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Time management in everyday family life

Time is a relative concept - as a child it seems to be available in infinite measure, the older you get, the faster it elapses. In families with children, time can become a precious commodity and a scarce commodity. Time management in everyday family life is essential so that enough time is available for everything.

Maybe you and your partner belong to those people who are able to manage their family's time by themselves. Then you are lucky. Mostly the reality looks completely different: At least one partner rushes with the child from appointment to appointment, important things remain lying and for common quality time as family or with the partner no more place seems at all to be. Vaterfreuden has a few tips on how you can optimize time management in everyday family life.


Save time - is that actually possible?

The stress potential in our lives has increased significantly and this is not only true for everyday family life. One of the main reasons for this is that our lives have become faster: we are forced to maximum flexibility and permanent availability, everything must happen immediately and immediately and be done. Added to this are our own demands, which mean additional stress and expenditure of time. If it is difficult to set priorities anyway, then the day is over in no time. You have the feeling that you haven't achieved anything, time just runs as you say it does. Saving time is not really possible, because it cannot be saved. However, it is probably possible to use the available time effectively, namely through well thought-out time management in everyday family life.

What is important, what can be left lying around?

For many people it is a real problem to filter out what has the highest priority. Apparently there is always so much that has to be done at the same time. But that's a mistake. The work to be done can usually be ranked quite easily if you answer the following questions:

What is the task that produces the greatest result?

Which task has the negative consequences of leaving out?

If you have a toddler in your house, the question of the highest priority is still relatively easy: The child is the first to be asked: If it is hungry, the diapers are full or it screams for other incomprehensible reasons. What follows can be put in order by the above-mentioned quick check. In addition, it is helpful to ask yourself what you are doing for yourself or your family and what you are doing to "look good" in front of others. The latter could include, for example, the obligatory car wash on Saturdays or mowing the lawn. It won't hurt anyone if these tasks wait a while longer for completion, but it will give you a window in which you can spend time with your family.

Time management in everyday family life - The best tips

Just as in the business sector, certain rules apply to time management in everyday family life. In addition to the joint definition of priorities, there are also some helpful methods of organizing time in and with the family:

To-do lists for an overview

Get an overview by listing everything that needs to be done. Such lists also provide a good opportunity to separate the important from the unimportant. Daily lists clear the mind and it is simply satisfying if you can set another checkmark on the list. If there are still tasks left at the end of the day, you should rather be happy about what you have achieved than annoyed about what you haven't done!

Develop routines

In everyday family life, there are many activities that have to be done again and again. Cooking food, tidying up, putting children to bed and other activities become markers in the day and ensure structure and order - and thus also more room for manoeuvre in time planning. If these routines are entered in a clearly arranged calendar, you and the whole family know which periods are "occupied" and where there is still free time for other activities. Each activity that you enter in the calendar should be marked with start and end times. This avoids overlaps.

All help together

Smaller children can also take on tasks, depending on their age, of course. If everyone helps together, there is more time together. A slightly older child can set the table while the final preparations for the meal are being made. After the meal all together help to clear the kitchen again. Together it goes faster and more fun on top of that.

Order saves time

Be a role model and save a lot of time at the same time. Think about how much time you spend every day searching for something. If you put everything back in its place immediately, you will save a lot of time and other family members as well. Encourage your children to do the same.

Don't be put off by it.

Stick to one thing and don't let yourself be tempted to do other things all the time. With small children, this happens quickly and is sometimes unavoidable. Nevertheless, you should try to finish something that you have started.

Watch out for "time killers

In the course of a day, you quickly sit down in front of the TV and zap through the programmes or get stuck on the Internet. Pay attention to how quickly time passes here. Time-outs are okay - but be aware of them and enjoy them too. Also in front of the TV and the Internet.

Time management in the family everyday life can provide for each quantity relaxation and altogether more time for the family. But don't let yourself be tempted to plan every minute of the day. Because that brings new stress. As much plan as necessary, as little plan as possible - this should be the motto for a relaxed and harmonious everyday family life.


Did I forget something? Can you think of any more points?
I´m looking forward to your experiences and additions.



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