Vote Culture: Self Voting or Not? Comment Voting or Not?

in #steemitculture7 years ago (edited)

Voting is one of the key mechanisms in Steemit to distribute rewards. Votes gives the article or comment rewards to the author, as well as rewards to the one who votes.

Voting therefore is an interesting topic and we saw a lot of discussions and debates here on Steemit regarding voting curves, whale-no-votes experiment, new HF with an almost empty reward pool that is (still) filling up, down votes and so on. 

Today I like to discus the topic of self voting, ie voting on your own posts and comments.

When I started actively posting on Steemit, I used the interface settings as is, this was with the auto self voting in the Steemit UI unchecked, meaning I didn't upvote my own posts. After a couple of weeks I got some hints and comments from others, telling me to upvote my own posts, so I started doing that; Posts only, not my comments. At that time I didn't really know what algorithms were in place and how rewards were distributed. I only noticed that rewards to both, my posts and comments were very low in value. Obviously because I was a newbie, had hardly any followers, and my posts would be quickly gone in the general channels and therefore more or less invisible for the community at large.

For some reason though, I had (and still have) an uncomfortable feeling in upvoting my own posts and comments; I do not find it very chique. 

By now, understanding more of how rewards are distributed, the fact that rewards to posts and comments can be factors higher than rewards to votes, as well as the willingness to ReSteem from time to time while I want to be able to find my own posts easy, I stopped upvoting my posts more than a month ago. Note that I'm a mini minnow with super low super powers :)

In addition, I tend to vote more on comments than on posts. I for sure do not read 40 posts a day, but I do read quite a few comments. I like the interaction, and I like to reward others when they are part of the interaction. I even upvote comments of others that I like, without commenting to such comment.

Not voting for my own posts, gives me:

  • Good feeling
  • Easy discovery of my own posts in my Blog channel
  • Almost no reduction in vote rewards; And hardly a noticeable reduction in overall rewards
  • More votes left for posts and comments created by other authors

What is your view on the topic of self voting, what is your own culture you implement here on Steemit and what do you like it to be?

PS: I noticed I did some own post upvoting 2 days ago, when using Steemit UI with my smartphone, apparently the checkbox for auto upvote was checked. A bit unfortunate, but ok, sometimes errors happen.


follow me @edje


It seems like voting your own post is an act of being conceited. Loving your own, loving your own work. There's nothing wrong with loving your own work because its a matter of believing in what you did and what you have produce. In terms of voting your content, I think it would be better to let others decide how good and valuable it is by voting it. On the other hand, you can express your belief towards your content by promoting and not by voting it.

Thank for your feedback.

I think it would be better to let others decide how good and valuable it is by voting it. On the other hand, you can express your belief towards your content by promoting and not by voting it.

I agree with this statement you make for the 100%. I actually adopt that scenario. I promote most of my posts that I really like myself, in and even the various Discord channels. And sometimes on Twitter (have only 12 followers there, but some Steemian sometimes makes a ReTweet having a lot more followers); The Twitter promotion is to promote Steemit since I do not think it'll convert to any votes on the post itself, or results in comments :)

Interesting question I did ask a few times before . @abit replied that its not a sin to do so . I continue to up vote my own comments and posts but I am more selective these days.

I respect your view and behaviour/actions.

I think most of all I like to give my vote power to others, as mentioned through comments :) Lets see if further comments and views can change my mind though :)

I don't take it so serious and act spontaniously or if I like to get some moments on that I am active. I don't really know if it makes sense so I act randomly.

Random is Cool in a world were we try to get all Randomness out! hahaha

Hahaha , Oh well oh well ....I don't really understand much about the steemitculture and how the voting and payouts really work. Just having fun! I enjoy to see my wallet filling up as well :) randomnly

I did vote for myself before I knew there was a choice. Early on joining I got caught up in my own personal Whale-Flagging-War. Durning the bloody mess I discovered the vote option. Some whales hate that steemians vote for themsleve and flag a steemian for that. OUCH! I don't understand the whole thing but I do not vote for myself and that's not because some whale flagged me > it's a normal thing that I run out of votes daily. IT'S NOT MY FAULT. There are too many great posts that deserve the little I have. Stemmit is a wonderous creative planet to be alive on.

WOW, nice image!

it's a normal thing that I run out of votes daily. IT'S NOT MY FAULT.

I agree with you, and I like to reserve all my votes for others, I tend to vote mostly on comments and like to do that with full power, how little my power is worth doesn't matter :)

Nods head I agree

there is nothing wrong with upvoting your own posts. Not that it makes much in the way of a difference for most users. Having said that, if you feel more comfortable not upvoting your own posts, there is nothing wrong with that. I will usually upvote my post about 30 minutes or so after I post it which, as near as I know, gives others a crack at the curation rewards. I don't generally upvote my own comments.

Thank you for your feedback.

I will usually upvote my post about 30 minutes or so after I post it which, as near as I know, gives others a crack at the curation rewards. I don't generally upvote my own comments.

Voting for you own post, I guess this is best to do this immediately to give a little bit more rewards to you as the author. After 30 minutes the curation rewards seems to be split amongst curators only, without any percentage to the author. However, within 30 minutes, quite a few bots vote already, and also manual voters, and the more voting power you have in front of you, the less vote rewards goes to you due to a very non linear curve on vote weight and order of vote.

I do respect you vote for your own posts!

I certainly support my posts. otherwise, why would I post them at first place :)

Thanks for sharing
Have a great weekend

Thanks for your comments.

What is your view? And do you self upvote your own posts and comments?

I always upvote my posts because the option was selected by default, I asked about self-voting in and someone replied "no difference if you're a minnow". Someone else wrote "if you don't upvote your posts you can't earn curation rewards" but I don't really know.
I never upvote my comments because looks bad, especially for whales (it's a way to take rewards and visibility with little effort, instead of giving).
And I never liked my own stuff on facebook : )

"no difference if you're a minnow". Someone else wrote "if you don't upvote your posts you can't earn curation rewards"

Both statements are correct. I'm a super minnow with almost no voting power. That means you get a very very small percentage of the total curation reward anyway. On top of that, their is a vote weight implemented based on who comes first. This curve is far from linear; Am not sure what the curve is,but for user the voters in front of you will get MUCH more vote reward than the voters behind you. Most of the time there are some big voters in front of me, bots and others who where just quicker, so my vote rewards are generally nothing to 0.001SP to maybe sometimes 0.010SP. Compared to lets say 1$ on a post or comment which lets say is 0.75$ for the author, which is about 3 Steem = 3 SP = therefore 3.000SP, the 0.001 SP for curation is NOTHING in comparison!

For me voting is to show the author appreciation!

I remember when I discovered being selfvoted on my first post I felt me embarassed and delete it! :-) I think that whatever thing the platform let you to do in your own interest has to be keep'in in place without shame. So now I keep checked-on the upvote option :-)

I agree, whatever is available shall also be used, or at least can also be used and shall not be condemned by anybody! I respect your view and actions! Thank you for sharing your views.

I personally don't upvote myself. I feel like it goes against the grain of what this platform is idealistically supposed to be, and I want to see that come to fruition. I also like to let my VP be a tool to distribute stake, inspire people to stay involved by voting for THEM if I feel they contribute to the community and aren't being greedy, etc. This idea and this platform dies when you horde and do not participate. With that same coin in mind, the flip-side bears the polar opposite.

Thank you for your comment. I think your attitude is very good for this platform.

Thanks! I try to be a positive influence. Too much negativity, strife, and suffering in the world. I'd rather perpetuate things that don't suck and are progressive, working toward the greater good.

that I'm a mini minnow with super low super powers :) Hei.... you are valuable minnow in steemit ocean ! Soon you will be mighty minnow or dolphin ! Nice ! :)

Thanks for your nice comment!
Maybe maybe, but to become a Dolphin I really need to invest hard currency, it is a long long way to Dolphin status hahahaha.
But who knows, a small bit of my earned SBD and Steem is on crypto exchanges, maybe that bring some more value that I can then invest in SP! So far so good with all the increase of values in Cryptland coins! hahaha

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