Why I am me - Steemit Name Challenge

17 days ago @felobtc started a fun challenge in which you have to explain how you decided on your steemit name and then some more questions. From then it really took off and almost everyone is doing it. You can see his original post here. I was nominated for this by @unshakeable a couple of days ago and have finally found the time to do it.

Here are the rules

  • Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

Story behind zen-art


Two years ago I decided to become a business owner. I opened my own little shop and my webshop and started selling my handmade products. I make everything from jewellery to furniture but the point is that all my products have to be zen and they all have to be art. The slogan was and still is:

Everything ZEN & everything ART

That is how ZeN art started, as a story that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that everything can be art if you give it some creativity. The zen part tells you that all my products are positive and made with love, spiritual in a way since all my ideas come from meditation. Zen art became a part of me, it is not my alter ego, it is me. I am a zen artist. I sew, paint, and create in any way possible to me.

My real name

My real name is Petra, and it has a meaning. It is a Latin word that means rock and it always served as a reminder for me that I am just as a rock. Strong. Rock is Eart, and the only thing that can touch a rock is water, and water is the Element of emotions. I love all my emotions and am constantly in a little battle between two parts of my brain, rational and spiritual, numbers and colours. Staying strong in those battles is me being a rock. One of the best things about my name is hearing @sircork trying to pronounce it correctly 😁

A different username


Do you want to hear a funny story?

I did not want to be zen-art on steemit. 😁 When I was making my account I choose zen-art as my login, at least I thought I did, because I was sure that it would be used only for login. I thought that I would choose my account name later. I wanted my steemit name to be petrazen, petra-zen. zenpetra, zen-petra or petra.zen. Something in those lines. I even made my introduction post with me holding an image that says Petra Zen is my account 😁😁😁 I was a bit disappointed to learn that I screwed it up and could not change it anymore. I got used to it however and am now actually quite happy with it. Everything happens for a reason. I was obviously meant to be zen-art here too. 💚 If I could, I would not change it.

And I nominate...

Ok, let me see who has not done this already... Let me check some of your profiles... Give me a second...

I nominate: @artemisnorth @awakentolife @big.mama @enchantedspirit @whack.science

thealliance_pagebreak (1).png

All images are my own and you can not use them without my permission. (I will not give you the permission if you do not bring chocolate)

For my "Philosophy of happiness" posts, please follow these links:


It's pronounced "Pretty", right?

That is exactly how it is pronounced... :)

Lol, yes exactly
I make my guess as (pe)llet /(tra)ffic

This is amazing that you followed your art dreams, good for you. And great name too, by the way!

Yeah, I wasn't too clever when I named my page, just my name and what I do, but I'm happy with it.

Good luck with your shop and keep making art. |I'm following now, as I found you on our discord channel steemsugars. I'm trying to be more present there and so far I am happy that I am. :)

Thank you very much sugar! It is nice of you to stop by 💚

Well, that was a very nice story to read.I am really glad I ''made'' you do this.Not only are your products zen but your posts are too.I think that's the magic of reading them <3

Thank you for making me do this 💚

That's a nice story behind your steemit-name @zen-art :D. I was invited to play this game too, it's a nice way to peer under the hood! Funny about the initial confusion over names. I find that not using any part of my real name as part of my steemit ID allows for comfortable anonymity that I can hide behind. This is what you seem to have got by not getting 'Petra Zen' (or a version of it :).

Also like your position on meditative expression - I think that's what life is all about!


Thank you for your lovely comment, your sweet words are very much appreciated 💚

I really think this is a cool trend going on that @felobtc created. It is cool to know the reasons behind ones chosen username.

I think your username and meaning behind it is pretty neat. I love that you focus on the positive and arts that encourage relaxation and meditation. Thank you for sharing ~ 😊

Thank you for your sweet words, now I think they are neat too 💚😊

You’re very welcome ~ 😊

You should be named zen-krafna. - Your science.dude hahaha :D :D

PS Darling, I made this post few days back :D But count me in on next challenge ;) <3

Ow... well I will keep you in mind for the next one science dude ;)

Awesome to know Petra, beautiful name. But im soooo in love with zen art already lol, but nice to meet you petra zen...lol, now you got all. Thanks soo much for your help, i still remember and appreciate you.

Thank you, I am always glad when I can help. Thank you for your lovely and kind words. 💚

Every week I get to know you more and more - and it's just like I said in the TOTL today.... you are joy!

not just joy - but like your name suggests - strength too!

I really am so happy to see your name appear when I'm in a channel :) thank you for sharing this with us!!! and zen-art completely fits!! I'm glad that you've embraced it!!!! :)

Thank you honey, the love is mutual 💚💚💚

hehehehe glad to hear it ;) "see" you again soon!!!

interesting story :) I think still zen-art still suits well, it's a very catchy username :)

Thank you, it did become catchy 😊

Awww. Sweet story :) I've messed up usernames that way before too. Weird how it works out in the end, hehe.

Somehow it does all end up ok in the end :)

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