My Pet Stories - SteemPets! SteemMeow! SteemMutt!

in #steempets7 years ago (edited)

I dedicate this series "My Bali Pet Stories" in memory of all lost, so valuable companions who brought love in our lives and to show how important it is to experience the friendship of animals, help as many as you can. 

I could write long chapters in a book about so many, very sad but also happy tales. One day I will. 

ADOPT ! DO NOT BREED in third world countries! 

[Episode4] Backstage Bali - An Endless Fight To Save Animals And Teach Governments About Compassion - I Love Bali Dogs And The Pet Crusaders!

Thanks for your inspiration @tuck-fheman and the fab #steemeow and #steemutt tags I like very much. Perfect way to promote @Steemit and flying high like Loki. Lets see if whales will jump on me again:) 

Who could flag this sweetness? 

RIP to ALL of my uncountable friends, my biggest joys of my Bali daily familylife. Since I live a Vienna City lifestyle where its hard to keep pets, you might understand how tremendously I miss the few left behind with my Balinese family. 

I am not sure where to start, so let me introduce TIGERLILY first

Her first name was Zatua = little warrior but she was more like a real little skinny, a bit funny looking, bitchy, selfish tiger-lily :) She didn't like to share me with others. 

Pink is Punk and stretching out a sign of happiness. 

This red and white striped cutie was one of my many happy Kitty Kats I saved from the wild and dangerous streets back in Bali. She fell down my neighbours roof and one of the three survivors, I tried to feed them through as usual. My airbnb guests really enjoyed a short term friendship and it was fun madness sometimes finding them in their beds and suitcases.

Unfortunately TigerLily just disappeared one day after her two best older buddies LOTUS AND ALOE got poisoned. 

The Tech Trio 

Somehow she seemed to feel lonley without her close friends. Her personality changed and I knew she missed them. 

I do believe animals have similar feelings like human beings. I actually can say that I know it for sure. 

I understand animals better than some people. Animals love me. I trust them! 

I still don't trust human kind!

LOTUS AND ALOE, Brother & Sister!

I usually always adopt a minimum of two because cats are very social as long as they know each other from the beginning. It takes some patience for a few days to introduce new ones to the older but if you do it right, you will be able to enjoy a happy family.


So anything is possible if you give them enough time to befriend each other. 

MomoMeow was even sucking my dog Cookies titties :) 


Deadly Traps And My Good bye's. 

I made a grave for Lotus who was able to reach our garden after she got trapped somewhere out in the neighbour jungle but she didn't make it because those heavy toxins entered her bloodstream too fast. I don't wish you to see these poor animals suffer as much as I did. I tried everything but my helpless attempts to save her failed as it did a few times before with Taksu and Cookie.


I was in tears once again watching those little bodies explode from inside. Trust me, its the most cruel way to die:( 

Lotus little brother Aloe just disappeared the same day and I assumed he was not strong enough and passed away alone. 

Anyways, this poor little thing did never stop visiting the grave until she left us. I could feel her sorrow. 

Cats are very strange and she was not the only one who just took off. Maybe she also got caught by a street dog or snake or maybe disgusting humans poisons. I don't know! I had to learn how to accept the circle of life "eating and being eaten. There were always new ones who needed help again.


I adopted Loki, my all time favourite cat ever and I enjoyed his sweetness for a long time but he would not accept a new house, refused to share the new home with a few other fellows. 

So, He was really mad leaving our villa, just ran away as soon as I moved him to such new unfamiliar territory and never came back either. I guess he was so stubborn that he went to find our old home, where I tried to find him without success. 

I am still crying over him as I cry over all others we lost.  

cuddling with @bombayballerina 

He was amazing! He was the real warrior! 

The experienced fighter knows the strength of his fist and the skill of his blows. Confronted by an unprepared opponent, he looks deep into his eyes and conquers him without ever having to resort to a physical fight - Paulo Coello / The Warrior of the Light

JATI, my daughters boy is still alive

I heard my little Ghost got swallowed by a Python. 

Another huge heartache. All others seem to be happy guarding the house but roaming the wild independently since I left. They come back for food I heard. No more cuddles.  


My Kitty Jungle in Bali 

One of my dreams since my childhood is to open a shelter and help adopting the ones who need homes but this wish has to wait for now. I did my best as long as I had homes to welcome those lovely pups, mutts and meows, my children. 

Respect to @betamusic and all angels who care for our worlds animals who need our help and love as much as they give it to us and our children. 

RIP my sweetest Bali Dog Taksu( also poisoned) 





Really fantastic! How much unconditional love!

I was struck by the cat who visits his friend's grave. But I know that both dogs and cats are very sensitive animals. I have adopted a dog by a year that belonged to my uncle, unfortunately dead a year ago, for many months at 7 pm every day he was crying, I think it's the hour when my uncle died and he remembers it.

We got plenty of cats once a few years ago but we moved residence (we only pay rent to stay) and had to leave them behind to fend for themselves. It was heartbreaking! They always brought us good luck.

Excellent post!! thank you for sharing

Thank you for reading? Do you have pets who feel guilty as well ?
New #originaltag is born #steempets !!!

Nice mamma, they always in your heart ! :)

Thats not enough. I wish to have them around me every day! Unconditional love.....

Which one ?
The main picture is Loki a Bali Cat

all pictures from the beginning to the end, I really like cats. but unfortunately I do not have it.

They are all wild Bali cats and much skinnier than western cats. So much joy for many years. Since I am in Vienna I can't have pets either. It would be too sad for them. I also travel too much now. Maybe one day again .

it was nice, I favor if you will be traveling, and can tell me about your trip. successful friends

Very funny, thanks for sharing this cat video. Many interesting videos are shared by Tiger production

Great post. Our cat Piccolo says hi.


Piccolo Grande !!!! So cute that nose!
I really miss mine a lot 😞
It's so lovely to introduce our darlings on the blockchain :)
Nice to meet you 2, Timothy

"I understand animals better than some people. Animals love me. I trust them! I still don't trust human kind!" Sometimes I feel the same, pets are easier to understand and to trust.

Great post of your pets, I got impressed with all that poisoning stuff and the phyton story. Do you have any idea why people used poisons? I also had two poisoned cats when I was a kid, very sad story. It was a big pain to watch them struggle...

I always had huge trust issues because at age 11, I experienced a very heavy incident . I turned to animals back then, mostly stuffed, not real ones. I even talked to them and gave kisses good night. I feel I am some kind of animal whisperer :)
I will mention about poisoning in another comment next couple of days because I have an unpleasant colonoscopy today :(
you can click the link on top, one of my previous posts about Bali Dogs.
Always nice to read your feedback

Now that you mentioned stuffed grandapa hunted on weekends for fun/sports and once he caught a fox (I can't remember the reason, but it was special and he got her stuffed). I was young, under my 10 years old, and every time I got alone in the room with that fox I pet her and said: "I'm sorry". I felt so bad....poor fox. Thank god they already hide/throw away that horror piece of decoration!
Hope your exame was fine (as possible).
Reading you Bali Dogs post made me want to cry...such cruelty. It must be a nightmare everytime one of your pets get out on Bali, because from time to time they need to meet the neighbourhood. Some of my cats also disapeared, but I think they choose another owner to live with, not poison. After this post I decided I will right about my pets too, they were so important to me, I must right their story before I forget it.

Amazing story that you pet that poor fox :( but my animals were toys .....I had a whole gallery of them . My favourite were Teddybears. I am glad that more pet stories make the steemit platform and can't wait to read your tales.
Exam is done ! Will see results in 2 weeks
I am aslo thankful that you read the Bali Dog article. Such an important message

I also had a teddybear toy (it was my favorite and also ugly one, but my mother made it)!! I will write those stories, I already collected some old photos to scan.
Important message indeed, and it was a reminder about chinese tradition/festivals, at least to don't act as a​ hypocrite. I do my best to avoid those​ images because they're much painful​ to watch.

Can't wait to read your story ! Have a wonderful weekend

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