whenever I have an active post, I needed to do something about it.

More details in System Info

I added a few missing fields in the System Info tab:

The reason I called it Curation Burn Period is, that many Steemians still don't know how much of a post's payout goes to the author. In the current version of Steem it's always 75%. Of course, if there are any beneficiaries set, they will receive a part of that.

25% of the payout is being distributed among the curators (voters) and the burned/lost part (when voting before the 15th minute) will just stay in the reward pool. So, when voting at 7 minutes and 30 seconds after the post has been created, only 50% of the voter's voted rshares are being considered for calculating his curation reward.

Have a green week (still possible)!

In the making

   ( A )

  • Responsive Design for mobile devices
  • Post Viewer and Editor
  • Steem Data Service (SDS)
  • Theme Builder
  • Starting a witness node

   ( B )

  • Different views, no limit in the Posts Overview (requires SDS)
  • Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
  • Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
  • Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)

   ( C )

  • RC costs calculation
  • Downloadable SteemWorld that can be run locally
  • More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts/comments, pie charts?, filters?)


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Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much love,


Server Upgrade

In case should not be reachable within the next few hours, don't panic, my web hoster is currently upgrading one of my servers.

The work should be done by Wednesday, 5. June 03:00 UTCat the latest.

I totally forgot to prepare for that. Too many things in my head recently...
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Falls in den nächsten Stunden nicht erreichbar sein sollte, keine Panik, mein Webhoster aktualisiert gerade einen meiner Server.

Die Arbeit sollte bis spätestens Mittwoch, 5. Juni 03:00 UTC erledigt sein.

Ich habe total vergessen, mich darauf vorzubereiten. Zu viele Dinge in meinem Kopf in letzter Zeit...
Sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten!

Dann weiß ich nun wieso es nicht geht und kann beruhigt schlafen gehen xD

Posted using Partiko Android

good luck, hopefully the upgrade goes well

yes its still down on my end.

btw, just like your name says, CHILL :) dont get too stressed out :)

Thank you for keeping us so informed and updated! Your site and service is so professional, you are a great asset to our community.

hahaha, ich dachte meine prepayd karte ist schon wieder alle im ersten moment xD

I started to get worried that there were some major problems =X

Fortunately You informed here, so no more panic xD.. Take all the time You need ;)

Also, a big THANK YOU for all the good work You've done until now!!

All the best,

Thanks for the heads up!
Hopefully this upgrade goes smoothly.

Works again for 5 minutes now. :-)
Glad to have found an announcement here. :-)

Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering of your site had been blocked by IT in my office.

I first thought it was my ISP, but then checked here.
Thanks, as always, for the great work and the clear sense of direction for all the features.
I hope you are well :-)

It's 6:29 UTC now and it's still not working. Any idea how long is this going to take?

Does SteemWorld still not load for you? It should work since ~ 12 hours... Maybe it's related to a DNS caching issue and your internet provider's DNS didn't refresh yet (should do that automatically after some time, can take a few hours depending on the configured interval).

It works fine, thank you. Got back to normal half an hour after I posted my comment. I'm going to check the accuracy of the curation tomorrow.
Thank you for fixing it, it's the most important tool one can have!

I was worried for a bit as I cannot live on Steem and engage without it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Und jetzt wissen alle we sehr wir uns auf Steemworld verlassen!!
Danke dir dafuer!!

Hoffentlich funktioniert es bald wieder, bie dahin ein !BEER

To view or trade BEER go to

Hey @steemchiller, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Well it still doesn't work here (tried chrome, brave, firefox whatever). Always says connection timeout

Anything could be done at local machine?

You are a genius!
I hope all users will give you a witness vote, once your witness goes live.
MIRA is out, so your excuse for not running a witness node does not count anymore ;-)

Exactly! I am impatiently waiting for him to get his witness going so I can throw my vote at him. If anyone deserves to be a top 10 witness it is @steemchiller!!!

The Website Is On
if it still not working for you yet do the following:

  • in your phone disable the mobile data for a while then enable it again, if it fixed line turn off the main router for a while then turn it on again(Recommended)

  • Use a VPN or change your DNS

well I was thinking it's my ISP blocking me from accessing to it while it's on and you @steemchiller tell us next time before you do something like that because today I lost without, it's my workspace for everything hehe

at the end, we all appreciate your efforts ;)

hey, @cityofstars.

Thanks for the troubleshooting tips. I don't connect via mobile, so I did unplug the main router for a bit with no results. So, I've been using TOR and it seems to work great. Maybe Safari will work after I reboot the computer but I probably won't know that until tomorrow morning.

checkout @steemchiller latest post and download the zip file of steemworld

Hi @steemchiller

You know I have a friend @jga Julian who did a Check-Votes program with specific characteristics, I wanted to see more than three decimals regarding the voting and those who actually voted compared with your application and I see that the behavior of both are very I looked like the link Check-Votes

I congratulate you, I really like the improvement

Greetings from Venezuela, a country that fights for its freedom

As usual, great work, dear Chiller!
Concerning the "Link IDs" I'ld love if you also found a simple (?!) solution to show the shortened content for 'Curation Rewards' and - more important - 'Author Rewards'. Not really necessary but if it's simple to develop (! 'simple' is important - since I have no idea about the outlay !) it might be one click less for some thankful users... 😊
Never mind - do what's most important for you!
Liebe Grüße,

Thanks for the idea @chriddi! I'm working on it and it's already done for the Coming Author Rewards. I want to have that for the Coming Curation Rewards, Mentions and a few other features too.

I'm also thinking about adding kind of a 'post link popup' that shows up after few seconds when hovering the mouse over those links (like the one for the author links), which shows a few more post details. Not that important currently but a 'nice-to-have' feature for the future...

LG, Chiller

Wie immer unterstütze ich Dich gerne und sage viiiieeeeeelen Dank für deinen Einsatz 👍

Very limited time @steemchiller, but great as always to read the "latest, greatest" on my favorite Steem app.

Thank you for embedding an appeal to FTG in this post. A lot of good people are still being hurt, so we'll see what response you get.

Posted using Partiko Android

P.S. While waiting for your server to be upgraded, I had no choice but to go back to what I used prior to learning about SteemWorld - steemd. Not to speak ill of those not present, as I'm sure they did their best, but ... And no question it does work and better than nothing, but ... Sure glad I found out about SteemWorld! 👍

Thanks for the (unintended) reminder! 😉

I did the same and agree with you. It is something but far from what we need and far from this tool.

Hi @steemchiller,
I like the way you’r following with your development, things are going smoother and new info is quite useful.
About that issue I spotted of the info not being refreshed after a day change I can tell it’s sorted if there was such issue as you pointed out on your last post. Anyway any change you’ve made it’s been seemless as I have been checking out.
Thanks so much (again) for your regularity and resilience on these hard times.
My best wishes for your week, cheers

wird ja wirklich von woche zu woche immer besser und ausgeklügelter :-)

To those who still have the problem connecting to steemworld:
I had the same problem on my machine and discovered I could connect from my phone. So I made a hotspot from my phone and tried to connect from my pc -> problem solved.
I suppose it's a local DNS cache problem. I cleared my PC DNS cache but that didn't solved the problem. Next thing I'll try is to clear the cache from my router...

EDIT: problem is now completely solved by rebooting my router!

Thanks for your help!

Well, cleaning DNS + rebooting router didn't worked here. Still same issue

I can't reach either. Tried from at least three different networks. No luck :(

Can you, by any chance, give us the IP address?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63490.29
ETH 2598.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78