Steemit Winter’s Collective Play-( The Challenge Battle Has Begun!!)

in #steemitwcp6 years ago (edited)

As we snuggle, when we can and how we can, seeking warmth, during winter’s unmerciful lingering cold, if we do not find ways to stay inspired to write, we can lose our flow.

It is easy to fall prey, to isolation, loneliness, and/or idleness for that matter, during the many days when we see less sunlight and not many people are venturing outdoors.

So to help pass the winter season, I have created a Winter game of Play that’s all about words.

My overall objectives for Steemit Winter's Collective Play is to first have some fun and secondly to inspire us to write consistently.

And, ever so often the Steemit fairy and other sponsors will support our play and on those weeks, we all get sprinkled with some SBD.

So I invite you to come and have some fun and make some upvote currency. Won’t You Come And Play (Steemit Winter’s Collective Play) With Me?

The (Major) Rules of The Game

There will be a Qualifying Preliminary Round, plus 3 Rounds and a new post will be presented beginning with Round 2 the title of that post will be Steemit WCP ~ Winners And Round Two Game On and there will be a new post for round 3 Finale as well.

And then there will be A Winners Post. Each Round will offer new prompts and have a surprise twist to it.


In order to enter Steemit Winter’s Collective Play you must comply with the following:

For The Qualifying Entry Round

(Please feel free to ask questions about anything that has not been made clear, post all questions in the comment section below:)

1. Submit a mini entry of poetry or prose of a subject matter of your choosing, no less or no more than 175 words, (the word count includes the title).

2. Make one of your tags steemitwcp

3. Submit this in the form of a link (only) in the comment section of the post. I will upvote all entries.

UPDATE All qualified entries in this round will receive 1 SBD

These are the major rules of the game. Once the Players are chosen, I will edit this post and go back in and reveal the minor rules. This way no one can jump ahead.

Round One – One Day Challenge

Congratulations, you have made it to the opening of the game.

This is Round One - This is a 1 Day Battle Challenge. You have until 3 pm tomorrow, Friday 2/9/2018 Easter Standard Time, USA to submit your entry. No entries will be accepted after this time. If you fail to submit your entry before the time stated above you will automatically be dropped from Steemit Winter's Collective Play. You can if you choose re-enter next week's competition.

Remember Show No Mercy To Your Fellow Players....THIS IS A BATTLE TO THE FINISH. HOORAH!!!

The Battle Challenges To Choose From For Round One

1. A Letter To Myself -

Self Therapy - If you choose this battle challenge you must write out your confessions about the wrong choices you made in life and you must go on to write about your life plan or blueprint or your remedy to right your wrongs and you must in detail write about your plan for your present and future success.
Genre: Self-Help

2. Magic -

If you choose this battle challenge - Imagine you have magical powers and you can make the impossible happen. What Would You Do?
Genre: Syfy/ Fantasy/ Adventure

3. Questions -

If you choose this battle challenge - You woke up outside of Earth, you are in another galaxy on another planet. You can breathe the air, You have everything you need and more. The only obstacle you face is a communication barrier, you must learn how to communicate with the beings on this planet who have proven to be friendly. The questions you may write about are how do you get back to Earth or Now that you have chosen to stay on this planet your questions are???
Genre: Syfy

4. The Billion Dollar Secret -

If you choose this battle challenge - You must write about a secret you have that is valued by the secret societies, terrorist organizations, NASA and Homeland Security as a billion-dollar secret. You must write about this secret, how you will continue to keep it a secret (detailed hidden agenda plan) and if you have a family how will you keep them safe.
The clues to this battle challenge are:
You have known about it since you were a child.
The secret's properties are connected to alchemy and new technology.
The secret has no power without you.
Genre: Political Thriller, Mystery, Drama

5. The Magic Potion -

If you choose this battle challenge You must write in detail about this magic potion, you have the option to disclose what its made of or leave the ingredients a mystery. You must write about what the potion does, the secret antidote and where you hide the potion to keep it safe and what you plan to use it for, Will you use it only. Will you sell it to the highest bidder or will you destroy it to save mankind a lot of destruction and heartache?
Genre: Science Fiction/Adventure

These are the Rules of The Game

  1. First, you must Upvote this post and Resteem It. Thank You….

(Note To Remember) Also First And Foremost You can only enter Steemit Winter's Play one time. 1 entry only. If you enter more than once you will be disqualified.

  1. You must choose a Battle Challenge from the 5 listed above. Your entry can be no less than 300 words of original work. and tag your post #steemitwcp

  2. You have one day to complete this challenge and drop your link (link's only) in the comment section below.

Award Payouts for Round One

The Winner of Round One: - 3 SBD
All other entries will receive 1 SBD


LET'S PLAY......


Ok, my beautiful loyal Players, I wanted to let you in on what I am thinking.

First, timing, in this case, is the key. We only have five more days and if we are to have a battle of a contest we will not continue to wait much longer. So when the clock strikes twelve noon tomorrow(Thursday) eastern standard time in the U.S.A time will be up. No one else will be allowed to enter this week's contest and by 12:30 pm this post will have been re-edited to reveal the theme and rules for Round One.
Also, those of you who have qualified and have been chosen as Players for this week will receive a surprise reward. Also as long as the Player total does not exceed 8, no one will be eliminated from this weeks game and everyone can compete until the game ends. So you may want to be thinking about will you be teaming up for a collaboration or flying solo. Much Success to you all. ~Ren

Hi @rensoul17 for round 1 do we need to write it in a form of poem or anything?

Oh, what a fierce battle maneuver this entry is. @thecreativerebel has appeared it seems out of nowhere and he has taken other players to task. He shows that he's got skills as he so gallantly defends his territory with power and might as the battle ensues.

@reeewritesthings has entered the battle as the crowd cheers, she is in for the battle of a lifetime but she will not go down without a fight, she got some moves the other players didn't see coming, she not only here to play, she's here to stay.

@stephenparato has entered this battle challenge far ahead of the rest, let's see if he will be the triumphant winner or will some other Player charge at him with force and bring the battle to meet Stephen's challenge on the high ground. I will keep us updated as the battle continues.

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Congratulations @stephenparato you are Player #6. Thank You for your entry.

Greetings @sirsticks in order to qualify to be a Player in Steemit Winter's Collective Play, your word count for your Qualifying entry must be 175 words. This post that you have submitted is less than the 175-Word Count. Also the word count does include the Title. Please try it again and once you edit your post , please reply back and let us know. Thank You.

Edited and updated....

Congratulations @sirsticks you are Player #4. Thank You for your entry.

hi this is my entry
I used the word counter for ms word, i hope this qualifies. :)

Congratulations @reewritesthings you are Player #3. Thank You for your entry.

You are welcome @reewritesthings, glad you decided to join us.

I can't wait for the 1st round. :)

hi @rensoul17 my friend is interested, can she still join the qualifying round?

hi @rensoul17 my friend is interested, can she still join the qualifying round?

Yes as long as she does it before 12noon. Today.

Congratulations @thecreativerebel you are Player #5. Thank You for your entry.

Love your creative spirit @rensoul17 :)
Id love to play, but I am in the middle of an Australian Summer, with the sun shining brightly every day, is that considered an unfair advantage? ;) haha

I'm in Australia too, from what I can assertion I am what you call, over east.
Unlike you who I see is very much a part of nature and the environment, I currently find myself removed from it and largely confined to my home.
In spite of sweating out some of the days, I can still relate to the potential to fall prey, to isolation, loneliness, and/or idleness... see less sunlight and not...venturing outdoors, and a metephorical lingering cold is not too hard to acccess.
I say Do It...winter is coming.

Hey @girlbeforemirror
Ah yes, when you put it that way, I must admit traces of that wintery feeling are creeping in everywhere at times. Daily find myself using every tool I have to light the fire within and keep the heart space warm and open to give space for my tribe and others struggling.
Ok Im in. :)

Not really and we give thanks @thecreativerebel that you are having good weather. But it's still the Winter time so I invite you to join if you are lead to do so.

Ok cool. Working on something now. ;)

I am not sure what you want. We comment now and then make a post?
Then come back comment again and put the link?

ok, ... FIRST You create your post based on the instructions above under the section called For Qualifying Entry Round of no less or no more than a 175-words of poetry or prose (short story) and you post a link here in the comment section. This is what you do to qualify to play. Thanks for asking @rebeccabe

Are tags counted ren?

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