Steemit meet up in the garden!

in #steemitmeetup6 years ago

Steemit meet up.. Wait... Whaaat??

So on Saturday I actually had a steemit meet up with a great friend, although not your average one.

Let me explain :
Being a little bumped to miss another Awsome meet up by #thealliance this time in Atlanta.
@enginewitty @katrina-ariel @ameliabartlett
And more Awsome people are going. Just WISH I could be there!
But it's to far away and it pains the ❤️ a little.
But then......

Why didn't I think of this? .... I actually have a steemit friend really close to me 😉👌
He might not have his own account but certainly on steemit more than most, and my biggest support!

Who is this steemit friend you wonder?


Let me introduce you to my best friend and steemit friend Bobby! 🐶

You talking about me?


The meet up!!

Where should this meet up take place? 🤔

Well.. Of course in my steemit garden that I share much with you guys 😉🌸 lol


Said and done.. Garden it was!
First out the picnic blanket where we had some good snacks and hang out!


Then a very excited and comfused Bobby, not sure what his crazy mummy was up to... Lol
And of course monkey ass toy had to join us 🐵😜

Just look at that cute face 😍 so full of expectation

Apparently skunk ass had to join us too.. Lol


A steemit picture to remember this day!


Then the goodies... Strawberries, blueberries!


And some dogfood 🐶😋 yummy!


Bobby looked really comfused and like... I am allowed to eat all this? 😂😂Lol

He had to take a closer look and smell it to be sure I wasn't just fooling him 😜 lol

Then I asked him... What should we start with?
And I was SOOO proud of his choice!

Mommy food first and THEN dessert!
👉🍲👈 👉🍓👈
I trained him so well its nuts...LMAO 😂

So he was being the good dog that he is, and laying down waiting for me to be done with his food!



Then I told him to sit and he was really focused on the food but still waiting!

Such a good doggie 😊 he's amazing!

Then I told him it was ok to eat and he was quick and I swear it didn't take long to empty the plate... Lol


Of course I had to have some coffe ☕ on our picnic too... Not the same without it.. Lol


So I had my coffe while watching him eat!


Then it was time for dessert and he absolutely LOVE strawberries and blueberries just like me!


First up was strawberry 👉🍓👈


And again he was being a good boy and waited till I had cut it in pieces 😉

Aren't you going to tell me to eat?

This look just cracked me up as I teased him a bit by waiting to tell him it was ok to eat 🙊🙈
I know... Mean right? 😂


But then I said he could eat and I didn't have to ask him twice 😂😂hahaha


After the strawberry it was time for the blueberries and its his absolute favorite!

Waiting patiently

The thing that actually surprised me the most was that even tho the dogfood was still on the blanket and strawberries and such.
He didn't touched any of it, just was happy with what he got..... Amazed me!


Bobby eating his blueberries!


Almost done and it was a joy just looking at him and se his happy face 🐶😁👈
👉🤗❤️Warms the heart and confirmed that this meet up was a really good idea 💡😉👍



After the picnic Bobby just looked at me like.... Now what?


Any more crazy ideas or can I go and play?
And I said...Go play take the monkey ass 🙈

And it is his favorite so he was all happy squeeking with his toy!

Then he realized that he had forgot his favorite squeek ball outside and came running all happy he found it 😉 lol.... So adorable!


And to collect all toys in one place is a favorite so the ball on the blanket to!


This will be my submission to the amazing #dogsofsteemit by @supernovastaffy
And the great #dailypetphotography by @kona
Also submission to the Awsome #photocircle


So that was my steemit meet up with a great friend, and I know it's not the average meet up.
But HEY!! It is what you make of it right? 😉👍
You work with what you have if you can't get to were you wish.... Lol
I had a great time with a guy that totally has my ❤️ 🤗 My joy and cuddle friend!


Thank you for sharing this with us! 💕
Lots of Love to ya'll ❤️🤗❤️


Just happy about life and Thankful for all the blessings in it! 🌸

@saffisara : Passionate about reading YOUR posts and commenting. Loves to laugh and take pictures. AND I'm a Hug Lover!
Remember Every day is a #haturday

Proud Member of the best family ❤️

Epic creation of @thekittygirl

Proud to be a part of the Welcome Wagon

and my amazing teammates @dreemsteem and @bluefinstudios
Love you guys 💕🌹💕


Vote for the amazing @enginewitty
EW 3.gif

Vote for the sweet @c0ff33a

Amazing gifs created by the lovely @snook


Much Love to @enginewitty for this badass banner


Now that is a Steemit Meetup to remember, I love the picnic blanket and you had such a range of tasty foods - and Bobby is really spoiled with that top brand Caesar dog food - the meat in that is far better quality then the tins of stewed nag I get fed!

Such a well trained boy, must be the authoritative tone in your School Mistress voice - He certainly waited out until told he was allowed to eat.

Love the photo at the end of you cuddling your special boy, solid gold and so wonderful to share this fun Steemit meet up with your both.

#thealliance #witness

It really was a good one right? 😉👍 And unexpected I'm sure... Lol unusual meet up!
Yes the blanket and the berries and food was a great idea and he was in from the start.. Lol
The Ceasars food is a great one but didn't know it was that fancy 😕 lol
That's even more fancy than your food?
I have more if you like to have some? 😂Lol

I was also really impressed by his well behavior. He is always a good boy but this was more than usual and so patient and waited 😉👍🐶
Really deserved the best after such a great time together 🤗 but yes he so has me wrapped around his paw 🐾🐶 😂😂😂 hahaha

The picture of me and Bobby is a favorite and I so love it as it reminds me of the one I have with me and Elvis... the cat I had before


I'm lucky that I had such a wonderful companion like Elvis who loved to cuddle and play and had a great personality.
Same with Bobby they grew up together and Bobby learned some from Elvis and he's very cuddly too. So we share many Hugs 🤗🤗

Have a great sleep as I know you are sleeping and I totally should 😂🙈😜 lol
Glad you liked it and thank you! 💖🤗🐶💖

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Thanks so much for partaking in dailypetphotography. Please follow @dpet for upcoming events. Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.

So cute! I wish I could’ve been there. 💞🤗💞 Next year, my friend. And you know we’ll be thinking about you in Atlanta!!! I’m really glad you have Bobby. He’s such a great buddy!

Yes he is so adorable 🐶😊 I wish you could be here too, and as he loves when people sing and plays he would LOVE you... Lol
I know you guys will have a wonderful time in Atlanta and meeting each other. So happy for you guys and jealous as the cabin is also like a dream but mostly to be able to give you guys a real Hug 🤗 💕💖 much love!

That was a very nice post my friend.😀 I can’t believe that he didn’t just dive into the berries. My dog would’ve been face planted into them. Great pictures and great story. Thank you for sharing.🌹

Thank you so much my sweet friend 💕🤗💕
Glad you liked it... I was a little like... People are going to think I'm nuts 😂😂 hahaha
But I know I am.
I was actually impressed to by his well behavior. I mean he is a good boy but he use to be more unpaitient and he would be all wanting to put his nose in it all... Lol
But I guess he was to chocked and excited to even think about it 😉👍🐶 or he just was on his best behavior... Lol
Mabye next time your dog can join Bobby in a playmeetup.. Lol
Have a wonderful week and thank you! 💕🌹

Why would anyone think that’s nuts? It’s cute. Quick story on my dog Roscoe. We came home from shopping with s bunch of bags. My daughter put one on the coffee table. While i was unpacking the rest of the bags, Roscoe ate an entire bag of Hershey kisses. It took him all of 60 seconds. Roscoe has left us about a year and a half now. But he was a great dog. Here is the only pic I can find of him at the moment.

AWwww... 😍 What a beautiful dog Roscoe was.
sorry for your loss seemed like a great dog and look at those eyes.
So he ate all the kisses in really short time? That must have been a fun experience to se... Lol
He seemed like a great character.
Always hard to loose your love ones.
Thank you for sharing this story with me ❤️ loved it my friend 🐶🤗💕

awwww adorable doggie!! xo

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HAHAHAH too cute!!! You too, Sara, not just Bobby :P

You should go to Poland, it's not too close but it's still in Europe ;-)

Thank you beautiful 🤗 I'm so glad you liked it.
Yes I know I'm a little nuts and I guess it Suprised people a little... Not the average meet up, but really a lucky one!
I hope you are having a wonderful week my sweet friend 😙 much love 💖🤗💖
Yes Poland isn't so far away and I've been there a few times. Will think about it but I don't think I will make it this time.

What a wonderful picnic and a cool Steemit meetup! 😁

Thank you lovely 🤗 I'm glad you liked it and I had a great time with Bobby.... Lol
I was a little.... People will think I'm crazy.. Lol
But I guess I Suprised people... Love that.
Hope you are having a wonderful week my friend. Much love 💖🤗💖

What a totally adorable and awesome photomontage @saffisara! Your meetup companion is about as cute as it gets... and seems very well mannered.

Awww... Thank you so much my friend 😊 so glad you liked it.
He really is the cutest and he has me right where he wants me 😂😂 lol
I'm so weak when it comes to him. But yes he really is a good boy and even if he closes his ears at times.... what dog doesn't right? 😜
He is well mannered and very gentle so the sweetest ever.
I hope you are having a wonderful week.
Cheers 🌹

You and Bobby had a great meet up and wow do you two look happy with your cute food! 💚💚💚

Hello @saffisara!

Congratulations! Thanks for using the #dogsofsteemit hashtag! This post has been chosen as one of the winners for Episode 29 of the #dogsofsteemit challenge.

Thanks for taking me on the adventure with Bobby & the picnic!

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