Small wonders for little people - 10 games that stimulate children's senses

Small wonders for little people - 10 games that stimulate children's senses

Especially in the first years of life, the spirit of our children is wide open. They are receptive to the little wonders of life. Games and activities that appeal to their senses help children see, feel, and unleash the imagination of the world in all its diversity and beauty.

Diverse sensory perceptions are not only fun for children, they also promote brain development and speech development at the same time. Every stimulus a child perceives is processed and stored in the brain. What it once experienced "on its own" can not only speak it but also understand it. The more sensual perceptions it associates with language, the better it learns the meaning of the individual words and their meaningful connections.


The fantasy bonus

Various studies have shown that a high level of fantasy is useful in everyday life. It improves the ability to learn, enables the children to solve problems and to feel good in other people. Unusual and surprising experiences in early childhood excite the child's attention, stimulate reflection, awaken the urge to research and broaden the horizon. Because: There is always something new to discover.

Perceive with all senses

Especially the smallest ones can already be stimulated and inspired by simple incentives. Every new experience is a surprise - and it's not just fun for the kid, but also for us parents. With the following incentives you not only promote your child's imagination, but also its development:

Dandelions - a sight to dream

During the walk in early summer, you will come across dandelions again and again. Show your child what happens when it blows into the seed pods, be amazed and dream with him where the small airborne seeds are moving.

Soap bubbles - all kids love them

Soap bubbles have a fascinating effect not only on children. Adults also enjoy making the feathery bubbles from the frothy liquid. Your child learns by the way how bubbles work in this game. Soap bubbles are also a mouth and blast training, which has a positive effect on language development.

Cuckoo - yaaay

Also this game is always fascinating for small children and a small miracle. Where is dad if he hides behind a cloth? Where is it when it hides its face or closes its eyes? By the way, children learn something about time and space in this simple pastime. If they are initially convinced that they can not be seen, if they do not see anything, over time they learn that things and people can be there if they are not mistaken.

Sun differently

The sun is natural for us. It is all the more fascinating to see them with different eyes. Let your child look through colored stencils and experience how the sunlight changes as a result.

An almost equally beautiful effect is when kids are allowed to play in the sun under a thin, colorful cloth and they watch the light change color through the cloth.


feeling Games

We do not just experience the world through our eyes and ears. Also sensations like the feeling of warmth or sand on the skin offers incentives and promote the perception. They give you a feeling for your own body boundaries and abilities. Suitable games for the sensual sensations over the skin are for example:


The rough and at the same powdery surface of sand gives your child a sense of its limits, it can feel through the contact itself is why children can never spend enough time in the sandbox -. Best barefoot, so that the feet are trained in their sensations.

Incidentally, the same applies to water!

Feeling games to guess

Homemade or as a breeze - sensing games where you want to guess with closed eyes to what items are to delight children and allow them both to get to know things their way. For the simplest version of this game, pack different things in socks or cloth bags for your child and let them guess. Or you blindfold him while guessing. Feeling games are available in stores, for example as memory and in many other game variants.

skin Games

You may even know this popular child's play: your child has his eyes closed, you gently stroke his bare arm with one finger. Then it has to guess where your finger stopped.

back painting

Another popular game is "painting skin locks". To do this, paint or write something on the back of your child and guess what your "painting" is.

Incidentally, this game is also ideal for children's birthdays and is then played as a variant of the silent post. The last child loudly utters what has been drawn on his back.

Noise memory for good ears

Ideal to train and train your child's hearing is a noise memory. For this you need many film cans, which they fill with different objects each double. By hearing, your child guesses which of the cans have the same content.

Despite all imagination - stay on the ground

Developing your imagination is an important building block for your child to grow up. Anyway, very imaginative children tend to lose touch with reality partially or completely. Then it's time to bring a little bit of reality into children's life. Touch, but also specific tasks, and time limits can be helpful here.


Did I forget something? Can you think of any more points?
I´m looking forward to your experiences and additions.



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ǝɹǝɥ sɐʍ ɹoʇɐɹnƆ pɐW ǝɥ┴

thx for stopping by ;)

My daughter loved to do role playing games. She would say, "pretend I'm a baby and you are going to take me home!"

She also liked physical play like wrestling. It is very valuable for children to learn how to compete in physical contests without losing control of their emotions.

Posted using Partiko Android

yeah all these diffrences made em strong at the end....

Thank you for this post. I love people who take their kids outside and let them explore the world.

My son is just about 8months and I love it to take him outside.
And sometimes it´s just a short ride with the car when I visit a friend of mine.

The more they go outside the more they see and learn.

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