DAD-Chronicals : Family excursion to the fairytale forest - or: Where is Anna?steemCreated with Sketch.

Family excursion to the fairytale forest - or: Where is Anna?

If someone does a trip, then he can tell something. Parents are enough for a trip to a nearby amusement park.


6:50 am Waking up

The children wake up. Normal time for a weekend. This is also the trip to the fairytale forest planned today. Of course you can not sleep a minute too long.

7:20 Breakfast

It is checked once again, when the fairytale forest opens. Ahhh, 9 o'clock - fits!

7:45 am elaborate packing of the march packages including change of clothes

Question: in which vehicle do all the things fit? Today we decide against the wagon and the buggy. Complained with some fabric bags must be enough. The children register two dolls, which must necessarily ride.

8:10 am Final preparations - donning, creaming, wrapping or pee

Talk to the big ones, what to wear: better a pair of pants than a dress, because playground suitable. Then the discussion that we will NOT take the doll carriage of her favorite doll Anna. Protest, tantrum, threat of boycott. Finally, the insight that she wants to come along. It's finally the fairytale forest. I can not wait until the little one can talk enough, that we can have this intensive conversation with her as well.

8:25 am departure

All in the car, luggage stowed, it starts. Maybe we'll be the first at the box office today. If passionate late sleepers would have told me earlier ...

8:27 in the car

Sound from the back seat: "Where is Anna? We forgot Anna. "Tears gather in our daughter´s eyes. My wife and I look at each other, turn the car and pick up the doll.

In the morning in the morning among the first at the amusement park - if someone had told me earlier

9:08 am arrival at the fairytale forest

As early as never before. The sixth car in the parking lot. I am proud of us.

9:12 am At the entrance of the fairytale forest

The kids want to go to the playground right away. I urge her to go quickly to the tourist train. That is surely still completely empty now.

9:15 clock At the tourist train

We are the first. And wait. Even after 5 minutes there is no train. Consultation at the entrance. Rides with staff are only open from 10 clock. So it goes to the horse tram. You can start it yourself.

9:58 am In the park

After countless trips with the horses, heard fairy tales and animated animal figures, the Bimmelbahn and the other rides start their operation. The park is gradually filling up and we had almost an hour of undisturbed fun. We decide to come back early next time.

11:20 am At the slides

After a few trips with the tourist train, Hare & Hedgehog, the cars and many fairy tales are now the slides turn. About 12 meters high and to ride in a felt bag. The gradient is different for the three tube slides. The big one prefers to ride the particularly steep slide with me - slope: shortly before free fall. We slip and slide. Then the little one wants too. I take her up with me - to the slowest slide. Finally, the big girl wants to take her doll Anna on the steep slide. We get her out of the buggy and do that too.

12:00 clock At the roller coaster

The park also has a small rollercoaster for children, the smell of our big not long because it was not big enough. In the meantime she is the absolute highlight in the park for Lilly. We drive four times with unremitting enthusiasm - with hands in the air and screaming when it goes down. On the last ride she gets from an impatient child the turnstile at the exit in the knuckles. A cry, tears, embracing - and to the consolation of two trips with mom at the end.

1 pm At the balloon train

After many more trips and numerous fairy tales, the children are getting increasingly tired - especially the little ones. We decide to go slowly towards the car.

1:20 pm In the parking lot

We pack the kids in the car, the buggy too. Another car is already ready to occupy our luxury car park. Suddenly Lilly calls, "Where is Anna?". Hectic search. She is not in the car. We must have lost the doll in the park. Lilly's eyes fill with tears as I run back to the entrance of the fairytale forest.


Suddenly the shock: We lost Anna in the amusement park

1:24 pm tour through the fairytale forest

Back in the park. The woman at the ticket booth and the people in the queue understood my situation. Surely we were not the first to know that happened. I jog as well as I can through the park, despair gives me strength. I look at the tourist train, at Hare and Hedgehog, at some fairy tales, at the playground ... At the other end of the park I see something lying on a bench. ANNA! Right next to the slides. It must have someone put her on the bench. Thanks to the decent finder! Maybe the name tag helped her neck. Whether we should also write the mobile phone number for the future? No matter. Quickly called my wife so that the baby calms down. Swift step and out of breath I go with doll in the arm direction exit. Shortly at the entrance cottage told, get a thumbs up. Well done. At the car my daughter closes her beloved doll in her arms, while the other is already exhausted.

1:45 pm Arrive at McDonalds

Against the horror - and for lunch we make the nearby McDonalds rest, the gourmet temple of our grandees. The little one continues sleeping soundly. Actually a little stupid, because she had not eaten yet, but so we adults can take our burgers in peace to us. The big one takes a kids menu with a water ice. She makes her way over the ice cream right away and gets really dirty. A high on the change of clothes! Then she eats three fries, looks at her toys and disappears towards the playground. The chicken nuggets and the rest of the chips we pack - then they are just in the evening. Just as we want to go, the little girl wakes up. We squeeze her in the mouth and drive home.

2:45 pm drive home

Shortly before arriving home, the big boy falls asleep in the car. Hooray! At home, we carry her to bed, where she relives the exciting day in her dreams.

Conclusion of the excursion to the fairytale forest

A fairly normal family trip with small crises and stressful situations, as all parents know it. But also with a lot of fun. The trip was a total success. We will definitely go back to the fairytale forest soon.


Did I forget something? Can you think of any more points?
I´m looking forward to your experiences and additions.



Other Dad-Chronicals Stories

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The children register two dolls, which must necessarily ride.

And then turning around to pick Anna back up, well done Dad :)

A well deserved sleep for her after what must have been a fun and exciting day

it was ... believe me it was ...

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Sounds like a fun place I would like to go to!

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

OMFGs.... this reminds me of the days when my daughter was young. I can relate to much of this.

An exhausting day but one the kids will remember and tell their kids one day, hopefully! Some of lifes precious moments are taking the kids to an amusement park.

Ugh. I get frightened thinking about this. Well, really about going anywhere with little kids. You're a brave man.

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