[Episode4] Backstage Bali - An Endless Fight To Save Animals And Teach Governments About Compassion - I Love Bali Dogs And The Pet Crusaders!

in #animalrescue8 years ago (edited)

Thousands of animals are killed every year, not only in Indonesia and I could write for hours about this topic but I chose to speak up about very sad facts, what happens on the so called Island of Gods and a little bit about the Borneo rainforest. You find it all! Dog elimination days, mass culling ordered from the Governor in Bali himself, dog eating and trading, poison, neglect and horror stories of massive abuse. 

"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi 

This quote jumped in my mind, a book from George Orwell, Animal Farm, I read as a teenager : 

“Four legs good, two legs bad.” and  “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

A short documentary focusing on the spiritual aspects and beliefs in the Bali Heritage Dog conflicted by the Dog Meat Trade in Bali, Indonesia - A Thousand Temples, A Thousand Dogs - Trailer by Adithio Noviello


My Taksu was poisoned by " Pigs " while he was running free in my Bali neighborhood, one of many.....

What we need : 

1) Education 

The Government should train teachers to be capable of showing children and their parents how to treat any animal, that they have feelings and do not belong in cages or hotel pools. Motivate to bring their pets to school and share their experiences, how to feed and care for them.


2) Sterilisation

There are many animal welfare organisations like BAWA & JAAN who do amazing jobs or The Pet Crusaders who make appointments, send vets to your house to sterilise for free. I am using this service for my own new kitten I find and give them donations. Many locals could not afford to pay such expansive surgeries. You can also request a whole village sterilisation. It doesn't cost a lot to save many lives! Their operational costs are very minimal to ensure they help as many animals as possible with all donors money.

3) Responsible tourists! 

This is another organisation BAWA talking about Responsible Tourismn

Every year, nearly 3.8 million tourists visit the beautiful island of Bali. BAWA encourages visitors to Bali to act responsibly in consideration of animal welfare. When holidaying in Bali, please choose the places you visit and support with caution. Many places in Bali keep and exploit animals in ways which cause immense suffering. When you visit such places, your money supports animal cruelty. So please think about the welfare of the animals before your visit.With leading legal advice, BAWA is promoting awareness of Indonesia’s animal welfare laws and intends to work with national policy-makers to achieve tougher laws and better enforcement to protect our animals.

BLIND because of the chlorine  

3) Don't kill! Don't burn our rainforest for money!

I believe that The World Health Org probably doesn’t want you to know that the elites plan to cull the human populations, not make them healthy and reproduce?? Why would anybody care about roaming dogs in Bali, captured dolphins or suffering orang-utans in Borneo due to deforestation, rainforests burnt down for palmoil=money or any abuse in other countries? Right? The latest news 5 days ago: Korean firm burns rainforest for palm oil in Indonesia

 [Source Orangutans-still-suffering-in-aftermath-of-Borneo-forest-fires ]    

4) Sign as many petitions as possible!?

There are thousands of animal rescue petitions circulating on the internet but does it really help to sign those, some even disappeared, maybe because the Governor of Bali was mentioned in it? (I only assume) . Did he make sure it was taken off? 

(the page that you've requested no longer exists or has moved to a new location)

Feb 16, 2016 - The Governor of the island of Bali ordered the mass killing of roaming dogs. Thousands of innocent dogs are killed every year, often suffering ...- Stop the mass killing of Bali's dogs | IFAW - International Fund for ...www.ifaw.org/.../stop-mass-killin...International Fund for Animal Welfare 

This sounds like BS and rabies as an excuse to me : 

[Source:www.change.org.] The Governor claims free-roaming dogs will lead to the spread of rabies. But human and animal health experts have proven that culling doesn't work to control rabies. In fact, it can result in the spread of the disease. Often, dogs that have already been vaccinated are among the victims of a mass killing.Tell the Bali government to stop killing dogs and return to annual, comprehensive dog vaccination programs which protect dogs and people and honor the value that dogs have to the people of Bali.Implementing internationally recognized rabies vaccination programs will enhance Bali's international reputation and be the most effective way to reduce the potential for human health impacts and needless animal suffering.Tell the governor to stop the mass killings.

5) Rescue, save and adopt animals in need

We, locals and expats, everybody who lives in Indonesia should continue to save and rescue straining animals instead of letting the government cull them or criminals poison them on our beaches and streets or even steal our beloved pets out of our own houses to cash in selling them to dog eating restaurants (RW Warungs) One of my friends Karin Karner is passionate finding homes after feeding and rescuing them from those places of hell.

 Dogs Are Not Food: Ending the Cruel Dog Meat Trade in Bali !

BAWA is committed to ending the cruel and brutal dog meat trade in Bali – one of the biggest threats to the welfare and survival of the island’s beautiful heritage dog. Our investigations suggest that every year up to 100,000 dogs are slaughtered on the island to be sold in dog meat (“RW”) restaurants.(BAWA FINDINGS)           

I and many others, I personally know lost uncountable pet friends, cats and dogs I rescued, adopted and nurtured since I came to the island, mostly finding them in the worse conditions invested with fleas, various deseases and lonley searching for food. At some point I stopped taking more dogs after loosing 2 of my dearest ones. It brakes my heart every time. One time I had to witness what poison does to a body. Cookies lungs exploded and she was crying and bleeding to death from inside while I was waiting for a vet. Another time we nearly had an accident rushing my Taksu to the clinic, his name fit him so well, meaning of charisma in Balinese and he was such special one indeed. He had heavy seizures on the motorbike while I tried to hold him in tears in the backseat. This was a few years ago and he will never be forgotten. Every single one of my pets is like a child for me. It hurts! 

For now I have 4 grown up cats,4 kitten and one dog who survives because he is scared to go outside of our house. His fears saved his life for over 12 years.


6) Protest & Speak UP 

We, some #animallovers got together about a year ago with our children, went on the streets to protest for dolphins who are kept in pools as tourist attraction or in a circus to entertain people. I had to stop my active involvement a never ending cause because I started feeling helpless, realising I lost my emotional strength to help. I started being depressed and frustrated, so I decided to help in my own community.

I also terminated my membership with Bali Rotary Club. I have so much respect for all brave ones who keep on going to fight this difficult task, helping all suffering beings but I am too sensitive and it kills my heart, also soul. I could never be a doctor, nurse or like Mother Therese. I wish I could handle to deal with pain better. 

I am sorry !Photogallery: "SPEAK for US" ! End Dolphin Exploitation June16&23rd,2012


PEACEFUL GATHERINGS in Bali !!!! June16th&23rd,2012 :                        

DENPASAR.KOMPAS.com Dozens  of animal lovers activists rallied in front of the stage circus of  dolphins in the area of Central Parking, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Saturday  (16/06/2012). They rejected the circus attractions that exploit dolphins  for entertainment sake."We reject the claim of BAWA circus involving  dolphins and other animals," said Vishnu Rangga, Operational Manager of  Bali Animal Welfare Assiociation CARRY sidelines rally.This activist  judge circus animal lovers dolphins do not pay attention to health and  safety of dolphins, especially in the delivery process. "They treated  with the dolphins is not very good, especially transportation, they are  only placed in plastic bags with water that is fresh and very hurt  animals," said Rangga.In addition to demonstrating in front of the  circus, animal lover activists also sent a letter to the police because  the circus is in violation of article 302 of the Criminal Code and Law  No. 18 of 2009 on animal health.Dolphin circus is scheduled to open on  Friday (15/06/2012) to date is not yet in operation. Cause is unknown,  but according to BAWA activist, manager of the circus is a problem  related to the delivery of a dolphin 


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Some steemit posts, animal lovers and steemers to mention 

I read so many horrific news of the dog eating festivals in China happening every year by @unrealisback Hypocrisy around the Chinese Dog Festival! Chinese woman buys dogs at the festival of dog meaty @konstantin and @zeus

The face of China..Shame on China..the cruelty never ends! 

For many years Aunt Zhao has been taking care of the stray dogs at their shelter home. But today all her dogs have been poisoned by Harbin Sports college! The reason is the College is going to have a anniversary tomorrow. These dogs have been living in an outdoor shed, The school actually sent their security guards into the shed to poison all the dogs, even puppies not spared !To see these children dying in extremely painful way by poisoning, Aunt Zhao was distraught! Broke down in tears!

Touching stories like the one I read today from @betamusic make me happy and hopeful Each day save more lives of abandoned dogs, thanks to the help of Steemit - Animal Rescue Squad

My friend Karin Karner in action

Thanks to all angels who keep going in all countries of the globe to rescue animals in need of our help! Can you imagine a world without them?

Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirits. William Hazlitt

Yours with with never-ending compassion !




Those were the days! I know you must be feeling so nostalgic! Thanks for pointing me to another beautiful post of yours! :)

You do realise that the strays are the biggest threat to local wildlife possible ?
What do these dogs and cats eat ?
What about the poor animals that are born&bread just to be fed to your pet dogs ?

I'm with the Oran Utan from your post; wouldn't want any more intruders in their habitat.

He explains it well:

You obviously did not watch the video clip

What you think about those studies ? Can you relate? Did you ever have a dog or cat? Do you know how loyal and pleasant they can be?
Here is something to read : http://animaltourism.com/news/2010/01/25/why-dog-haters-should-be-banned-instead-of-dogs

"A 1999 study found that people who strongly dislike dogs score significantly higher on the measure of anal character and lower on the empathy scale of the California Psychological Inventory, indicating “that people who liked dogs have less difficulty relating to people.”

Are people who hate dogs mean and maladjusted? Yes! That’s the highlight for me of a New York Magazine story on The Rise of Dog Identity Politics. The John Homans piece sprawls over many peculiar developments in the evolution of the urban dog, but the most interesting to me was this finding:http://nymag.com/news/features/63232/

I have worked on lifestock farms and I have seen the animals grow up, for your dogs to eat.

citing your 'study' and implying i was 'anal' is offensive.
I hope you realise that.
Don't give me that passive aggressive austrian high horse shit.

I grew up on a farm and yes I am Austrian but don't have a horse I could sit on high but a pick up truck and also yes I am sitting high on that one. I live in Bali and have a huge house with an even bigger garden and nothing selfish to help some wild animals in need for food. Keine Ahnung wovon Du sprichst. It's an old saying to stay away from any kind of aggressive feedback . I cite whatever I feel like, especially what I believe myself but I did not say I know for sure. Its just a study to think about
perfect to pick up more lovely animals

That looks like a trusty study ...

I never had a dog and would probably love him to death if i had one.

I have wild animals visit me in my garden voluntarily.
I do not feed them.

Owning a pet is a purely selfish thing - there is nothing heroic about it.

You are citing a New York Magazine.

Lucky them !

Let's drop seeds instead of bombs.

This is the world we are living in! Is too bad to see so many bad things that are happening, and we don't know half of the bad things that are happening.
Look one bad thing that is happening is that nobody is leaving you a comment! You will be happy if you will make 100 and no comment? Maybe you will,or maybe I will, but after a wh​ile you will not find satisfaction in this dollars and you and I and everyone else will need to feel that joy that we are feeling when we read something great! I hope you really understand my English, and if not I will try my best to reply you again and better. I like what I have read on this post!

Yeahhhhh , my first comment ! Das ist echt super lieb von Dir. Listen, I stopped thinking too much about the voting politics on this platform. Writing is like therapy for me and it keeps me motivated to express my dizzy mind. I had to get rid of my pain loosing so many pets and I felt critising our governments who don't give a damn about us, why would they care about animals? I feel already better except my bad internet connection I have at the moment sitting at the beach sipping on an ice-cold lemon squash. Thank you again for taking your time. You are German? Where are you from?

I'm from Romania and I like what I'm doing here at steemit. After reading your post and saw no comments on this post I felt that I have to leave you a comment because my upvote will not do much and I was thinking maybe my words will do more. Congratulations and keep it up!

I will never forget your first words what mean more than you can imagine !

Now, you made me smile. I'm glad you like it, but first, you must think about this: I liked first your words and after that, you liked my words. So, your words were​ value to me in the first place, and the work you have done was great.

Do you know that you brought me so much luck this time :)

I'm a human talisman! I will try to bring you more luck!

you seem to be a real human being:) not a bot list alien @the-future and so kind !

What a great post! I have been wanting to go to Bali for some time now. I had no idea about this @mammasitta! Thank you for educating us on this. I am a dog lover and support rescuing animals. This has my support!

Good morning with Bali sunshine and positive thoughts after writing my heart out for those doggies dolphins and kitties and even roosters in their cages ( it's a part of an asian culture ) thank you so much for reading and your comment . Bali is magic ! There is good and bad everywhere . Please read episode 1-3 . You might like the more beautiful side of this beautiful and interesting island . I follow you to read your stories as well.

It's the tragedy of this life. So much heartlessness and mistreatment of our animal friends. And for what? Money, power? It saddens me. I recently made friends with a local cat here where I live. She used to visit me often. And she died right in front of me (hit by a car). It still affects me, as for me animals have been better friends than most humans.

I hope things change. I hope we can become a more compassionate world. I am happy that people such as yourself do so much to help.

Oh Gee , Its awful that you had this experience. I was always a dog lover until I rescued my first cats, amazingly intelligent,independent but loving animals, sometimes a bit shocking because they enjoy torturing their victims. I learn so much from my pets as much as I learn from friends.
I finally wrote this article because I had to get it out what I experienced those past years living in a 3rd world country where the government mostly has no love for animals , nor support for art but the good news is that animal rights are changing for the better. So, There is hope ! Maybe !

Yes, I have always been a dog person, they are so loyal. But cats have such personality, always different. This one just chose to befriend me. I do see so much change for the better, slowly though. Even in the first world with factory farming practices, and how animals are so mistreated. But many people are waking up to this fact, and working to make a difference. A little bit at a time, we can change this world for the better.

I truly hope so but if I read some comments on my post I cant stop shaking my head
I never liked nor got along with people without any compassion for animals and silly arguments that I am selfish to own pets

I know, there is still so much violence against animals. That is hard to deal with. I do not comprehend how someone cannot like animals. Having pets, in and of themselves is not selfish. Mistreating them is the problem. Overbreeding them is a problem. Neglecting them is a problem. Lack of human compassion is the problem.

WAO you are great! This post has much to teach me is very complete I congratulate you and thank you very much for the mention. Is very sad the situation of them animals in Bali I not it knew and will support your fight and your work until the end, I like get in this platform people as your that share the love by the animals. We can save the world and I am sure that there will be very moved people who will support you and can even make a change in the Government. There is that continue fighting to rescue to those animals. Save to those more vulnerable!

Agradeço-lhe muito por sua bondade e comentário ! Its such pleasure to connect with real warm hearted women like you and I have lots of respect for angels . You are one of them.

Thanks to all your bots up votes:) Kind of funny !

+1 ! Everytime I turn around there you are doing wonderful things !
You are Dewi Mammasitta ...
keep up the wonderful work Hon !!


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