Sleep in on the weekend - nothing more difficult than that!

Sleep in on the weekend - nothing more difficult than that!

The majority of parents can sing a song about it: while the little ones are hard to get out of bed in the morning, they are well on the mat at six in the morning at six o'clock in the morning calling for attention, breakfast and fun.

Why this is so with many children is still an unsolved phenomenon. Maybe it's the joy of being able to spend the whole day with the parents or the unusual morning peace that reigns over the weekend in the apartment. There is no solution for a child sleeping longer at the weekend. Nevertheless, there are some measures that give the parents at least a little rest in the morning.


Sleep alternately

This is the simplest solution. When the child wakes up in the morning, Mama looks after the care and attention while Papa is allowed to sleep another hour or two. After the morning shift, the exhausted mom may rest for a while. The next weekend is the other way around. This solution is practiced by many parents and satisfied with it. Of course, if a parent is an early riser, it will make things easier, because then getting up will not be that hard.

If it is not so much about sleeping in, but more about staying in bed in the morning, then the child can just come in with them. While dad reads aloud, Mama is still a bit drowsy and after the story everyone stands up together.

Go to bed late - sleep late?

Most parents have already tried this method and almost always had the same experience. If you leave a child on Friday or Saturday night for an extra long time in the hope that it sleeps the next morning usually happens as follows: The child wakes up at the usual time, sometimes even earlier, and is the whole day grumpy and moody because it did not get enough sleep. If it then - contrary to his habit - make a nap, it is in the evening again not to get to bed and the next day runs similarly exhausting. Fortunately for some children this method works very well for the parents.

Occupations for the child

Somewhat older children sometimes spend some time alone in the morning. Especially if a sibling is there, the parents are allowed a few minutes in bed while the children play with each other. In single children, a radio play can pass the time. Maybe the child can be in bed with their parents. While a story is playing on the CD player (maybe even on the headset), the parents continue to sleep softly and the child cuddles up to bed and is busy. In exceptional cases, a child can also watch a movie or the children's television program in the morning. However, this should be the exception, as the television consumption is quickly becoming a habit. Also, parents can not control what their child sees and how they respond to impressions and information. This is especially important for toddlers.


Get-up rules on the weekend

Children from the age of six should be able to work alone for a while. At the weekend rules can apply, when the parents may be woken up. It's easy if the kids already know the clock, otherwise you can arrange different orientation points:

  • When it gets light (not so clever in the summer).
  • When the church bells ring.
  • When the first bus stops at the bus stop in front of the house.

You can get used to a child and it can stick to it. However only for a limited time. Sleeping together until noon remains a nice dream for parents of small children. Unless the children enjoy spending the night with their grandparents ...


Did I forget something? Can you think of any more points?
I´m looking forward to your experiences and additions.



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