The Enigmatic Loki, My "God-like" Cat! RIP! 3 Entries For #steemitphotochallengesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitphotochallenge7 years ago (edited)

What a face! Loki, a Trickster among Gods in Norse Mythology. My daughter Tahnee gave my favourite cat this beautiful name LOKI (yes among over 20 cats I owned or still own, I had a favourite). 

Loki was a very special and unique cat and lived up to his name. At the end he was fleeing from our new home and never returned.

Bali Pet Stories 

I dedicate this series "My Bali Pet Stories" in memory of all lost, so valuable companions who brought love in our lives and to show how important it is to experience the friendship of animals, help as many as you can. 

My Pet Stories - SteemPets! SteemMeow! SteemMutt!

Today I introduce LOKI for the Steemit Photo Challenge 

Enigmatic = difficult to interpret or understand, mysterious.

He was ! 

I adopted Loki when he was 4 months old and he joined our family of one dog Jati, he never got along with and 3 other cats he learnt to love but he ruled and controlled all of them. 

He could be really mean with them but he was the sweetest with human beings. Little arrogant fellow! 

Conquering Tigerlily! 

He also welcomed our new baby SNOOP and they became real fun buddies to watch but Loki was always the king in our home. 

Look at those eyes! 

He hated Jati and their fights were quite dangerous so I had no other choice than to put our doggie to the other house. It was actually a good solution because he had Ciro, a huge clumsy sweetheart to play with. 

Loki adored all my airbnb guests and especially charmed my female visitors. Everybody fell in love with him and his charismatic personality. 

He would sit infront of our front gate to welcome them, waiting and even begging for his cuddles he always got. 

His biggest fan was  @bombaybellyrina 

He was so happy in our home, just like me , always being surrounded by so many entertaining pet friends I had. 

I never felt lonely and I didn't even miss friends visiting. I had them all in my bed rolled up around my body. Waking up was fun! 

The day came when I had to relocate all my pets to our balinese family home because I gave up my beautiful villa at the beach, his territory. His comfort zone and cats do need that most. Dogs are defendant on their owners but cats need their hunting field. 

The King of his castle, so cute ! 

I had to pack him on my open jeep with the more scaredy-cat Snoop. Both had to be squeezed in a cage and driven to the new house where 4 others were already running free. 

Wishful thinking to believe that all kitties would live happily after. 

No way! 

I knew it would be difficult but had no idea how hard it would be on him. 

All turned into a total disaster. Loki was furious and Snoop scared to death. 

"Thor and Loki in the Chariot". Foster, Mary H. 1901. Asgard Stories: Tales from Norse Mythology. Silver, Burdett and Company. Page 41. ( Wikimedia Commons )

They were both shaking of fear in the back of my very loud, open landcruiser and didn't like the sound of the motorbikes passing by but I had no other choice than get through with this trip, I had to do alone Without anybody's help. 

I should have cuddled them instead in the backseat but I made a big mistake to traumatise them badly, driving on busy streets with too many sounds they never heard before.

I Miss My Babes Sound Back In Bali - Riding My Toyota FJ 40 Landcruiser, A Daily Joy

Long story short, the moment I wanted to let him out into the garden, introducing him to the new and quite friendly kitties first, thinking he would be fine adjusting to his new environment, the unexpected happened. 

He gave me that unforgettable angry look, scratched Snoops face, meowed so loud, I never heard such sound before, jumped on my lab, sat there for a second and bang ....gone he was and never be seen again. 

He was pissed, furious and just shocked. Maybe he ran away and didn't find back. I wish I would know. 

I am so so sorry! 

I looked everywhere, my heart broken but he vanished towards our neighbor temple? Just gone! 

I called his name so loud, many times on my way back home, in hope he would recognize my voice and returns to his family. 

He didnt hear me. 

Sometimes I think he found his way back to our old villa. 

I don't know. 

I looked up the legend around God Loki 

The Norse trickster god, Loki is undoubtedly the most debated figure from Norse mythology to this day.  Though he appears to be a scheming, mischievous deity who has no real loyalties, scholars still explore what his purpose might have been in the ancient stories. Was he merely a plot device, a foil for the AEsir, the pantheon of gods in Norse religion? His character surely meant more to the non-Christian Scandinavians than can be gleaned now, and though that purpose cannot be fully realized due to a lack of sufficient sources, an overview of who Loki was and what he did can loosely be outlined.Loki's relationship with the other gods is what causes most of the concern and confusion in modern scholarship. Loki is not shown as an outright evil god, though he does appear to take great pleasure in fooling or insulting the AEsir. One of the most notable examples is his fluctuating relationship with Thor, as recorded in two different poems both from the Codex Regius, which houses the Poetic Edda .  "Lokasenna" tells of when Thor comes to the great hall of the sea god AEgir and immediately becomes bothered by Loki and his antics. Three times Thor threatens to silence Loki with his hammer Mjölnir, and three times Loki proceeds to insult him and Odin.At the end of the tale, Loki flees the scene, hiding from the AEsir for his harsh words, only to be found and captured, and bound to the rock where he will remain until Ragnarök. - Source Anicent-Origins

"Loki appears to have no regret of his actions or sympathy for his family members—Hel, Jörmungandr, and Fenrir—thereby emphasizing the anomaly of his relationship with the Aesir."

Thank you for a wonderful time together. 

Follow @mammasitta 

Please ADOPT ! Do not buy cats or dogs in Bali

More Animal Stories 

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beautiful post @mammasitta I miss my old pets, I had a dog who done something similar he never came back, I was so devastated for a long time.

Oh so so sorry to hear. I lost so many and every single time I was sad for a long time. Still I am, thinking of those memories. They are like our children in some ways. I am very attached to my pets and oh gee I have so many stories to tell but I kept this one as short as possible.

beautiful cats you have, so sorry for the ones you've lost. I lost my kitty (a beautiful tiger-looking tabby, she looked a bit like LOKI but darker colored) to cancer some years back and I still miss her to this day. :(

Awww💫 It's just wonderful to share such memories with other "animal" lovers. I never got along with people who don't understand how special it feels to be around them.

in that case, I'll also share this picture of me as a kid hugging one of my sweet "duck friends", Chucky and Lucky! :) lol

OMG That's nearly too cute to be true, especially for a New Yorker. I better don't get started showing all my photos hahah

very true! lol except we also had a country house upstate New York growing up, plus I have family in Alsace (France), which certainly helped develop my love and appreciation for nature along with all its beautiful animals!

Little bit like me. I grew up in Vienna but spent most of my summers at my grandparents in the countryside. I would bring home puppies, baby cats and even baby chicks hahah! My mother freaked out and I always had to bring them back again after hiding them in my room. Crazy me! Bali was finally the right place to have as many as I wanted.

I just had to share this @sweetsssj post with you if you hadn't seen it already. somehow just made my day, thought you may appreciate it as well...

Link: The Story of Me and Chililah - A special post celebrating the birth of her new kittens !

I am melting :)
I've been away for a day attending a wonderful event
Have a great Sunday Alex and thanks for this story

WoW! Really beautiful. ♥


My sisters cat picture is falling behind in this contest please clck on this link and vote for GiGiPHOTO-336104-85522011T.jpg

What a cutie ! Needs to be supported right now meow !!!

Awesome! Thank you!

I added a few more votes ! GO Gigi Go !

Ah, Loki <3 How I miss him! He was a bundle of energy and love. I still remember how he snuck into our room every morning and started nibbling my toes. And when I picked him up, he would purr like a Lamborghini. :)
I feel your pain, @mammasitta. I really do. He was one-of-a-kind. But I know he had a wonderful life with you, and loved you dearly. Hugs.

I am so so so happy to see you on steemit again my darling !!! All very wished for was a comment about our LOKI from you

meoww lucu

Meow meow 3x

Saya pikir Loki kembali ke villa lama(I think Loki come back at your old villa). Saya juga ikut sedikit, Loki lari ( I also feel sad that Loki runaway. Anyway nice posting! :)

"Mandi kujing" upssss hahha ! Just kidding.
I just love my kitties and all pets Pak. They are like my children

Damn that cat is killing it. Also, awesome photos! I followed you and am looking forward to seeing more.

Loki was awesome and I can't even find words to describe his personality. Thanks so much !!!

Süßes Kätzchen. Tut mir leid für dich das sie verschwunden ist :(
Mein ehemaliger Hund heisst auch Lokii.. ein verrücktes Kerlchen

Hier ein Bild von ihm

handyy 012.jpg

That's life in the jungle 😞 Eine meiner baby kitten disappeared in the tummy einer Python 😭
Das ist aber ein süßer !!!

Waaas? Python? Na org... das tut mir ebenfalls leid...aber so ist wohl das Leben..
Wo lebst duu?? ..ich dachte immer mei garden is a Jungle :P
Ja ich vermiss n Lokii extrem.. er ist leider bei meiner Verflossenen geblieben.. aber ihm gehts gut denk ich :)

What a cutie!

Yes , He was and his story even more interesting. He acted like his name up until the end. Have you heard of God Loki before ?

Never :)

which one hahaha

Cats always look cute to me so all of them :)

I had more those girls in mind 🤗😜

Those too! :)

Loki loved all of them

Beautiful cat @mammasitta and great name too!

I miss him a lot !
The name was somehow a curse because he left his family and I can't understand why
The myth of God Loki tells it all

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