The Problem Of Steemit - The real reason why we do not get more users + solution!steemCreated with Sketch.

One  problem is, and that's the main reason, that the majority of users are  creating a platform for themselves and are greedy and not have any  visions and phantasy. They have a lot of money and don't care if the platform is good for  many people (millions). They stagnate development on purpose. 

Look at my  5000 personal introductions on the street combined with poetry. Even though I worked my ass off and made a reputation nobody helps me to get off  the street. This is the most anti-social behaviour. They think that  when you give someone 5 euro you can help him but all that is bullshit. I  got a night in the hostel from wadepeterson I believe. A pizza from  richardcrill and 80 dollar from payitforward. All the donations, I  should have burned them. 

Now I got 50 Euro from roelandp. I hope it will  arrive, my microcope, because I didn't have a home address. If you were  a person who never heard about steemit, would you like to join when  seeing that a guy like me doesn't get a chance? And that's the reason why nobody likes steemit and bitshares. It has nothing to do with self voting by curie or steem guild or whoever. 

It is the rubbish egoistic and unhelpful attitude of many.  People made thousands and nobody followed up on them what they did with  the money. I opened myself to the community and explained my PTSD which  is according to pychologists always in my life and offered to make a  steem related soup kitchen but out of the hundreds of people who have thousands upon thousands of dollars on their acounts nobody comes together to make such a place come true and so that I can have a place  to live and work. 

This is the same bullshit like the social media and other platform  nobody finds truely life changing and worth their attention. Who needs that? When i hate one thing then it is when people are not capable or  willing to do shit immediately and believe in the beauty of the small  things. 

I am so sour and it is embarrassing for me to be a part of steemit because of that. If you want to get users you have to offer solutions to the worlds problems and that is unemployment. People here always talk about teaching to fish instead of giving fish. They do the exact opposite.



To be 'taught to fish' requires a willingness to learn.

Have you read this guys comments on here? Even to those who are trying to help. I'm starting to think he's just trolling us.

I like to think about it as intransigence towards suggestions that might lead to greater personal responsibility or honest introspection. :-)


This is the first I have ever heard of this word. It's a great one, which I could have benefited from having at my disposal in some recent conversations. Thanks-

Also, I would agree that is probably just a case of inadvertent self-sabotage.

You're welcome. I picked it up some time ago, when the then Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating, used it to describe the Malaysian Prime Minister of the time. I was very impressed by it too!

Who would have thought I would ever owe my gratitude to a politician.. Lol.

Any measure of success I've achieved here on Steemit goes back into the platform and authors. If I made 10 dollars today, that goes to Steem Power. The value of my vote goes up every time someone votes for me. I give it back in the form of votes. I'll usually vote for creative content though, or I'll vote for those who vote for me as a way of saying thank you.

People seem to make this mistake a lot. They see successful contributors and think they are selfish. Personally, I can't control who votes for my stuff. I love it that they do though and it encourages me to stick around and keep producing. If people only want to do this for money and they want to earn money by talking about things not everyone agrees with, they might not stand a good chance. I took the entertainment road because I think there are a lot of people out there who enjoy a good laugh. I also produce art. Many artists are rewarded for their efforts here. I had to be very patient and find my way around in the dark before I started to get noticed. So many people want theirs and they want it now. You can't skip the steps in between, but that's how they think people got where they are...and that's simply not the case. This platform requires a solid effort and a lot of patience as well as a drive to succeed and an ability to power through the tough times. If I did it, anyone else should be able to.

Longest offtopic reply I've ever seen.

I was just about send you all of my liquid STEEM out of sympathy, but then I viewed the comments and see this.

He was clearly attempting to explain that not everyone is selfish as you said in your post.

There are different types of giving. Perhaps you should take some time to self-reflect and you may find that money is not the most important thing in the world. If you give others respect, and treat them as you would want them to treat you, perhaps you would be in a better position than you are currently.

I would much rather see a platform where people are kinds and respectful to one another, than one where everyone has lots of money and treat each other like shit.

I hope that your situation improves soon, and hopefully, your attitude will improve with it.

Have a good night.

I don't want any donations of you.
My post was a statement and I didn't invite anyone for discussion.

And you wonder why your Steemit journey isn't going the way you hoped?

I am not thinking in my journey I am thinking in our journey and only want the best. Let's do this together. Don't take things too personal please, is it my problem when I have to shout because half of the people don't know how to effectively go out and make new users?
It's my resposibility and now let's continue satire, please

So I just had a peek at your response to everyone here. You basically said the same thing to everyone, so I can at least rest assured the problem wasn't me, but it's more about your attitude and outlook on life. I gave your post an upvote. That increased the value by 1 cent. That's the best I can do for you right now. If that's not enough, your price is too high.

I said it because its true. It just happens to be all replies by all people.
I didn.t check vatos video yet.

I think that there are not a lot more users because the mentality of not helping others to make their own business is a turn off. Could you talk about that? the topic!

I came here. Started blogging. My blog is my business. Many vote, this pays me. That pay I convert to Steem Power which increases my voting power. I use my voting power to vote for content and authors I enjoy. That action of mine helps pay those people.

To recap. People vote, it pays me and increases my voting power. I vote, that pays people and increases their voting power. They vote... and it all gets passed along like that.

How is this not helping? Seems to be commonplace. It's everywhere I look. What seems to be the problem?

I'll just add, there weren't any promises made to anyone that this place would make anyone rich or even provide a supplemental income of sorts. I looked back at your blog(which I've enjoyed in the past) and see you're doing better than a lot people. If you're having a rough time now, success here depends on being patient through these hard times... and that's something I said in my response which you claimed was completely off topic.

Do you want to explain how steemit works? Everything you write is offtopic. It's ok, ..

Alright, to be honest, I have no clue what the topic was. I just read some words and tried to make sense of it, but couldn't, though I did try. Have a nice day.

Yes, self-knowledge is the first step to improvement. Have a good day.

Well stated son-of-satire...
I felt similarly. His responses to the comments tell me he is not here to listen to constructive (and respectful) input from what I have only seen as loving people...

That explains so much. Obviously you are blind.

I see you are having a bad day! And welcome to LIFE my friend, n0t Steemit so don't you go blaming our community! Ppl expect ppl who worked hard for what they have to just give it away to a person who is not willing to work for it their damn selves!
You found crypto so what is your excuse? Continue searching for something that pays the bills yet bringing you joy as well. You already make more money than me here and I've been here longer than you shoot give me some donations!

Never read so much offtopic gibberish before

So please do explain yourself over again please as I 0r we may have read your post wrong? I will have another read when I make time...

Hi tradz, hope you're cool, was a hard weekend here, slept in the snow. It was inmpotant for me to get he message across, that by doing little steem places around the world or supporting people who are full time marketers like me in a simple way without business plans etc. is necessary to grow steem and to attract users. When people see what is going on here, they are not interested to join. I want to get u all on board to do things with passion and determination. I am not only a blogger, I am also a marketer and do not agree with the mentality of many users here. But I am right so I have to say it. :D

I upvoted this out of CHARITY. I want noone...ever...sleeping in the snow.

But my charity can only go so far....Martin look inside yourself. Stop asking what others can do for you and ask OTHERS how you can help THEM...

LISTEN to people and adapt based on the info instead of attacking them for telling you information you personally feel is wrong. LEARN from the feedback. Dont push it away! <3

I trulu love you my friend. Many of us worked full time jobs amd never gave up...even when you did give up. Learn from this and alwaslys remember you ARE capable of creating real value.

Money is only a quantifiable unit of account that lubricates the value of human relationships.

Give value to your relationships and the seeds you plant will produce long as you test the soil and plant them in places where the FEEDBACK shows it is fertile. Or reject the feedback and plant them blindly...hoping for yield (and setting yourself up for a famine)

Sorry @vato!
Will stick with BTS and Steemit.

This response is the root of your probs. Dont disrespect and say their message is off topic simply because it doesnt suit what u want to hear...
Something (sadly) tells me you would consider it on topic if he said you were right...

Oh my friend...soon u will see what some of us are doing. Remember steem is in beta. Many of us who have "lots of money" in steem have it because we spent lots of money and sacrificed a GREAT DEAL to get us where we are. This, like u stated above, is not the case for all of them...but I assure you soon enough one of the projecrs ill debut is going to blow your mind. ;)

Follow officialfuzzy...the stubborn idealist and watch for announcements. Much love...and dont forget...steem is the ONLY platform that pays you anything, but it is the censorship resistance that is the TRUE value of the platform.

Even with that said...what we are about to unleash in the coming weeks is going to go viral on steem and enable things few if any have imagined before me and my small crew. Patience is all i ask. Ive given much already and will only continue to do so as MY BLESSINGs enable me to have resources.

Just a hint though...on ONE use case that will be possible with our new innovation:
Teachers will be able to get upvotes from whales for students in 3rd world countries when they post and grade homework on steem network.
One of the BIGGEST problems for children in 3rd world countries is that they cannot go to school--not because of unavailablity, but because they often must work during school to help supplement their parents' incomes...
A child cannot learn on an empty stomach so when u must choose between one or the other...the belly comes first. Children should not have to choose. If they study and do well, they should have the basics they need. It also teaches them work ethic...and it is not easily possible on steem (yet).

Just wait. ;)

@vato speaking the truth! Likes the short video message. This brings me back to an idea I have. Steemit needs to implement features such as those found within the Telegram app 0r the Facebook messenger app for this matter! And that is, allowing users to be able to send voice/video recordings to each other within the Steemit platform so that we don't always have to write while saving time. AND it will draw us(community) closer in terms of bonding as we can have more of a real interaction, sort of like 'Skype'.

Better yet! Have this feature on the mobile version, which is even better of course so, I hope to see this feature built-in the iPhone app when it is time for the release ;)
It will be the BEST app!
It can 0r will be better than Telegram, Facebook Messenger and what n0t.

I hate this woman, she is so full of shit, like you by simply posting a link with tghe underlying statement that I believe that anyone ows me something.

It's understood by me that you're in a tough spot. But even if I were to agree with the problems mentioned in the post, I don't see any solution mentioned.

I didn't expect that you understand anything. Most of the users here understand nothing.

But I did. I'm quite respectfully asking you what you think is the solution to these problems.

I believe that each person in the world has a strength. By supporting them (only people who want to bring steem further and show accountability of what they do) we can grow steem very fast.
To not do this will lead to stagnation and unpopularity. As a tokenholder I want to have success fast and effective and I am working hard and expect this from others according to their capabilities!

With this mentality we have now (anti-social, anti-visionary, unwilling to work hard or support hard working members because they are ashamend how unproductive they are), supporting people who sit on money and can afford to delay development) we already lost the momentum to attract masses of users in the beginning.
I talk to many people on the street each day. They love my service and then they see that i do not get support for my projects. They do not want to be involved then because nice people support each other and know that when you do this the whole ecosystem wil profit.

The solution: Support people who want to work and have a good rep by believing in their abilities and not ask them to make a freakin business plan or some other crazy stuff nobody knows how to do.
I basically said everything already in my opener but it is written bad.

Here you can see from a reply by @tradz how the wrong mentality is spread here. He writes:

" Ppl expect ppl who worked hard for what they have to just give it away to a person who is not willing to work for it their damn selves!"

Any day I will compete with him when it comes to promotion and hard work. He has no clue about me.

Then @vato: "Nobody ows you anything"
What does this have to do with me criticicing the mentality of unhelpfulness and being without vison and excitement? It is such a unsensitive manipulative reply. Total trash.

Thank you for asking again. I said that I don't want donations, It is the wrong way. The good way I just toled you about. cu.

Then @vato: "Nobody ows you anything"
What does this have to do with me criticicing the mentality of unhelpfulness and being without vison and excitement? It is such a unsensitive manipulative reply. Total trash.

The steem & bitshares community is very helpful, absolutely visionary and excited. Those communities are not your problem...

I guess we have different views then. I told you what I think about your reply. I have things to do.

My dear are 100% right. It saddens me a bit to think shla-rafia thinks he is so qualified to judge the communities who in large part sacrificed more than he has ever (likely) sacrificed for anything...amd just so he can have ONE place on this earth where he is at least able to post and earn something. So people can be certain they will never be truly censored.

I feel shla-rafia feels emotions and tries hard, but has very wrong expectations for a platform not even out of beta yet.

Instead of being thankful for being able to be here so early...he chooses only to see the negative. THIS is why he will fail...not because of others...

Please be patient...

I feel like we have been gaining lot's of users recently especially considering we are still underground(decentralized). Not bad might I say! I can feel the growth as my video watching is becoming quite difficult(non-stability). And the solutions are coming my friend!

rubbish reply

Hey, you had a rubbish outlook!

I dont have time for explaining to you what is the core message here f my post.

This is not intended to be a give away.

To earn steem you produce quality work or you build a quality community. I've never seen whining and begging work, but maybe if you do it really well...

What a rubbish reply, fully offtopic.

No martin...this is honesty and you should listen to it. I say this with LOVE for you.

Martin, I love you like a brother man, and I hope your outlook improves.

If you're serious about running business, and bootstrapping off this community, you need to create and propose a detailed business plan. And just because someone has more money than someone else does not mean they are obligated to part with it.

In other words, you need convince the community that your business is worth investing into, and manage your own wealth and donations to help make that a reality too.

I'm not trying be condescending, just to give some advice...

I almost die here in the street. I make 30 bucks a day and want to spend 8 hours a day promoting steem and am a member since 2013 on bitsharestalk and have a 66 rep and still nobody wants to support me to advertise steem or rent a little room or make a little hostel.
I don't know how to make a business plan.
I will not be the first dead guy on the forum you can watch dieing live.
The funny thing is that this is a financial tool and the whole world has debts plus I have PTSD. Still nobody borrows me 600 si I can work better. What kind of a behaviour is that?

Don't die Martin. :(

The money that people have donated to you, while it may seem small, can add up. It's up to you to manage those funds the right way to make yourself comfortable. I don't have much liquid money or I would help you out more... I'm not going to power down my SP (haven't ever powered down) but if I end up doing that, I'll try to help you out.

Try to keep a positive outlook on life. Maybe think about little things in your life that put you in a bad mood and think about how you can minimize those things. Also I would suggest that you cut back on the promotional work for Steem if it means you are having to sacrifice your time and money that you need to live more comfortably.

I thank you for all of the work you've done to this point!

I slept outside and only covered myself with newspapers and then only one hour sleep and the next day also outside but with a not warm enough sleeping bag. Now I am inside a hostel. It's late. Thank you, you are very kind.

Martin. Dont lose hope. Instead reach out to me and i will give u an opportunity as SOON as i can. This will be my final offer for help though and you must prove to me i can trust you...but u will be helped.

P.S. You could sell newspapers and put steem pamphlets inside...or do any number of things with VISION (the vision about which you are projecting onto us as lacking). Spend less time feeling bad for yourself and MORE TIME envisioning the change you want to see.

Blame noone else. It will work out...

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