๐Ÿ’Œ Steemit Comment Challenge #8 - $15SBD + 50% $Post Giveaway - Comment like a Champ, Grow your blog like a Champ!! ๐Ÿ’Œ

Transform your Comment into Cash

Welcome to Steemit Comment Challenge #8!!!

This edition is sponsored by @fishmon who donated 10 SBD to the prize pot! @fishmon won last editions record run and was kind enough to make a donation back. Great stuff to keep the prize pot more attractive! If you read this, please make sure to drop by and send some love back. ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“

It is important to get followers, but you also want the correct type of followers. Followers that are truly interested in your blog and what you write, and not the โ€œI-follow-you-if-you-follow-meโ€ kind of type. And to attract the right type of followers, you need to write godlike comments.

This challenge is all about writing those godlike comments.

  • In each challenge a post from a fellow minnow will be featured.
  • The challenge is to write an amazing comment related to that post.
  • I will resteem the post.
  • I will give it a 100% upvote.

This will be part of my campaign to help other Minnows. The #minnowsupportproject helped me and I want to help others.

Join the challenge and practice your skills.

Please join the fun!

That will be me reading your entries...

Challenge Instructions

Write a comment linked to the content in the section below "Post To Review"

Write a comment that will intrigue the reader. The comment should be interesting and create an urge in the reader to click through to your blog.

The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.

Please resteem to help promote this challenge!
Tell your friends to come and vote for your comment!


The prize money for Challenge #8 will be 15 SBD + 50% of the profit from this post.
One talented winner will receive the prize money!

Rules and conditions

  • The comment should be relevant to the content below in: "Post To Review".
  • The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.
  • Entries limited to one per person.
  • I will reply to your comment confirming it is a valid entry.
  • The challenge ends at the end of the 7th day of this post.
  • To vote for an entry, reply to the comment with the words "vote or voted"
  • Upvotes are allowed to make the entry more visible, but the upvotes themselves play no role in the challenge.
  • The Top5 entries with the most votes(i.e. replies with the words "vote or voted") will be potential winners.
  • The two judges will pick the winner from the Top5.
  • If the judges can not reach a consensus, they will each pick one candidate and flip a coin. @dorabot will be used for this in MSP's Discord server.
  • If the winner is not a Minnow, the prize will be split in 2 and the other half paid out to the best Minnow. After all, this is a competition to encourages Minnows, so hopefully that will be fair.
  • The definition for a Minnow from #minnowsupportproject will be used. A Minnow is someone with less than 5K SP. (I have removed the followers requirement as I don't see that as relevant.)

Post To Review

Here follows the post for you to review:
Challenge #8 Post

@jrswab is publishing some awesome guides for Steemit, well worth reading and learning from. This week's featured post is one from his series. Do your best and show us your skills in comment writing.

Please come up with a godlike comment and post it as a reply to this post.
To support @jrswab, please consider adding the same comment to his post.

Guest Judge

This weeks guest judge is @destinysaid.
As a guest judge, you will have a say in picking the featured post and will be part of the process to pick the winner.

Would you like to take part and act as a judge?
If you are interested, please indicate it in the comments or send me a message on Discord(See link below).

Upcoming judges:

  • @fishmon
  • Please donate, please help a minnow

    If you like this idea and would like it to grow. Please feel free to donate and I will add it to the Prize Pool. Mention #steemitcommentchallenge in your memo.

    History of donations:
    @zeartul 10SBD
    @destinysaid 5SBD
    @dray91eu 8SBD
    @tech-trends 10 STEEM
    @fishmon 10SBD

    The current remaining money in the prize pool is: SBD24.

    Thank you for reading!

    Proud member of #minnowsupportproject & #teamaustralia -
    Thank you @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem,
    @theprophet0, @someguy123, @canadian-coconut and @sirknight
    Click HERE to learn more about Minnow Support Project.
    Click HERE to connect to our Discord chat server.

    TEAM AUSTRALIA - Show the rest of Steemit what you can do!

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    Thanks for the feature! I'm here to give as much value as I can and hope my decade of blogging experience and help some people cut down on the learning curve.

    We all benefit form awesome content! There is always someone out there who needs to hear what you have to say.

    Much love. PAL4Life <3

    << J. R. >>

    It is a great series you have started. Valuable for both veterans and newcomers.
    I hope you will keep it up. SteemOn!!

    Love the contest, it is all about the comments!

    Thank you for the kind words!

    Hi @danielsaori,

    Here is my comment entry

    Hi @jrswab,
    My age on steemit is less than a day. I am glad I came cross your post as I am trying to learn about steemit. I like what you say as it resonates with how I think.

    When reading a poem or story that eludes to the authors feelings this is more important. We don't know how bad it is for them based on the content. We need to take the time to put ourselves in their position before making a comment or reaching out. If you don't agree with what is being said then it might be best to leave your opinion out of the comment section. It is better to say nothing than to make the situation worse for the creator.

    I have read this Post and it sounded that the person writing this post has been suffering quite a bit. Yet they use their experience as an example to educate others, Post.

    You may have short-term gains but people are keen on fakers. This will turn on you before you know it and you will end up being worse off than if you had just gave for the sake others, not yourself.

    I am not sure how many people are keen on fakers. Yesterday I came a cross a post about someone that has been swindling money from people, yet he apparently has many followers and supporters! You can find that here

    As I said I am new here and I have been trying to learn more about all of this, so I can't really give a solid opinion nor I can assert the truth behind anything.

    Thank you for the inspiring post.

    Thank you!

    Welcome to Steemit and best of luck in this contest.

    Thank you for your reply.

    Commented here and on his post

    You need to give expecting nothing in return. Until you can spend your day on steem giving to those who work hard and not caring about the rewards you will never win.

    Nailed the take-home message right here. I think once you see every upvote as a personal gesture, this concept is easy to master. I think it's definitely a discipline, though. Begin by fully reading and understanding what each person is trying to communicate, respond with compassion, and then you can't help but feel rewarded before you ever see an actual reward payout.

    Great thoughts, my friend. If more people had this attitude, Steemit would be a better place. I think I'll bookmark this post to share with new users in the future. There's much to be learned from the attitudes you've outlined here.

    Thank you for sharing, and I look forward to more great content. I'm headed over to check out the "You Need More Patience" post you referred to. Keep up the good work!

    Great comment and great to have you in the contest.

    Posted on the original article:

    Hey @jrswab again, what an incredible post. Your words couldn't have come at a better time. I feel like outside of the STEEM ecosystem our world is incredibly polarized and your quote here really hit home for me:

    we can never know what someone is going though in their personal life. We only see what they create and share with the rest of the Steem universe.

    I think it's so important to think about that before commenting on anyone's work regardless of where it has been posted. It's incredibly easy to be negative and down putting online where you can be somewhat anonymous. However, if more people had compassion and the ability to put themselves in other's shoes I think the internet would be a much kinder place. That's the bigger picture I took away from your post.

    I have found this community to be so accepting and fun. I really attribute it to you and others like you who are more about building the community than profiting off of it. After being on here for only a few weeks I can see that this place is very special.

    Thanks again for another wonderful post, and for reminding us what is really important in life.

    Entry confirmed!
    Wish you the best of luck.

    Being in the US it is easy to forget how good we have it here compared with the rest of the world. I sometimes forget that Steemit is more an international platform then my other social media timewasters.

    I wrote a post yesterday about the Success Of Steemit Depends On You that ties in nicely with your compassion theme. To borrow an entirely overused cliche..........Be The Change You Want To See In The World.

    As Steemians we are all in the same boat. We all want to be successful here and want steem to be valuable. But that only happens if we engage and interact with each other. Steem is a currency but the real value of Steemit is the people who make the community.

    Ok enough cheesy feel good stuff. Keep up the good work homie. Followed to see more.


    Entry confirmed!
    Best of luck!

    Here's my entry. I also left the comment on his post. :-)

    As far as compassion goes I think Steemit might be the best place on the internet. In other online "communities" I've visited there seems to be so many hateful people. I noticed immediately that for Steemit users that does not seem to be the case. Nine times out of ten, even if the poster and commenters do not agree, they conduct themselves in a civil way. In fact, I'm secretly dreading Steemit becoming more popular, because I know that the welcoming attitudes we have here may degrade.

    I guess because the internet gives anonymity people think this gives them license to be awful to each other. That's a real shame. The internet is an amazing tool we can use to spread knowledge and support, and we all need to remember that when we interact with others. Steemit's slogan could totally be "The nicest place on the web". In fact.. I might have to write a post about it. haha

    To what degree do you think the monetary reward system shapes the way people behave?

    I'm sure that plays a role. Especially since getting flagged can effect your rewards, and if you're nicer then somebody is more likely to up vote your comment. However, based on my time in other communities I attribute it more to the "size effect". Once something becomes famous enough detractors start to move in. I've experienced this on Reddit where small sub-reddits were great communities, but as soon as a sub hit the front page people who had no interest in the actual subject moved in, and the attitude of the sub seriously declined.

    Yes, it will be interesting to see how Steemit will change if we will have a 10 times, 100 times bigger community.

    Great comment and best of luck!

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